Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Association

Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [www.pzj.pl].

Rider, trainer, breeder, director. Nowielice SK. Silver medal of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980 (Champagne), silver medal of the Polish Jumping Championships 1977, Drzonków (Zygzak), bronze medal of the Polish Eventing Championships, Biały Bór 1977 (Tropik).


After graduating from high school at the Bolesław the Brave Secondary School in Gryfice, rider Janusz Bobik began studies at the Agricultural University of Szczecin.

He trained horses all the time, competed, won medals in the Polish Championships and a silver medal in the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. He was an all-around rider, in Show Jumping and in the All-Round Riding Horse Competition.

Because he was a good rider, he was invited to ride horses in England and Finland. In 1977, David Broome, the world champion, invited him to England. For this purpose, he used his six-month student internship. He also rode with Barbara Hammond.

He trained young horses and took part in various competitions. He was the only Pole who took part in Badminton, the horse Wimbledon. During his stay in England, he collected material used in his master's thesis, in which he compared the training of horses in the Comprehensive Riding Horse Competition in England and Poland.

He himself competed on four horses in one day. Until noon on two and in the afternoon, at another event, a hundred kilometers in another place, also on two. There he also wondered where people had enough money to participate in and watch competitions. In England, the stands were full of spectators, in Poland it was terrifyingly empty. A huge difference in the culture of life and being. Same in Finland. He was there twice, in winter and in summer.


In 1979, he completed a professional internship after graduation at the Nowielice Stud Farm. He started working there as a zootechnician, breeder, head breeder, deputy director of his father, and from 1998, president of the Management Board of the Nowielice Stud Farm, which was a sole-shareholder company of the State Treasury. Over the years, he has been riding horses, taking part in competitions, in the Polish Championships, European Championships, in the CSIO Grand Prix in Aachen in 1983, and with his horse Champagne, he takes thirteenth place. During these years, he was also a coach at the Dragon club and took on the duties of coach of the national team. Before the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992, he undertook the preparation of competitors in the Comprehensive Riding Horse Competition. These were difficult preparations. Average horses, no money. After training together in Biały Bór, they went to Barcelona: Piotr Piasecki on Igrek, Jacek Krukowski on Ibis, Bogusław Jarecki on Fanta, Arkadiusz Bachur on Chutor, Rafał Choynowski on Dresden. They took ninth place out of 26 teams.


Author: Witold Duński
Source: "Janusz Bobik" (2012) - Witold Duński

Entry updated: 02.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Janusz Bobik" (2012) - Witold Duński

"40 years of horse breeding at PSK Nowielice" (1989) - R. Pikuła, J. Bobik

"XXII Olympic Games Moscow" (1980) - Eryk Brabec

Olympic Games Moscow 1980 – Nations Cup and Grand Prix [RU]| MOVIE

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