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On October 6, 1816, Tsar Alexander I of Russia signed a decree establishing the State Stud Farm and Stallion Stud. The over 200-year history of this stud farm is a beautiful history of Polish and world Arabian horse breeding.


Both the stud farm and its horses owe their modern form to a man who, for fifty years of work, never missed a single morning round - Andrzej Krzyształowicz, a great charismatic personality and a wonderful breeder. When asked about the definition of success for the horses he bred, he replied: "You have to feel the issue and be there."


When it comes to breeding, I started to adopt Mr. Krzyształowicz's way of looking at horses. It wasn't exactly the same look, because I also had my own tastes, some ideal of a horse. Breeding is a constant necessity of choice. It would be great to be able to be guided only by your feeling of what you want to keep or sell. Let's assume that the stud farm is to have a certain number of mares. Their selection doesn't look like this: I don't like the one, I throw it away, and I keep the one that is of high quality. That would be too easy. Here, a compromise is needed between the interests of breeding, i.e. the quality of horses, and the interests of the stud farm, which must survive.

These goals are mutually exclusive in the short term, but in the long term they are very similar. However, to understand this and make appropriate decisions, the breeder and the economist must be one person. Then, as a breeder, no one will tell me that the money at the end of the year must be this and that, because he has planned three million for me and that's how much I have to earn. I will not order myself to achieve a certain income at any cost just because otherwise the company's financial plan will suffer. This price would be the sale of the best horses.


This is basically the quintessence of the Polish breeding philosophy: to have the most selected, highest quality broodmares possible and to constantly look for fresh blood, not to cause too much relatedness. We are constantly looking for different stallions that could produce good offspring with these mares. In Poland, efforts have been made to achieve this from the very beginning. This was the most convenient way and it was the fastest way to achieve breeding progress. Because a mare gives birth to one foal a year, while a stallion can be the father of hundreds of offspring. So its impact on breeding is huge. One stud dog in a stud farm is enough. If it's good, it takes it to the next level. And the old Polish rule was that stallions were imported from the desert. Expeditions rarely brought mares.

Some people did not understand what the mission of the state breeding farm was. Why, for example, can't the best stallions be made available cheaply and for each mare? Breeders usually think that their "babies" are the most beautiful. And that's why you go to reviews and shows, so that by judging you can become more objective about what you do yourself and what others achieve. State stud farms also exist to ensure that private breeding is as good as possible. No one ever refused advice or help, even though it wasn't always what someone wanted to hear.


However, there is something else that we will have to come back to and think about in the future. On September 28, 1937, Professor Witold Pruski founded the Horse Museum in Janów with an entry in the guest book. Due to the war, it could not be organized. I was planning such a museum, there are so many awards and trophies that I don't know what to do with. I wanted such a modern center to be built in the place where the "Wygoda" guest house is located. It is my great guilt that I have not been able to do this so far. And probably a challenge for his successors. When I left, I left the finished design of such a building with all the arrangements, and above all, with the approval of the conservator.

Author: Marek Trela

Source: "Marek Trela. My horses, my life” [fragments] (2016) – Ewa Bagłaj

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 18.12.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):


"Discontinuation of a 6-year investigation into mismanagement at SK Janów Podlaski" (2023) - Marek Szewczyk

"Arabian horse breeding in Poland... 2007-2016" [fragments] (2022)

"Arabian horse breeding in Poland... 2007-2016" [fragments] (2022)

"Horse" (2018) - Andrzej Strumiłło

"Janów Podlaski Stud Farm" (2017)

"Polish breeding of Arabian horses and its successes in the world" (2017) - Krystyna Chmiel

“Marek Trela. My horses, my life” [fragments] (2016) – Ewa Bagłaj

"Janów Podlaski 1875-2012, volume II" (2015) - Roman Petrynik

"Janów Podlaski 1875-2012, volume I" (2012) - Roman Petrynik

"With horses between the fronts" (2008) - Ehrenfried Brandts

"They created beauty" (2007) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Janów Podlaski Stud" (2005) - Izabela Rajca-Pisz

"Janow's Horses" (2004)

"Polish Arabian Horse Breeding 1918-1939" (2002) - Roman Pankiewicz

"Two centuries of Polish breeding..." (1983) - Witold Pruski

"The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

"Janów Podlaski Stud" (1967) - Andrzej Krzyształowicz

"Supplement to the Polish stud book of Arabian horses..." (1950)

"History of the state stud..." (1948) - Witold Pruski

"Characteristics of... the stud farm in Janów Podlaski" (1948)

"Stories about old Janów" - Roman Petrynik, Piotr Strzałkowski


"Changes in Janów" (2023) - Jerzy Dudała

"Janów 2023 - finally success" (2023) - Jerzy Dudała

"Fragments of Marek Trela's memories" (2023)

"In defense of SK Janów Podlaski" (2023)

"Dubious pride, forgotten prestige" (2023) - Marek Grzybowski

"SK Janów Podlaski" (2023) - Tomasz Wiczanowski

"Program to save the state breeding of Polish horses" (2023) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Let's save Janów and more" (2023) - Marek Grzybowski

“We are saving Janów! Postulates” (2023) – Ewa Krzakowska-Łazuka

“In response, 'Let's save Janów'…” (2023) – Mariusz Wideryński

"Pinga" (2022) - Jerzy Dudała

"Program for the protection of a conservative herd of horses" (2022) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Horses, horses, oh those horses" (2021) - Mariusz Wideryński

"...Why doesn't PiS like horses?" (2020)

“We respect history and people” (2020) – Tadeusz Jacewicz

"Pepita" (2020) - Jerzy Dudała

"Meanders of the Auction in Janów" (2019) - Marek Grzybowski

"Results of the auction in Janów Podlaski" (2019) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Modified program for Polish breeding of purebred Arabian horses" (2018) - Krystyna Chmiel

"The evil of privatization" (2018) - Marek Grzybowski

"Janów Podlaski Stud Farm, 1817-1914" (2018) - Marek Trela

“Pianissima – offspring” (2018) – Alina Sobieszak

"Another point of view - purebred Arabian horses" (2018)

"STDNINA KONI JANÓW PODLASKI - personal reflections on the album" (2017) - Alina Sobieszak

"Janów Podlaski 1939-1944" - Marek Trela

"Kluzik-Rostkowska, Linda and Sawka appeal for the reinstatement of Marek Trela ​​as president of the Janów Podlaski Stud" (2016)

"Director Krzyształowicz's Story" (2016) - Ewa Bagłaj

"Open letter to the Minister..." (2016) - Andrzej Gniazdowski

"Protest against PiS invasion of Arab stud farms" (2016)

"Pianissima - a legend has passed away" (2015) - Alina Sobieszak

"Andrzej Krzyształowicz" (2014) - Marek Trela

"Pianissima and the rest of the world" (2008) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"The Stud Farm and the Arab Herd..." (2008) - Ehrenfried Brandts

"Pianissima and the rest..." [EN] (2008) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"The Stud Farm and the Arab Herd in Janów Podlaski" (2008) - Ehrenfried Brandts

"Janowskie memories" (2005) - Tadeusz Marchowiecki

"Horse breeding in Poland (VII)" (2004) - Stanisław Deskur

"Horse Breeding in Poland (VI)" (2004) - Stanisław Deskur

"In memory of my friend Eng. Andrzej Krzyształowicz” (2000)

"Neophytes of capitalism" (2000) - Marek Grzybowski, R. Wiszniowski

"My life was interesting" (1998) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"My memories of A. Krzyształowicz" (1998) - Ignacy Jaworowski

"Talks about the market" (1996) - Marek Grzybowski

"Sale or sale" (1996) - Marek Grzybowski

"New Dynamics of the Ministry of Agriculture" (1996) - Marek Grzybowski

"Anti-conception" (1993) - Marek Grzybowski

"Keep Herds, Save Tradition" (1993) - Marek Grzybowski

"Simply Market" (1992) - Marek Grzybowski

"It's High Time" (1992) - Marek Grzybowski

"1939 at the Janów Stud" (1989) - Andrzej Krzyształowicz

"Ogier Bandos" (1988) - Andrzej Krzyształowicz

"Easels in Janów Podlaski" (1978) - Stanisław Ledóchowski

"Jubilee of the 160th anniversary of the Janów Podlaski Stud and the auction of Arabian horses" (1977) - Andrzej Krzyształowicz, Izabella Zawadzka

"Memories from 30 years ago" (1976) - Andrzej Krzyształowicz

"Polish Arabians overseas" (1974) - Andrzej Krzyształowicz

"Ramesses" (1968) - Tadeusz Marchowiecki

"People of the Janów Stud" (1967) - Antoni Święcki

"History of the SK in Janów Podlaski... 1939—1967" (1967) - Andrzej Krzyształowicz

"Polish Horse Breeders' Association" (1965) - Jerzy Chachuła

"Jan Ritz" (1948) - Witold Pruski

"The tasks of breeding an Arabian horse" (1933) - Bogdan Ziętarski

"Impressions from Poland” (1933) – Jean de Chevigny

“Imperial Decree…” (1816) – Alexander I Romanov


“Horse breeding is not fun!” [link] (2016) – Anna Szuster


"The Murdered Legend" (2017) - Bogusław Lustyk

"Arabian Horse Stud Farms in Poland" (2010) - Wojciech Kwiatkowski

"Arabians of the State Stud" [EN] (2000)

"Polish Arabian Summer Festival" [PL][EN] (2000)

"Arabians of the State Stud" [EN] (1999)

"Arabians of the State Stud" [EN] (1998)

"Polish Prestige Auction - Janów 1996" [EN] (1996)

"Polish Prestige" [EN] (1989)

"Polish Prestige Catalog" [EN][DE][ES]


Festival Newspaper (2000)

Arabs in Poland (1999)

Arabs in Poland (1998)

Rider and Breeder (1933) No. 33 – Arabian Horses


Marek Trela ​​(2019) | MOVIE

PO MPs call for disclosure of the Janów SK audit | MOVIE

Remembrance of predecessors (2018) | MOVIE

The most famous horses from Janów on postage stamps. (2017) | MOVIE

Jubilee at the stud farm with slight amnesia (2017) | MOVIE

Album about the stud farm in Janów Podlaski (2017) | MOVIE

New President of the Stud Farm in Janów Podlaski (2016) | MOVIE

This decision may have irreversible consequences (2016) | MOVIE

Jerzy Sawka in defense of Polish Arabian horses (2016) | MOVIE

Marek Trela ​​in the WAHO authorities (2016) | MOVIE

Rozmowy Pulsu – Marek Trela ​​(2016) | MOVIE

Marek Trela ​​– Guest of the 'Rozmowy Pulsu' program (2015) | MOVIE

Always Love Janów Podlaski (2014) | MOVIE

Janowska Pinga - World Champion (2013) | MOVIE

7… wonders of Poland – vote for SK Janów Podlaski (2013) | MOVIE

Stateso Watts liked this beautiful corner of Podlasie (2012) | MOVIE

Related Legends:


og. Bandos s. 1964 (Negatiw – Bandola by Witraż), bred by SK Janów Podlaski, sire line Ibrahim db. imp. 1907 to Antonin, female family of Mlecha imp. 1845 to Jarczowce

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John Ritz

On December 18.12.1817, 154, he marched XNUMX horses from Moscow to Janów Podlaski. The first organizer of SK in Janów Podlaski.

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