Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Association

Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [www.pzj.pl].

The son of a cavalryman, a soldier of the 25th Greater Poland Lancers Regiment. 13-time medalist of the Polish Championships in dressage and show jumping. The first Pole who prepared a horse for Grand Prix class competitions. Coach of the Polish Olympic team at the IO Moscow 1980, which won the gold (individual) and silver medal (team). A graduate of the Trainer's Study at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań.


Born just one kilometer from Janów, in the Wygoda estate, in 1926. Son of a cavalryman (soldier of the 25th Wielkopolski Uhlan Regiment), Aleksander and Zofia.

The history of working with the horses of the future master began quite prosaically - with work in the field. As a young boy (6th grade of primary school) he walked horses to the Bug River meadows, riding bareback and working in the field in a harvester. In AD 39, the Second World War broke out. The herd and the stud were evacuated towards Romania before the Germans. On September 17, the Russians set off for Poland, so in order not to fall into their hands, after 2 weeks of marching, day and night, the horses returned home. The efforts of our groomers to save the herd and the stud proved futile, because after only 2 weeks the Russians seized all the horses and moved with them towards the Caucasus. Later, the borders with Germany on the Bug were established, and the horses stayed on the Russian side. During the occupation, the Germans rebuilt the farms in Janów.

In 41, Kowalczyk starts working as a groom, at that time the German-Russian conflict breaks out, and in 44, when the front moved towards Poland, the horses were evacuated deep into Germany. During the war, he survived the bombing of Dresden, where he found himself with the herd.


Post author: Paulina Kucharska

The entire publication and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 14.05.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Marian Kowalczyk died in Poznań on August 29, 2017, at the age of 93. He was buried in the Cemetery at ul. News in Poznań.

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Marian Kowalczyk's Encyclopedia" (2022) - Paulina Kucharska

"Marian Kowalczyk" (2012) - Witold Danish

Marian Kowalczyk. Wanting, not pretending to want to” (2010) – Piotr Dzięciołowski

"History of horse riding, part XXXIV” (1998) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXXII” (1998) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXX” (1997) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXIX” (1997) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXIV” (1996) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXIII” (1996) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXII” (1996) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXI” (1996) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XX” (1996) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XIX” (1996) – Witold Domański

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"Polish Riders at the Olympic Games in 1912-1976" (1980) - Antoni Święcki

"European Jumping Championships, Rotterdam 1979" (1979) - Władysław Byszewski

"Review of the world's top jumpers at the beginning of the Olympic Games in Moscow" (1980) - Władysław Byszewski

"Foreign performances of jumpers in the spring season" (1980) - Krzysztof Koziarowski

"XXII Olympic Games Moscow" (1980) - Eryk Brabec

Olympic Games Moscow 1980 – Nations Cup and Grand Prix [RU] | MOVIE

"Jan Kowalczyk and Artemor" (1980) - Antoni Święcicki

Jan Kowalczyk – Artemor – Olympic Games Moscow 1980 | MOVIE

Moscow 1980 – Jan Kowalczyk – Interview | MOVIE

"Marian Kowalczyk is dead" [link] (2017)


Self-training horse:

Marian Kowalczyk's horses:

Marian Kowalczyk about working with horses:

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