MJT Nevdos S sp - Champion of Champions, good because Polish.
The breeder of Nevados S, Stanisław Szurik, known to his friends as "Melchior z Liszków" (although he actually lived in Matyldzin near Mrocza), used to carry out all projects in his life with the right momentum. It was no different when in the 90s he decided to set up a sports horse stud on a newly acquired former state-owned farm in Liszków. This place was associated with horses even earlier - for several dozen years there was a station with stallions SO Łobez. Soon, most of the livestock buildings turned into stables where the first mares, both domestic and foreign, stood. Among them was the Bavarian Nicol (Nimrod B – Romina by Rasputin) born in 1996. She represents the Holstein family 930, from which come, among others, Reichsgraf and Casparino sires, Dega, Vermont Star, Crazy Boy and Caught in Action jumpers listed in the WBSHF rankings, as well as the very meritorious mother of Cantinera stud (Terra B). In German breeding, this mare produced two horses of the international GP class, and after the end of her sports career in Poland, already 3 licensed stallions (Casini White SM sp, Cassinivados SM sp and Carry on Cassini SM sp). Nicol took part in field trials of bravery twice - first unofficially, in an event organized by SHPKG in Włocławek, and two years later at the CPZHK event in Gliszcz in 2004. She came back from both events with medals and a rating - outstanding! Nicol is a tall, correct mare with a model conformation of 81 bps and excellent rideability, which Marek Orłoś assessed at 9 points. She turned out to be not easy to breed (out of 7 foals born, only 2 were qualified for breeding), but the patience of the owner and the professionalism of dr Przemysław Mazurek, who conducts breeding in Liszków, allowed to finally obtain satisfactory offspring.
In 2003, the leading stallion in Liszków became the 4-year-old Dutch Romualdo - the newly created vice-champion of MPMK in jumping (Mariusz Buczkowski). During a short break in training, he managed to cover over a dozen mares of KPZHK breeders, of which 4 foals were born in Liszków. All of them distinguished themselves in sport and breeding: Quattro sp (out of Quanta by Quamiro) - jumping CC Bartłomiej Włodarski, Gracjusz sp (out of Gracenta by Graf Grannus) - jumping N, Romana sp (out of Roma by Rodomo) - mother of Roncerto sp ( after Concert) of MPMK finalist Jacek Zagor and finally Nestia sp (out of Nicol) mother of our hero. It is worth noting that Romualdo in his later sports career won, among others, the title of Vice-Champion of the Polish Indoor Cup (Sławomir Hartman). At the age of 9 he went to Germany. First under Holger Hetzel, and then under Mario Stevens, he took top positions at competitions in Braunschweig, Kiel and Munich.
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Author of the entry: Tomasz Bagniewski
Entry updated: 05.05.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX
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"MJT Nevdos S sp - Champion of Champions, good because Polish" (2023) - Tomasz Bagniewski
Related Legends:
Stanislaw Shurik
One of the most outstanding contemporary Polish breeders of sports horses, a daring entrepreneur, an excellent farmer honored with the title of Farmer of Pomerania and Kujawy.
Photos from the collections of: Grégory Wathelet, Sportfot, Zenon Kisza, BoberTeam