Born in Wrocław in 1953 as Andrzej Pater, he grew up in Kraków and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts there. Since 1981, he has been living and working in the United States, and since 1988, in Kentucky, famous for breeding Thoroughbred horses.


Andre Pater is a man of deep knowledge and keen intuition, natural talent and a rigorous work ethic. He is a chatty, engaging storyteller whose profession requires long hours alone with a canvas and brushes. As an artist passionate about sports, he achieved success by various means, but his insatiable curiosity forces him to constantly evolve his style and themes.

He explained this evolution as telling a story for many years. A rich businessman asked Pater about his dreams. Now, he said, "it's a pay-to-pay bustle," but he felt the question needed a better answer. Looking at the view from his client's rooftop, Pater pointed to the horizon and said, "I dream I'm going there, but once I'm there, I see another horizon."

Pater painted many of the best Thoroughbreds of his time, but looking for his next challenge, he took his family on a trip to the West and became infatuated with Native American subjects. He was taken over by themes of Indians in traditional costumes and on horses. Art collectors followed suit, and in 2016 his “Red Arrow,” a portrait of a Lakota warrior at the Sporting Art Auction, a collaboration between Keeneland Racecourse and Cross Gate Gallery, went for $276.


By Jacalyn Carfagno

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Entry updated: 26.08.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

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"Inspiring Surroundings" [EN] (2022) - Mariah Kline

Catching the Light (2021) - Jacalyn Carfagno

"Andre Pater" [EN] (2020) - Pam Maley

"A Creative Journey" [EN] (2019) - Jackie Hollenkamp Bentley

„Andre Pater. A sporting artist for the ages” [EN] (2019) – Jen Roytz

"Kentucky Governor`s Mansion" [EN] (2015) - Andre Pater

"The Bluegrass Palette of Andre Pater" [EN] (2010)

“Atlanta `96 retrospective” [EN] (1996) – Andre Pater

"Matter of Light" [excerpts] [EN] - Andre Pater


Andre Pater – Art Visionary | PCBJ


Andre Pater. American Journey | MOVIE
