On December 18.12.1817, 154, he marched XNUMX horses from Moscow to Janów Podlaski. The first organizer of SK in Janów Podlaski.
Born around 1778.
The imperial decree issued in 1816 stipulated that Koniuszy Wielki Korony would be the supervisor of the herd in Janów Podlaski. Therefore, the first director of the herd was Aleksander Potocki from Wilanów, who at that time held the above title. He proposed the candidacy of Jan Ritz for a specialist who would travel to Russia to select and import the stallions and mares donated by the emperor.
Jan Ritz was a German settled in Poland. He graduated from a veterinary school in Berlin, then served as a "knocker at the herds of the King of Prussia", and finally settled in Volhynia with Rzewuski's herd (probably at Wacław Rzewuski's in Koźmin).
Jan Ritz's candidacy was accepted by the governor and in December 1816 he was summoned to Warsaw. However, the preparatory activities, and above all the correspondence with the authorities in St. Petersburg, lasted quite a long time, so that it was not until the spring of 1817 that Jan Ritz set off for St. Petersburg, and from there to Moscow.
Meanwhile, feverish preparations were underway in the Kingdom to receive and house the beginning of the herd.
Author: Witold Pruski
Source: “The history of the State Stud Farm in Janów Podlaski 1817 – 1939” (1948)
Entry updated: 31.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
John Ritz died on September 16, 1826 in Warsaw.
Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:
Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):
“The history of the State Stud Farm in Janów Podlaski 1817 – 1939” (1948) – Witold Pruski
"Jan Ritz" (1948) - Witold Pruski
“Imperial decree of 1816 regarding the herd in Janów Podlaski” (1816) – Alexander I Romanov
Rider and Breeder, 1922-1939
A pre-war weekly magazine addressed to breeders, athletes, racing and horse enthusiasts. Poles for whom the history of our country is inextricably linked with horse breeding and equestrian sports.
Mark Trela
Bow. vet. Arabian horse breeder, in the years 2000-2016 president of the Janów Podlaski Stud, vice-president of the World Federation of Arabian Horses (WAHO).
Janów Podlaski Horse Stud
On October 6, 1816, Tsar Alexander I of Russia signed a decree establishing the State Stud Farm and Stallion Stud. The over 200-year history of this stud farm is a beautiful history of Polish and world Arabian horse breeding.