Andrzej Sarnowski devoted his entire professional life to horses, he was an expert and admirer of these animals. The originator and first editor-in-chief of the quarterly "Hodowca i Jeździec".
Born in Poznań, son of Barbara née Tyc and Kazimierz Sarnowski. Graduate of the Agricultural University in Poznań, Master of Science in Animal Science, horse breeder.
Andrew Sarnowski
Horse breeder, creator and first Editor-in-Chief of the national quarterly "Hodowca i Jeździec", initially published as a regional magazine of the West Pomeranian Horse Breeders Association; in the years 1980-1995 deputy director, chief specialist in horse breeding, herd administrator and director of the State Stallion Stud in Łobez; in the years 1995-1999 president of the Racot Stud; in the years 2002-2008 manager of the West Pomeranian Horse Breeders Association.
In subsequent years, a private breeder of noble horses and an entrepreneur who was the first in Poland to implement the idea of obtaining and processing milk from noble mares and cow colostrum for medical and veterinary purposes. In private, a descendant of an officer of the Blue Army, General Haller; an honorable man of action, gifted with a creative intellect but also a sensitive interior artist, absolutely devoted to equine matters, especially building and strengthening the authority of Polish-bred horses.
Andrzej Sarnowski, born in Poznań, son of Barbara née Tyc and Kazimierz Sarnowski. Graduate of the Agricultural University in Poznań, Master of Science in Animal Science, horse breeder. Throughout his life associated with horses, most of his professional work was connected with Wielkopolska and Western Pomerania. He used to say about horses that they are an inspiration for everything that is good and beautiful, that they ennoble and raise standards, teach culture. In one of the issues of Hodowcy i Jeździeca he wrote that although breeding work can be hard and reality is sad and gray, the proximity of horses gives the opportunity to move to the ideal land of communion with the eternal and most faithful companion of man. He treated them with respect and the conviction that as animals of large spaces, they cannot be humanized, but it is the man who derives so many benefits from their domestication who owes them understanding of their eternal instincts. "You can't fool a horse, everything with him must be as it should be, this is what great professors taught me. Also order. Thanks to horses I also learned a certain discipline […]” – Andrzej Sarnowski once said. Among these “great professors” was, among others, Prof. Zwoliński, who, seeing in him outstanding predispositions, offered him a job as a breeder at PSO Łobez.
Andrzej Sarnowski used to say about breeding that the most important thing is a wise breeding idea adapted to the environmental conditions, not blindly following foreign patterns. Despite his incredible intuition, knowledge and experience, he often repeated – “I thought I knew everything about horses, but they still remind me of humility”.
"A great enthusiast and creator of new solutions [...] a man with an extremely open mind and at the same time determined enough to turn his ideas into action [...] a man whose passion and commitment were contagious to everyone he worked with" - this is what prof. Paweł Nawrotek from the Nanotechnology Educational and Research Center of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. Their paths crossed when in 2019 they began pilot studies inspired by another idea of Andrzej Sarnowski to assess the impact of colostrum (cow colostrum) on the viability of probiotic bacteria and to expand its applications in human and veterinary medicine. Unusually for the president of the company he founded, he said – "I know nothing about trade, I don't like it [...] I'm finally doing what I love, I invent, organize and conduct scientific research in cooperation with universities" – and he bred horses, noble ones. In this way he proved that collecting horse milk for medical purposes does not have to be associated with the breeding of cold-blooded horses and its consequences. Andrzej Sarnowski was passionate about sports, including horse racing. As he himself said during the competition at the Visarno track in Florence, which he observed in October 2019 – if he could choose again, he would focus his breeding work on breeding racehorses. When he founded the Hodowca i Jeździec magazine, paying tribute to his pre-war ancestor, he also thought about restoring the Pomeranian Griffon breed, hidden in the shadow of history, but this remained a dream. Andrzej’s unexpected and sudden passing on Wednesday, October 23, 2019, halted further work, both scientific and strictly related to horse breeding. A twist of fate meant that on that day he received information about the positive consideration of the patent application for which he had applied as the originator of the method of obtaining and processing horse milk and cow colostrum, but this information never reached him. In addition to improving the breeding of noble horses, which he conducted at the company farm in Gardno near Łobez (where an equivalent direction of activity was obtaining mare's milk), located just a few kilometres away from the no longer existing herd in Świętoborzec, he considered implementing a project called the "West Pomeranian Educational Centre for Horse Breeding, Raising and Training, as well as obtaining, processing and promoting the consumption of mare's milk". It was to be a continuation of the always existing idea of education and professionalism in horse breeding, carried out with the support of PZHK and Polish breed associations. He had previously started a similar project in Racot, where the first class in Wielkopolska with a profile in horse breeding and use was established at the Agricultural School Complex in Nietążków. Unfortunately, after leaving the position of president of SK Racot, this and other projects of his authorship were dissolved. The mementos of just a few years of his presidency in Racot include the restored palace and farm buildings, a modern machine park, and a strengthened breeding farm. As Richard Nixon said: The greatness of a man is revealed not in everything going well, but in the failures, the disappointments, the sadness. Because only when you are at the bottom of the deepest abyss can you appreciate the magnificence of the highest peaks. This sentence fully reflects what Andrzej Sarnowski was like. Although His achievements and successes are described, little is said about how many attempts He had to make, often forced by extremely difficult situations, what risks He had to face, and how often He was disappointed by an unjust turn of events. However, he always looked at the whole picture, believing that everything happens for a reason; perhaps sometimes, without even noticing it himself, he persisted, stronger than the conditions of time and life. There is also a second measure of humanity, one that can be used by those who were lucky enough to meet Andrzej Sarnowski on their path.
Author: Maria Serdyńska
Entry updated: 21.10.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
Andrew Sarnowski He died on October 23, 2019 in Szczecin. He was 67 years old. He was buried at the Central Cemetery in Szczecin.
Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:
Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):
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"Memories of Andrzej Sarnowski" - Grzegorz Nowak
Meeting with Andrzej Sarnowski | FILM
"The importance of colostrum for the foal" (2009) – Ryszard Pikuła, Andrzej Sarnowski
"The Stallion's Mother" (2006) – Anna Nowicka-Posłuszna, Andrzej Sarnowski
"Principles of rational horse nutrition part 2" (2005) – Andrzej Sarnowski
"Principles of rational horse nutrition part 1" (2003) – Andrzej Sarnowski
"Changes in Racot" (1997) – Anna Nowicka-Posłuszna, Andrzej Sarnowski
"Leon Kon – co-founder of the Polish driving school" – Andrzej Sarnowski, Zdzisław Witkowski
"Master of Engineering Andrzej Sarnowski" (2020) – Maria Serdyńska
"Memories of Andrzej Sarnowski" (2019) – Maria Serdyńska
"Andrzej Sarnowski has passed away" (2019) – Maria Serdyńska
"Memories of Andrzej Sarnowski" - Grzegorz Nowak
Breeder and Rider (since 2003)
Meeting with Andrzej Sarnowski
Related Legends:

Polish Horse Breeders Association
The purpose of PZHK is, among others: representing the interests and protecting the rights of horse breeders, supervision and control over organizational and substantive matters of the Associations and Sections, and improving horse breeding and breeding.
The photos come from the archive of Mrs. Maria Serdyńska.

Szczecin Courier 2010.

Szczecin Courier 2020.