Actor, draftsman, architect, designer of interiors and residences in historical styles, expert and practitioner of equestrian art. The author of the logo of SK Janów Podlaski.
Born on September 1, 1930 in Warsaw.
Andrzej Grzybowski, own coat of arms, is an actor, interior designer, draftsman, painter and collector.
He is the son of the outstanding numismatist-collector Stefan Grzybowski. Fascinated by equestrianism from an early age, he made mounts and carriage horses the main subject of his drawings. Andrzej Grzybowski was no less interested in XNUMXth and XNUMXth century architecture.
These non-professional interests, great drawing and painting proficiency, which went hand in hand with excellent knowledge of both architectural styles and historical styles of horse-drawn carriages and equestrian lines, made him take up drawing and painting and illustrating equestrianism and also started designing in historical styles villas and mansions.
He is the author of stylish horse-drawn carriages and horse riding designs, including: such costume films as "Janosik", dir. J. Passendorfer, "Mazepa" (according to J. Słowacki), dir. G.Holoubek and "Shatov and Demons" (based on "The Fiends" by F. Dostoyevsky) dir. A. Wajda. He illustrated "Arabiens Pferde Allas liebste Kinder by Erika Schiele, München 1972, Araber in Europa, Erika Schiele München1982, Hippologia dla all, J. Grabowski, Warsaw 1984, Carriages, carriages and harnesses in Polish collections, Zb. Prus-Niewiadomskiego, Warsaw 1995. (…)
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Author: Aldona Cholewianka-Kruszyńska, Museum - Castle in Łańcut
Entry updated: 23.08.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
Andrzej Grzybowski died on October 25, 2020. He was buried at Stare Powązki in Warsaw (plot 86-6-7).
Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:
Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):
"Andrzej Grzybowski's Epistolary Art" (2020) - BoberTeam
"Andrzej Grzybowski - Polish contemporary historicism" (2008) - Maciej Loba
"Andrzej Grzybowski's mounts and equipages" (2000) - Aldona Cholewianka-Kruszyńska
"Prime Minister Architecte de Sa Majesté Roy de Pologne" (1998) - Tadeusz Stefan Jaroszewski
"Andrzej Grzybowski" (2020) - Aldona Cholewianka-Kruszyńska
“The Last Architect of King Stas” (2016) – Stanisław Ledóchowski
"Life begins at ninety" (~1970) - Rogowski
“And does your friend prefer to carry Comrade Marx or Comrade Stalin?” – Piotr Dzięciołowski (excerpts from the book entitled: "PAINTING, DRAWING, SCULPTURE, HORSES")
"Andrzej Grzybowski's collections and works" (1984) - Stanisław Ledóchowski