Rtm. 15th Poznan Lancers Regiment. Silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Amsterdam 1928. in the show jumping competition, on the horse Mylord.
Born on October 8, 1901 in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
Father Alexander. Mother Wanda née Scipio del Campo. Graduate of the Junior High School in Śmieło, Kiev Governorate, School of Infantry Cadets in Warsaw, Central School of Cavalry in Grudziądz, Central School of Gymnastics and Sport in Poznań. Non-commissioned officer of the 11th Don Lancer Regiment in the Russian Volunteer Army, Captain Kossak's 2nd Dragoon Regiment, 3rd Independent Border Rifle Squadron, 6th Horse Rifle Regiment, 1st Light Cavalry Regiment, second lieutenant of the 15th Poznan Uhlan Regiment.
Amsterdam May 17 - August 12, 1928 - silver medal on Mylorda in the Nations Cup together with Michał Antoniewicz-Woysy on Readgledt, Kazimierz Szosland on Ali. In the individual Show Jumping Competition he was fourth with Mylord.
Before becoming an Olympic medalist in 1928, he was a soldier first.
From 1919, the senior shooter Kazimierz Gzowski fought for Poland in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoons. From August 6, 1919, he was a corporal in the 6th Regiment of Mounted Riflemen. From September 1920, he fought as a platoon leader in the heavy machine gun squadron of the 1st Light Cavalry Regiment.
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Author: Witold Duński
Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library
Entry updated: 14.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
Casimir Gzowski died on June 25, 1986 in London, at the age of 85.
Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:
Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):
"One driving school, different fates" (2019) - Hanna Łysakowska
"Polish Olympic riders of the interwar period, part II" (2019) - Hanna Łysakowska
"Polish Olympic riders of the interwar period, part I" (2018) - Hanna Łysakowska
"Kazimierz Gzowski" (2012) - Witold Danish
"Riders-Olympians of the Second Republic" (2012) - Renata Urban
"Olympic Riders" (2000) - Hanna Łysakowska
"History of horse riding, part IX” (1991) – Witold Domański
"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański
"Honorary Equestrian Badge" (1936) - Editors of the Rider and Breeder magazine
“Amsterdam – Hilversum” (1928) – Leon Kon
"Polish Riders at the IX Olympiad" (1928) - Leon Kon
"Gzowski Kazimierz Aleksander" - Editorial team
Related Legends:

Sergiusz Zahorski
Brigadier General of the Polish Army, head of the Military Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Poland, co-founder of Polish equestrian sports, participant of the 1912 Olympic Games in the Russian national team.

Rider and Breeder, 1922-1939
A pre-war weekly magazine addressed to breeders, athletes, racing and horse enthusiasts. Poles for whom the history of our country is inextricably linked with horse breeding and equestrian sports.

He was born as Kaktus in 1920, bred by Stefan Walewski from Inczew, owned by the Polish Army. In 1931 and 1933 he won at Szosland PN in Warsaw. IO Amsterdam 1928, team silver. in jumping. He made one mistake at the Olympics. Rider Capt. K. Szosland – 2 points. penalties, XNUMXth place ind.

Bred in Ireland. Its owner was captain. art. Józef Szilagyi. The army probably bought it from him before the games. IO Amsterdam 1928, team silver. in jumping. He made one mistake in the game. Rider Lt. K. Gzowski – 0/2 points. penalties in the match, XNUMXth place ind.

Bred in Ireland. It was owned by the Horse Sports Group. Ridden by various riders. In the 2nd half In the 20s he won several PN competitions. Calm and confident. IO Amsterdam 1928, team silver. in jumping. Rider Capt. M. Antoniewicz – 6 points. penalties, XNUMXth place ind.

Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928, bronze team medal in eventing, under Lieutenant Colonel Karol Rómmel from the 1st Józef Piłsudski Light Cavalry Regiment.

Lieutenant Kazimierz Gzowski jumps on Readgledt victoriously in Budapest
1929 w roku.

In 1929, in Madison Square Garden in New York, the Polish team won the Cup of Nations. Lieutenant Kazimierz Gzowski jumped in it on Hamlet and Readgledt. From the left, Lieutenant Stefan Starnawski, team leader Colonel Rudolf Dreszer, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Washington Kornel Filipowicz, Lieutenant Kazimierz Gzowski, Lieutenant Władysław Zgorzelski.

September 1928. Equestrian stadium in Łazienki. The Polish team won the Cup of Nations - from the left: Captain Michał Antoniewicz-Woysym on Banzaj, Lieutenant Kazimierz Gzowski on Mylord, Lieutenant Colonel Karol Rómmel on Berek, did not ride in the Cup, Lieutenant Henryk Roycewicz on Black Boy, Lieutenant Władysław Zgorzelski on Ładna .

Standing from the left: Lieutenant Kazimierz Gzowski, Lieutenant Władysław Zgorzelski, Col. Rudolf Dreszer, Deputy Minister of Military Affairs, Gen. Kazimierz Fabrycy, Head of the Cavalry Department at the Ministry of Military Affairs, Col. Zbigniew Brochwicz-Lewiński, Lieutenant Stefan Starnawski. photo. from the NAC collection.