Legends of Polish Equestrian

The history of Independent Poland, for centuries associated with horses…

Main Patron of the Project:

Places and organizations...
Events and publications...

Project partners:

Polish Horse Racing Club

It works to develop and promote horse racing and improve horse breeding. It issues permits to organize horse races, manage a racing stable and licenses for judges, trainers, riders and drivers. Establishes the conditions for running races and monitors their compliance.

Polish Equestrian Association

An organization associating competitors, trainers, judges and activists of Polish horse riding, as well as veterinarians involved in horse riding.

Polish Horse Breeders Association / "Breeder and Rider"

The purpose of PZHK is, among others: representing the interests and protecting the rights of horse breeders, supervision and control over organizational and substantive matters of the Associations and Sections, and improving horse breeding and breeding.

“Breeder and Rider” – a magazine intended not only for horse breeding enthusiasts in Poland.

Association "Battle of Komarów"

The "Battle of Komarow" Association was established in 2006 based on the involvement of people who have been actively cultivating the memory of this great event since 2001. The main goal of the Association was to restore the proper importance of the Battle of Komarow - a history hidden for many decades of the Polish People's Republic.

Read our latest post:

Legends of Polish Equestrian

People, horses, events, studs, equestrian clubs. . .

The history of independent Poland shown through the prism of horse riding, horse breeding and racing

Soldiers and riders - winners of the first Nations Cup for Poland, Nice 1925.

From the left: Lt. Col. Karol Rómmel, Capt. Adam Królikiewicz, Gen. Władysław Anders, Capt. Henryk Dobrzański, lieutenant Kazimierz Szosland.


The purpose of the project Legends of Polish Equestrian (www.plpj.pl) is to remind and emphasize the role of people, Polish patriots, who contributed in a special way to the development of breeding, equestrian sport and hippo art in Poland. We will also show horses that, with their results at the world's hippodromes, have gone down in the history of Polish horse breeding, equestrian sport and horse racing. Many Polish artists were in love with these beautiful animals, which they immortalized in their paintings, photographs and sculptures. We will also mention them.

This project will also emphasize the role of historical and equestrian events, which in a special way contributed to building a positive image of Poland in the world.

If, as a result of its implementation, young people learn about the interesting and fascinating history of Poland, shown through the prism of history, horse breeding, equestrian sport and racing, we will consider that the project has fulfilled its task.

Legends of Polish Equestrianism were entered into the Register of Journals and Magazines on November 12.11.2021, 979, by decision of the District Court in Bielsko-Biała, XNUMXst Civil Division (register no. XNUMX).


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We need your help more than ever.

We do not have a grant or any external institution to run the portal. Without your donations, it will be difficult for us to carry out our mission for you. That is why your support in the form of patronage over a given legend or a direct donation for the development of our projects is very important to us.

If you like our projects and read our articles about legendary Polish riders, breeders and soldiers with interest, please visit the website of our company BoberTeam, the executor of PLPJ and PCBJ educational projects, and see how you can help us (click). Even a small amount makes a huge difference. Especially now, in these difficult times.

Thank you for your interest. If you want to learn about the history of Poland and Polish horse riding with us! Remember…

Your regular support is very important.

Our projects develop thanks to the help of honorary patrons, patrons and promoters.

support us!

Artur Bober, originator of the Legends of Polish Horsemanship projects www.plpj.pl and the Polish Digital Equestrian Library www.pcbj.pl.

❤ Standing order to account

Bober Team sp. z o.o

st. Baranowicka 3, 43-430 Skoczow


PLN account for payments from Poland:

Cooperative Bank in Skoczów: PL 56 8126 0007 0062 5027 2000 0010




for transfers from abroad: 

Cooperative Bank in Skoczów IBAN: PL 56 8126 0007 0062 5027 2000 0010



Polish team at competitions in London 1925 (photo: NAC)

From left: Rtm. Adam Królikiewicz, Capt. Zdzisław Dziadulski, Lieutenant Colonel Karol Rómmel, Capt. Henryk Dobrzański and lieutenant Kazimierz Szosland.

Poland's first victory in the Nations Cup, Nice 1925 (photo: NAC)

From the left, behind General Władysław Anders (head of the team), Lt. Col. Karol Rommel (1 regiment), Capt. Henryk Dobrzański (2nd regiment), cavalry officer Adam Królikiewicz (1st regiment), lieutenant Kazimierz Szosland (2nd regiment), lieutenant Władysław Zgorzelski (15th regiment).

Projects #PLPJ is open to all interested.

We accept applications on the portal: www.facebook.com/PolishEquestrianLegends.

Become a patron who will take care of the memory and good name of the selected Legend.