

Visual artist, illustrator of books and nature atlases, animalist.


He was born on July 18, 1934 in Cieszyn. He died on February 8, 1981 in Warsaw.

Janusz Towpik graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology in 1959. He studied painting as an auditor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw under the supervision of Prof. Michał Bylina.

In 1962, based on the submitted works, he was accepted into the Association of Polish Artists. From that year on, for almost 15 years, he was an assistant and then a lecturer at the Department of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology.

In the 70s, he collaborated with the Warsaw Zoological Garden, where he created an iconographic archive and ran an art club for children, one of the first of its kind in Europe.

From the early 60s, he illustrated popular science books, textbooks and nature atlases, but above all he was the author of illustrations for about 30 books for children and teenagers and a dozen or so fairy tales for diascope. He collaborated with such magazines as "Łowca Polski", "Płomyk" and "Przyroda Polska".

He also designed small graphic forms, e.g. postage stamps, postcards, ex libris, logotypes or match labels. He was the author of countless sketches and drawings, for which Polish nature was a constant source of inspiration. He was a horse expert and lover.

He participated in numerous competitions and exhibitions. His most recent work was a series of award-winning hunting-themed tapestry designs and a series of marquetry designs based on similar motifs.

Author of the text: Barbara Towpik-Roszkiewicz

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Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

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Janusz Towpik – Visionary of Art | PCBJ


Maria Kownacka, Skinny raven had no kennel, BW Movement 1960
Wanda Markowska, Anna Milska, Hummingbirds singing, N. K. 1968
Haribu the hunter. Eastern fairy tales, collected and edited by A.Brindarow, NK 1968
Ewa Szelburg-Zarembina, Dearest, Reader 1968
Henryk Sienkiewicz, In the desert and in the wilderness, N. K. 1969
Ruth Manning Saunders, About the sleeping prince. Greek folk tales, N. K. 1969
Friedrich Feld, Parrot from Isfahan, N. K. 1970
Angel Karaliichev, Three brothers and a golden apple tree, N. K. 1970
Halina Pietrusiewicz, Dog talks, N. K. 1970
Mieczyslaw Buczkówna, Forest track, B. W. Movement 1970
Halina Gorska, About Prince Geoffrey, Knight of the Christmas Star, N. K. 1971
Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book, N. K. 1973
Jadwiga ŻylinskaThe Tale of Heracles, KAW 1973
Jadwiga ŻylinskaThe Quest for the Golden Fleece, KAW 1974
Jadwiga Żylinska, Achilles youth, KAW 1974
Kat Walker, dream visions,NK-1977
Leopold StaffMay rain, N. K. 1978
Zygmunt Katuszewski, Włodyka, the forefather of kings, N. K. 1978
Luciano Sterpellone, A wonderful machine. Fantastic secrets of the human body, KAW 1979
Ewa Szelburg-Zarembina, Lech, Czech and Rus, KAW 1980

Wlodzimierz Serafinski, Mammals of Poland, PZWS 1965
Andrzej Rudnicki, Fish of Polish waters. Atlas, WSiP 1965
PWN Universal Encyclopedia, IV, zoogeographical tables, PWN 1976
Zbigniew Wolinski, Janusz Towpik, Monkeys and monkeys. Atlas, WSiP 1990


1967 – National Competition for Illustrations for Belles-lettres, XNUMXrd prize for illustrations
to the book by J. Lasocka The King Hunts

1968 - ZPAP competition entitled "The Rider and the Horse" - XNUMXst prize for the series of passes

1978 – The Great Prize of European Philately and the French President's Award at the XNUMXnd Autumn Philatelic Salon in Paris for the "Trees" series postage stamps

1978 – XNUMXst prize in the XNUMXst National Competition for Tapestry Painting Designs for the Castles of Southern Poland in the “Hunting and Hunting” section

1980 – special award in the 1979nd Publishers' Competition "The Most Beautiful Books of XNUMX"
for the illustrations to L. Sterpellone's book “Wonderful Machine. Fantastic secrets of the human body


Illustration for Janina Lasocka's book
"The King Hunts" (unpublished), XNUMXrd prize
in the National Illustration Competition. down
Belles-lettres, 1967
Illustration for Halina Górska's book
"About Duke Gottfried, knight
christmas star"
Our Bookstore 1971
Work from the series "Silhouette of a rider and a horse over the centuries" 70s
Design of the season ticket "Rider and Horse" 1968, 5st prize for a series of XNUMX season tickets
in the National Mixed Competition "Rider and Horse"
Illustration for the book
Zygmunt Katuszewski
"Włodyka the forefather of kings"
Our Bookstore 1978

Illustration for the book
"Hunter Haribu. Eastern fairy tales "collected
and compiled by Ananyi Brindarov,
Our Bookstore 1968

Illustration for the book by Ruth Manning-Saundrs
"The Sleeping Prince. Greek Folk Tales." Nasza Księgarnia 1969
Illustration for Janusz Głowacki's book
"Love and the Crown"
Our Bookstore 1970
The design of the bustard hunting tapestry 1979
"Flock by the lake" 1977, property of the Museum of Southern Podlasie in Biała Podlaska

Patrons: Kasia and Andre Pater, Bogdan Zupinadze

Guardians: late Ewa Zasada i Sobieslaw Zasada

A brilliant Polish painter, draftsman and illustrator. His favorite subjects of work were horses and historical painting.


Born on October 29, 1824 in Nowy Wiśnicz.

The Nestor and at the same time the founder of the multi-talented Kossak family was Juliusz KOSSAK, whose star - as his ardent admirer Stanisław Witkiewicz wrote – for fifty years of the last century (XNUMXth century-SKK) shone with the brightest light.

Juliusz Kossak belonged to the generation of Polish Romantics interested in historical-battle and historical-genre painting, for whom creativity "to cheer hearts" and constant references to the tradition of noble customs and knightly past were important. cwhoever lived in Poland, all this lives and will live in Kossak's works - Stanisław Witkiewicz noted.

Juliusz Kossak's artistic career was shaped by the landed gentry and aristocracy. He frequents Łańcut at the Potocki family, in the borderland manors of the Baworowski, Rozwadowski, Dzieduszycki and Sanguszko families, where, as he commented in his "Autobiography": there wasn't a beautiful horse that I didn't portray (...) I painted horses, dogs, wolves and Cossacks. Juliusz Kossak also owed a lot to the Arabian horse expert Władysław Rozwadowski, thanks to whom he met Piotr Michałowski the greatest painter of horses.

A common motif for all periods of Juliusz Kossak's work was the horse, symbolizing romantic freedom and liberty, the hero of both historical and landscape-genre scenes, as well as independent portraits of riders and horses of various colors. Juliusz Kossak was also a connoisseur of horses, always beautiful, flaunting class, elegant movements, and also an excellent psychologist, knowing and understanding the horse's psyche.

In the works of Juliusz Kossak, a special role was played by Arabian horses, which were synonymous not only with beauty, but also with the Orient, highly valued by romantics, and trips to the East to buy them became an obligatory stage of education of the young generation. Arabian horses were also the heroes of countless pages of literature, real poems sensitive to their beauty.

Juliusz Kossak captured his beloved horses in a truly masterly way. Initially, these were their stiff images, portraits of horses with noble pedigrees; in the following period, horses appeared in increasingly elaborate scenes, full of temperament, in compositions that flaunted their din, galloping, and movement. The depictions of stud farms, always painted to order in magnificent, captivatingly beautiful borderland landscapes, most often Podolia, with wide, misty horizons, were characterized by exceptional beauty; these were the stud farms of Stanisław Dunin-Borkowski, the Sanguszkos, Jan Tarnowski, Przybysław Śreniawita; among them are true masterpieces such as "Stud in Podolia" from 1886, or "Stud in the Meadow" from 1891. He also passionately recorded scenes of wolf hunts, bear hunts, bustard hunts with greyhounds, and fox hunts, in which he of course gave the leading roles to horses. Similarly, he eagerly returned to scenes from horse fairs, which provided an opportunity to present different breeds and different horse temperaments.

Juliusz Kossak was also an undisputed master of the watercolor technique, in which he achieved absolute mastery. Thanks to his almost photographic memory, he created his compositions with amazing ease, slightly registering the image recorded in his memory. He introduced clean, soft, painterly watercolor, sparing in color, with a predominance of warm, rusty-golden tones.

Juliusz Kossak was the founder of a multi-talented family, both in painting and literature. The painters were the progenitor Juliusz, his childless brother Leon, a participant in the uprisings, a Sybirak, an amateur watercolorist; Juliusz's son and the continuator of his art – Wojciech; Wojciech's son – Jerzy; and finally Juliusz's second grandson, the son of Stefan, Wojciech's brother – Karol.

Literary talents were revealed in the third generation, in both of Wojciech's daughters: the poet Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska and the writer Magdalena Starzewska-Niewidowska, writing under the pseudonym Magdalena Samozwaniec, as well as in the daughter of Tadeusz, Wojciech's twin brother, Zofia Kossak-Szczucka-Szatkowska.

Maria Pawlikowska Jasnorzewska portrayed Juliusz in her poem "Dziadzio":

...He painted with emotion and sunshine
grays, bangs, dancing and shiny hooves,
eyes fuller of fire than those of the Spaniards
and rumps bloated like soap bubbles,
like groups of mushrooms, colorful towns and cottages,
and meadows, and heirs like moustached catfish...

Author of the text: Stefania Krzysztofowicz-Kozakowska

Juliusz Kossak died on February 3, 1899 in Kraków, aged 75. He is buried at the Rakowicki Cemetery in Kraków (section XIIb in the north, main avenue is a family tomb).

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to go to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

"The Kossak Factory..." (2021) - S. Krzysztofowicz-Kozakowska

"Kossaks; The Kossaks” [PL+EN] (2016) – Collective work

"Kossakowie" [PL, EN] (2015) - S. Krzyształowicz-Kozakowska

"Kossakowie" (2005) - S. Krzyształowicz-Kozakowska

"Kossakowie" (2001) - S. Krzyształowicz-Kozakowska

"Juliusz Kossak" (2000) - Kazimierz Olszański

"The Uncommon Kossak Family" (2000) - Editorial team

"Juliusz Kossak" (1988) - Kazimierz Olszański

"Kossakowie" (1986) - Editorial team

"The Art of the Kossak Dynasty" (1986) - Stanisław Ledóchowski

"Juliusz Kossak - the eulogist of the beauty of horses" (1974) - Stanisław Ledóchowski

"Juliusz Kossak" (1900) - Stanisław Witkiewicz

Juliusz Kossak – Visionary of Art | PCBJ

Related Legends:

Wojciech Kossak

Art visionary. Painter. A graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Krakow and Munich. Author of such works as: Olszynka Grochowska Charge of the 5th Regiment of Zamoyski Lancers, Z despesza, or Uhlan Rest.

Read more…


Merited for breeding sport horses in the world. On her farm (Wojcieszków) an outstanding horse (father of sports horses) Ramzes was born.


Born on November 5, 1872 in Passy near Warsaw.

She was the third of five children of Mr. Tadeusz Plater-Zyberek and Zofia Aleksandrowicz.

The Countess's father was an outstanding breeder and farmer. He started breeding horses in Wojcieszków, which until 1939 supplied military stables.

Stud in Wojcieszków - in the interwar years it had about 30 half-bred mares and stallions from PSO Janów Podlaski stationed there. Among other things, it was in Wojcieszków that the world-famous stallion Ramzes was born.

In 1929, Maria Plater Zyberk bought a faulty gray filly Jordi, born at the National Stud in Janów Podlaski, at an auction in Janów Podlaski. in 1928 by Schagya from Demeter by Bakszysz z from Astarte by Amurath (Weil) from Dahoman XII. Jordi, as a three-year-old, was included in the mother herd in Wojcieszków.

Ramzes' father, full English Rittersporn, who participated with good results in steeplechase races in Germany, from 1930, and probably until the end of his life, stayed and hid at Wojcieszków Stud (Łuków district).

The mare Jordi in 1937 gave birth to a colt named Ramzes.

In the first days of January 1940, the German occupiers began to organize the stud farm and herd of stallions in Janów Podlaski again. A dozen or so young stallions were imported from Kozienice, which had been saved from the training facility that existed there before the war, and stallions from East Prussia began to arrive. As he mentions in his article, “Ramzes” Tadeusz Marchowiecki: “I took advantage of the fact that they were looking for more stallions to buy, and I informed Gustaw Rau about Rittersporn's four sons in Wojcieszków. All stallions were purchased for the sum of 20. zlotys.”[2]

The countess also contributed to the founding of the parish Association of Polish Women's Youth. This association had its own banner, library, stall with devotional items, conducted retreats, organized agricultural courses. The members played volleyball, organized nativity plays, and sang in the choir. They participated in various courses, even went on horse-drawn trips to Łuków to the cinema. At Christmas, they organized a fundraiser for the poorest.

Countess Maria Plater-Zyberk, initially lived in Wojcieszków with her daughter Marylka, but the German administrator who was introduced there and the house was attacked several times caused them to move out of the palace without taking anything and to live in Warsaw in Krakowskie Przedmieście.

The memory of people and horses who made Poland famous all over the world has not been lost in the place of birth of Ramzes - the commune of Wojcieszków. Ms. Jadwiga Józwik, president of the Society of Friends of Wojcieszków, said: “We want Wojcieszków to finally become known to a wider circle of people. Our community can build its identity and future on the story of Ramses. In the 70th century we were a city. Back in the 3s of the last century, we were ranked first in horse breeding in the voivodeship. We have poor soils and there is no industry here, but there are excellent conditions for the development of tourism. I think that Ramses can become an attraction that, next to a beautiful church and a regional chamber with numerous exhibits, will attract people here and that agritourism will develop. Not only the commune, but also the county will benefit from it.”[XNUMX]

[1], accessed on November 20.11.2019, 14, 00:XNUMX

[2] Horse of Poland, 1968 no. 4 p. 20

[3],p29687820, accessed on November 20.11.2019, 14, 20:XNUMX

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Maria Plater-Zyberk died on October 4, 1964 in Warsaw. She was buried at the Powązki Cemetery in the family tombs of the Plater-Zyberk family.

Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Ramses – 'celebrity' from Wojcieszków" (2020) – A Wiśniewska

"Ramesses" (1968) - Tadeusz Marchowiecki

Full professor of agricultural sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences, recognized hippologist and Polish chronicler of horse breeding.


Born March 13, 1897 in Tbilisi (Georgia).

For many years the head of the Horse Breeding Department at the Ministry of Agriculture, full professor of agricultural sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences, an outstanding hippologist and chronicler of horse breeding, professor honoris causa of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW-AR in Warsaw.

I met the Professor in 1979, when I started working for the monthly "Koń Polski". He was 82 years old then, and I had just finished my studies and had done a year's internship at the Golejewko Stud Farm. The Professor, because he was the chairman of the Program Council of the magazine, but above all its permanent author, maintained frequent contacts with the editorial staff. They were all the easier because he lived on Rutkowskiego Street, a few steps from the headquarters of PWRiL (corner of Nowy Świat and Al. Jerozolimskie), the publisher of "Koń Polski". During the few years that passed before his death, I had the opportunity to get to know him quite well, and even enjoy his sympathy. I used to visit him in his apartment. He gave me the last three books that were published with personal dedications, and when he made the - de facto dramatic - decision to transfer his enormous and priceless collection to the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, he invited me to his place and told me to choose all the works of his authorship that I did not have yet. This rare collection is of great importance to me, not only for its scientific value, but also for sentimental reasons.

What was the professor like?

A small, quiet, modest, cultured old man. He did not like hustle and bustle, large gatherings of people, he felt best surrounded by his beloved books and writing. He was a typical "bookworm". But when the homeland was in need, he stood up to fight for it with arms in hand.

In 1915, he began his studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Kiev. When, in 1917, after the overthrow of the tsarist regime, Polish military units began to be formed in Russia, he volunteered for a unit that became the beginning of the 19th Volhynian Uhlan Regiment. Later, as a non-commissioned officer, he was assigned to the 2nd Grokhovsky Uhlan Regiment, in which he took part in the 1919-1920 campaign.

It was during this period that two passions of the Professor developed: for horses and for books. As he later wrote:

Continuous contact with horses for nearly 4 years of service in the cavalry, initially as a private, then a corporal and a platoon leader, developed in me a special liking and even passion for these noble animals. This feeling became so strong that with time I decided to finish farming and devote myself professionally to work in the field of improving domestic horse breeding.

In 1919 he bought his first book. It was "Horse Riding Lessons. Service regulations” issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs. This purchase was due to the fact that the Professor was not satisfied with the tips of officers and horse instructors alone. He needed something more - theoretical knowledge. And it was this need for constant exploration of knowledge that became the driving force of his entire life, which led him from a cavalry private to the title of professor and to the name of an outstanding Polish hipologist.

However, before he became an outstanding scientist, for many years he pursued the goal he set for himself: "he worked in the field of improving domestic horse breeding."

While still studying at the Faculty of Agriculture at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) (1922-1927), in 1925 he began working as an inspector of horse breeding at the central Union of Agricultural Organizations and Circles. After graduating with a diploma in agricultural engineering, he began working at the Ministry of Agriculture. There he rose through the ranks, until in 1935 he was appointed head of the Department of Horse Breeding. He was in charge of state stud farms (few before the war) and stallion herds. He held this position until the outbreak of the war, and after its end, until 1956. He spent the occupation in Warsaw, employed as an inspector of horse breeding at the Warsaw Chamber of Agriculture.

For over 20 years of clerical work in the Ministry of Agriculture, the Professor contributed to the creation of 20 legal acts of great importance for the development of horse breeding and breeding in Poland, both before and after the war. He has a particularly great merit in the field of organizing all matters related to the publication of stud books. Few people know that a few months before the outbreak of World War II, the Professor opened the doors of the Służewiec race track, opened in June 1939, in an unusual way. Well, he had the honor of being the first man to gallop on horseback across the green racetrack.

In 1955, thanks to his efforts, the Central Board of Horse Breeding handed over to the Polish Academy of Sciences the Popielno farm in Mazury, together with the Polish horses gathered there. This made it possible to conduct conservative breeding of this native breed in natural conditions and scientific research in the established experimental center of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Research that the professor then conducted for 15 years.

And so we come to the scientific chapter of the Professor's life. A great role in revealing this passion was played by Professor Roman Praweński, who was teaching horse breeding at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences at the time. Witold Pruski, as a student, was his part-time assistant for some time. Years later, when he described how his library was created, he wrote about his master:

A scholar and specialist of great importance, as well as a teacher with a special talent for winning over his students and making them into stout specialists, completely devoted to their profession. The professor aroused in me a further love and deeper treatment of the chosen specialty, and besides, he kindled bibliophilic tendencies.

Witold Pruski, still a 28-year-old student, published his first scientific work in the Rocznik Nauk Rolniczych in 1925. In 1948, he had already published over 100 items, including books, monographs, scientific papers and problem-based articles. At that time, he obtained a doctorate in agricultural sciences from the Faculty of Agriculture at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). The basis for this was the defense of the thesis entitled: "The history of the thoroughbred horse in Poland and its influence on domestic breeding".

When in 1956 he was officially transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture to the Polish Academy of Sciences, he was nominated as an associate professor. The title of full professor was conferred on him by the resolution of the State Council of February 26, 1965. In 1972 he was retired, and in December 1980, on the initiative of prof. Jerzy Chachuła, the Senate of SGGW-AR awarded him the title of doctor honoris causa of this university.

This is the Professor's scientific path in a nutshell. And the measure of its value is his publications. Ultimately, there were over 230 of them! It is impossible to list them all. But a few, the most important ones, need to be written at least a few words.

In the interwar period, the professor mainly wrote articles about horse breeding at that time. The only major work from this period is "Ruler" - a monograph of an excellent Polish Thoroughbred sire from the late XNUMXth century.

During the occupation, the Professor continued to collect books and writings, he collected documents and compiled them. Their result was the first post-war work: "History of the State Stud in Janów Podlaski, 1817-1939", which was published in 1948.

At the end of the 50s, the professor wrote a two-volume academic textbook "Horse Breeding". The first volume was published in 1960, and the second (written together with Jan Grabowski and Stanisław Schuch) - in 1963. Both volumes are an invaluable mine of knowledge about horse breeding, not only for students, and it is very good that PWRiL decided to publish a reprint Volume XNUMX for now, but volume XNUMX coming soon.

In 1970, also by PWRiL, another work was published documenting: "History of Thoroughbred horse racing and breeding in Poland, Kingdom of Poland 1815-1918".

Her work was continued by "Racing and breeding of Thoroughbred and Arabian horses in Poland in 1918-1939", published this time by Ossolineum in 1980.

In turn, Wydawnictwo Sport i Turystyka published in 1982 "History of equestrian competitions in Poland". It should only be added that these are the stories from the beginnings of Polish equestrian sport until 1939.

The last book of the Professor is "Two centuries of Polish breeding of Arabian horses (1778-1978) and its successes in the world", which was published by PWRiL in 1983, a year before the author's death.

The historical and chronicle works of the Professor documenting the history of horse breeding in Poland (as well as other animals; see the three-volume study "Livestock breeding in the Kingdom of Poland in the years 1815-1918" or a similar two-volume study on Galicia and one volume on Wielkopolska) would not have been possible if not for his library and archive. It was his workshop, which he meticulously and painstakingly collected for nearly 60 years (1923-1980). The library consisted of 1894 items in 2000 volumes, and the archive, divided into 4 subject sections, consists of: over 10 documentation cards, 93 notebooks, 60 folders and nearly 2000 unique photographs.

This priceless collection survived the war thanks to the Professor's wife, Maria Pruska née Monasterska, which the Professor described years later. When, at the end of the Warsaw Uprising, in August 1944, the Germans deported the Professor to the camp in Pruszków, only his wife and an elderly housekeeper stayed in the house in Saska Kępa. When the Red Army and Polish formations occupied Praga in late autumn, the Nazis began to fire heavily at Saska Kępa. It then became clear that the house would have to be left. Then Maria Pruska, realizing the value of her husband's collection, somehow reached General Marian Spychalski, presented the matter to him and asked for help in transporting the books. Spychalski thought for a moment, then announced that he was sending an empty truck for food to Lublin, so he had books loaded into it. And that's how it happened. The soldiers and Mrs. Pruska, who was helping them, in a hurry, for fear of shelling, threw books like potatoes onto the truck until it was filled to the brim. In Lublin, through the intercession of Mrs. Pruska, the library was taken care of by General Leon Bukojemski, then the city's commander. By the way, General played an important role in saving the racing stables quartered on the Lublin track, and after the war horse racing also owed him a lot. And so most of the professor's collection was saved.

In 1980, the Professor donated his collections to the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Initially, they were stored in Brwinów, and since the Faculty of Animal Production moved to the newly built headquarters at ul. Ciszewskiego 8, Professor Witold Pruski's library is located there.

The transfer of the library was in a sense an act of despair on the Professor's part - old age had not been kind to him. Unfortunately, the Pruskis had no children or any close relatives. In the summer of 1981, the Professor suffered his first misfortune. After a cerebral hemorrhage, it turned out that he could no longer write and even had difficulty reading. At that time, when he could no longer work, the need to care for his sick wife kept him alive. The next misfortune occurred in 1983. When he was taking his wife for a walk, she fell, suffered a fractured femur head and died shortly afterwards. This was a great blow to the Professor, he lost his will to live. He died on February 2, 1984.

Author of the text: Marek Szewczyk

We would like to thank Mr. M. Szewczyk for permission to publish the above material.

Entry updated: 21.02.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Witold of Prussia died in Konstancin near Warsaw on February 2, 1984, at the age of 87. He was buried in the family grave at the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw.

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Honour to His Memory" (2008) - Michał Wierusz-Kowalski

"History of horse riding, part XV” (1993) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part VII” (1990) – Witold Domański

"Memories of Dr. hc prof. Witold Pruski" (1984) - Jerzy Chachuła

"Two centuries of Polish breeding of Arabian horses (1778-1978) and its successes in the world" (1983) - Witold Pruski

"Opening of the Library of Prof. Witold Pruski” (1983) – D. Kędzierski

"History of equestrian competitions in Poland" (1982) - Witold Pruski

"Racing and breeding of Thoroughbred and Arabian horses in Poland in 1918-1939" (1980) - Witold Pruski

"My hobby is the hippological library" (1979) - Witold Pruski

"Sketches on the contribution of Polish zootechnicians to the breeding culture of the country and the world" (1979) - Witold Pruski

"Bibliography of the works of prof. Dr. Witold Pruski from 1925-1973” (1975) – Antoni Święciki

"History of Thoroughbred horse racing and breeding in Poland" (1970) - Witold Pruski

"Major Leon Kon and His Role in Polish Horsemanship" (1969) - Witold Pruski

Livestock breeding in the Kingdom of Poland in the years 1815-1918. T. 3, Period 1899-1918” [link] (1969) – Witold Pruski

Livestock breeding in the Kingdom of Poland in the years 1815-1918. T. 2, Period 1881-1898” [link] (1968) – Witold Pruski

Livestock breeding in the Kingdom of Poland in the years 1815-1918. T. 1, Period 1815-1880” [link] (1967) – Witold Pruski

"Polish Horse Breeders' Association" (1965) - Jerzy Chachuła

"Thoroughbred horses" (1965) - Stanisław Schuch

"Transformations of horse breeding in the modern world" (1965) - Witold Pruski

"The beginnings of horse racing in Poland" (1965) - Witold Pruski

"Bałaguli and their teams" (1958) - Witold Pruski

"History of the state stud in Janów Podlaski" (1948) - Witold Pruski

"Observations on the formation of domestic sire and dam lines in thoroughbred horse breeding" (1947) - Witold Pruski

"Contemporary issues of Polish horse breeding" (1937) - Witold Pruski, Jan Grabowski

"Ruler" (1934) - Witold Pruski

"The most important blood currents in Polish horse breeding" - Witold Pruski

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Polish Horse Breeders Association

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Racing News, 1926-1991

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John Ritz

On December 18.12.1817, 154, he marched XNUMX horses from Moscow to Janów Podlaski. The first organizer of SK in Janów Podlaski.

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One of the best contemporary Polish breeders of sport horses, an enterprising entrepreneur, and an outstanding farmer honored with the title of Farmer of Pomerania and Kujawy.


In November, Stanisław Szurik joined the group of outstanding figures of Polish breeding and equestrianism, whom in 2016 we sadly said goodbye to forever. . It was the steeds bred at his stud in Liszków for years that determined the quality of Kuyavian-Pomeranian breeding of noble horses - they were the object of admiration and an unsurpassed role model for all of us.

Stanisław became interested in horse breeding in the mid-90s, when he started farming at the Liszkowo farm located in Krajna, a place with over a hundred years of tradition of breeding noble horses. Having extensive experience in agriculture and breeding other types of livestock, he focused on quality from the very beginning. The starting material with which he organized the stud were mares from renowned domestic and foreign breedings and stallions from the best lines. From the beginning, he paid a lot of attention to the selection of the bred material in terms of utility and exterior. This concept perfectly fit into the first true breeding events (mare performance tests, reviews and breeding exhibitions) organized by the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Horse Breeders Association, in which Liszków horses played the leading roles from the very beginning.

At the same time, the infrastructure for breeding and training horses was developed in the form of stylish adaptations of XNUMXth-century stables, an indoor riding arena, and new pastures. In the breeding of noble horses, as in no other, the competence and commitment of people who work directly with the animals are important. Stanisław had a good hand in this respect - the stables in Liszków were visited by Jakub Kaczmarek, Rafał Narloch, Anita Raszka, Jan Korczyński, Katarzyna Szczuiał and, above all, Krzysztof Kierzek - later the commander of ZT Bielice, one of the best training centers for young horses in Poland, and today the President of the Polish Horse Racing Club in Warsaw.


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Author of the text: Tomasz Bagniewski

We would like to thank the Polish Horse Breeders Association and the magazine Breeder and Rider for permission to publish the above material – PLPJ editorial office.

Entry updated: 05.05.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Stanislaw Shurik died on November 14, 2016, aged 65. He was buried in Mrocza.

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

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"MJT Nevdos S sp - Champion of Champions, good because Polish" (2023) - Tomasz Bagniewski

"Stanisław Szurik" (2017) - Tomasz Bagniewski

Related Legends:


Painter, architect, conservator of historic architecture and garden layouts. The author of many paintings whose theme was horses.


Born in 1949 in Olsztyn.

Andrzej Novak-Zempliński began his artistic studies in 1971 at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He then continued them at the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the studios of professors Michał Bylina and Ludwik Maciąg. He graduated in 1976 with a diploma with honors.

The spiritual help of the already mentioned professors M. Bylina and L. Maciąg, meritorious educators, and at the same time enthusiasts and popularizers of topics related to horses and battles, undoubtedly contributed to his declaration as a horse painter.

A. Novak-Zempliński showed his watercolors, pastels and drawings for the first time at the Jubilee Horse Auction in Książ in May 1974. But his official debut was his participation in the BWA showroom in Sopot at the exhibition "Team in Painting", organized in August 1975. on the occasion of the XNUMXrd European Driving Championships.

He practices easel painting, but also deals with architectural design, conservation of historic architecture and garden layouts. He was an expert of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the field of antique horse vehicles, harnesses and harnesses. Socially involved in the activities of the Association of Old Arms and Color Lovers, as a member of the Main Board and president of the Warsaw Branch, and he is the founder and president of the Domus Polonorum association, associating owners of historic country residences, as well as the Polish Carriage Society, which deals with museology and collecting historic horse vehicles and promoting traditional driving.

Since 1980, he has been involved in the reconstruction and maintenance of the historic manor complex in Tułowice, for which he received the First Degree Award of the Minister of Culture and Art in 1998 and the most prestigious European award in the field of protection of cultural heritage - the Europa Nostra Medal in 1999.

The cultural heritage of the Polish manor house and the landowners' tradition is the main topic of Andrzej Novák-Zempliński's collector's interests, mainly for the furnishing of the historic interiors of the Tułowice manor house, but a special part of this collection is the unique collection of court horse-drawn vehicles, harnesses and horse-drawn accessories.

The collection currently consists of 24 vehicles, half of which have an established provenance and most represent well-known Polish carriage companies, including products of leading Warsaw companies from the XNUMXth and early XNUMXth centuries. The vehicle exhibition is located in a former stable building adapted for this purpose and is open to visitors.

The theme of the painting works is mainly related to the image of the horse in various aspects of use. So these are portraits of horses distinguished in breeding, outstanding racehorses, as well as saddle and harness horses, at work, in the stable, on the pasture as well as in the scenes of competition shows, horse fairs and battles. These paintings are owned by many outstanding breeders and owners as well as horse lovers and collectors sports article western Europe and America.

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Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

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"Andrzej Novak-Zempliński - a young horse painter" - Antoni Święcki

"In the circle of Andrzej Novak-Zempliński's painting" (1980) - Antoni Święcki

Andrzej Novak-Zempliński – Visionary of Art | PCBJ


Honorary patron: Polish Horse Racing Club – President Paweł Goclowski

Polish Horse Racing Club (PKWK): establishes the conditions for holding races and supervises their observance, works for the development and promotion of horse racing and the improvement of horse breeding, issues permits for organizing horse races, etc. [].

The first female coach in the history of racing at the Służewiec track. She started running her racing stable in 1976.


At the age of 12, she started learning horse riding in a sports stable in Warsaw in Służewiec.

After turning 16, she moved to a racing stable. After only a year, she made her debut as an amateur rider in a race with professional jockeys.

After graduating from high school, she worked in the Selection Department at PTWK, worked and rode in a racing stable, took part in races (42 wins), and in the afternoons, as an instructor, she trained riders at the sports club (LOK). At the same time, she studied zootechnics in absentia.

After completing her studies in 1975, she became a trainer of racing horses at the track in Wrocław. Unfortunately, she had to end her equestrian career at the same time. In her first season as a trainer, she became the trainers' champion, and the horses she trained won all the biggest races at Partynice, including the Derby, Oaks and Wielka Wrocławska. After such a spectacular success, she was invited by the then director of PTWK to Warsaw and took over the stable in Służewiec.

She retired from coaching after the 2015 season.

In his nearly 40 years of working with racehorses, he really has something to boast about:
• She was voted Coach of the Year by the race reporters 3 times,
• nearly 2000 times the horses she trained crossed the finish line in first place,

In 2017, she was honored with the HH Sheikh Fatima Bint Mubarak Darley Awards for lifetime achievements in Arabian racehorse training. Unfortunately, she was unable to attend the award ceremony held at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood. The award was presented to Dorota in Służewiec, in the paddock before the Shannon Queen decoration after the Derby race on July 30.07.2017, XNUMX.

Many of her charges, winning the most prestigious awards, went down in the history of horse racing as outstanding horses. These included:

Thoroughbred horses:
• Wiosenna (1000 Guineas) – DAXI
• N. Rulera (2000 Guineas) – LIMAK, ARCTIC
• Great Warsaw N. – CISÓW, ARCTIC, TULIPA
and perhaps above all, she was the co-author of the successes of the wonderful mare DŻAMAJKA (tr. B. Strójwęs), winner of the following awards: Derby, Liry (Oaks), St. Leger, Wielka Warszawski and Cena Slovenska, recognized in 2000 in Poland as the "Horse of the Century", and the mare SAVVANNAH, winner of the Oaks, Europe and Comparative Awards.

Arabian horses:
• N. Europe – DRUID (x 2)
• Comparative N. – GENESIS, DRUID, ZIPPO (x 2), FATA ARMOR

After finishing her career, Dorota withdrew from public life. She lives with her husband near Warsaw, where she enjoys the life of a retiree, taking care of her home, family, garden (she loves flowers) and dogs. In the summer, she likes to travel around Poland in her camper.


Dorota Kałuba honored with the HH Sheikh Fatima Bint Mubarak Darley Awards for life achievements in the training of Arabian racehorses.


Honorary Patron: Aleksandra and Marcin Zamoyscy

Patron: Rafael George

Guardian: Adam Zamoyski

Landowner, soldier, cavalryman, adjutant of General Sikorski. He contributed to the repatriation of about 1500 horses plundered by the Germans.


Stefan Adam Zamoyski was born on February 4, 1904 in the estate of Racewo, near Orsza, in the Russian Empire, as the son of Austrian subjects Count Władysław Zamoyski and Maria née Mężyńska. He died on October 27, 1976 in San Francisco, California, USA.

In 1912, he began his studies with the elite Corps of Pages in St. Petersburg, interrupted by the decision of his parents. In the years 1916-1922 he completed his secondary education in Great Britain, at the Benedictine Downside School in Stratton-on-the-Fosse (Somerset). In addition to general education, he has fluent knowledge of languages: English, French, Russian and German. In 1922, he began his studies at the Faculty of Law of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, graduating with the degree of Master of Laws (1927). In 1931 he defended his doctorate in law entitled "Agricultural Self-Government".

In 1924, he began his military service (8th Cavalry Regiment, Officer Cadet School of the Reserve Cavalry DOK VII), crowned in 1927 with the promotion to second lieutenant of the reserve cavalry. As a reserve officer, he was training in the Greater Poland Uhlan Regiments: 16th and 17th.


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Prepared by: Tadeusz Kondracki

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Stefan Adam Zamoyski died on October 27, 1976 in San Francisco, aged 72. On May 13, 1978, the urn with the ashes of Lt. Col. dr. Stefan Adam Count Zamoyski was deposited in Poland - in the crypt of the collegiate church in the Zamoyski ancestral nest, the city of Zamość.

Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Stefan Adam Zamoyski" excerpts - Tadeusz Kondracki

"Stefan Adam Zomoyski" (2020) - Tadeusz Kondracki

"On the bright side Stefan Zamoyski" (2018) - Hanna Sztuka

"Adam Zamoyski on how Polish patriotism developed" [link] (2016) - Marek Rybarczyk


Stefan Zamoyski's photos come from Adam Zamoyski's archive.

Organizer of horse races in pre-war Poland. He saved 250 thoroughbred horses by moving them in a herd from Odessa to Warsaw.


Born December 31, 1869 in Bershad.

Thanks to his initiative, a significant part of the herd material of horses (stallions and dams with offspring) was saved, transported to Russia during the war, and brought to the Polish border in the amount of 252 pieces, sneaking in unfavorable terrain, at night and attacked along the way by the Bolsheviks, and then he was taken to the stud in Wygoda. After the war, herd animals and racing animals saved by him were the basis for breeding English horses in independent Poland.

He was president of the Horse Racing Committee. He was the founder, protector and honorary member of the Arabian Horse Breeding Society.

On May 2, 1923, he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

This is what was written about his activities and life in the Rider and Breeder magazine No. 9 from 1929:


The activities of St. Mr. F. Jurjewicz as the Guide and Restorer of Polish horse breeding lasted for almost ten years; it was characterized, like all his actions: a sense of purpose, untiring perseverance, and deep professional knowledge, combined with an excellent knowledge of economics and law.

As the Director of ZSP, and later the Department of Chowu Horses, he was the one who revived the Stud and Herd of Stallions in Janów, and brought to life: States. SO in Bogusławice (1921), PSO in Łąck (1922), State St. Thoroughbred horses in Kozienice (1924), PSO in Drogomyśl, Państ. st. in Racot (1928) and started establishing PSO in Białka. Immediately after returning from the historic crossing from Odessa and after establishing the appropriate body managing horse breeding at the Ministry of Agriculture (June - August 1919) - he organizes the Janów Stud. Convenience, dead for 5 years, came to life and began to serve old and new purposes.


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Author: Stanislaw Schuch

Entry updated: 05.07.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Fryderyk Jurjewicz died on February 21, 1929 in Warsaw. He was buried at the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw on February 25, 1929 (section 34, row 6, grave 24/25; the author of the words of the commemorative inscription on the tombstone was Gustaw Mucharski).

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Great Warsaw" (2021)

"Two centuries of Polish Arabian horse breeding (1778-1978)" (1983) - Witold Pruski

"Thoughts and hippological concepts of Fryderyk Jurjewicz" (1933) - Fryderyk Jurjewicz

"late Fryderyk Jurjewicz" (1929) - Jan Grabowski

"The activity of St. Mr. Fryderyk Jurjewicz in the field of state and national horse breeding" (1929) - Stanisław Schuch

"A few words about the late Fr. Jurjewicz as an activist in the field of racing and breeding" (1929) - Ignacy Oszmanowicz

"Participation of the late Fr. Jurjewicz in the organization of the equestrian dispute” (1929) – Tadeusz Machalski

"The Great Warsaw Prize named after F. Jurjewicz (International)” (1926)

Rider and Breeder NR - 9 - 1929

Related Legends:

Rider and Breeder, 1922-1939

A pre-war weekly magazine addressed to breeders, athletes, racing and horse enthusiasts. Poles for whom the history of our country is inextricably linked with horse breeding and equestrian sports.

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Racing News, 1926-1991

The official authority for horse racing issued by the Society for the Encouragement of Horse Breeding in Poland, pursuant to the provisions of the "Racing Rules" established by the Minister of Agriculture.

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Jan Grabowski

Hipologist and scientist. Author of many works related to horse breeding and equestrian sport, e.g. acclaimed album "Hipology for All".  

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Stanislaw Schuch

Polish hipologist, great exterierist and organizer of horse races. Co-founder of horse breeding in Poland after World War I and II. With W. Pruski and J. Grabowski, he wrote the second volume of the textbook entitled "Horse breeding".

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Henryk Wozniakowski

Thoroughbred horse breeder in Stud Widzów. The best horses bred by him are the stallion Casanova, the mare Bastylia and the stallion Bałtyk. Painter.

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Funeral of Fryderyk Jurjewicz

Permanently associated with the post-war history of rebuilding Arabian horse breeding in Poland and the successes of Michałów Stud.

Ignacy Jaworowski was born on January 14, 1924 in Wrońska in the district of Płońsk in Mazovia.


The person of Ignacy Jaworowski is permanently connected with the post-war history of rebuilding Arabian horse breeding in Poland and its wonderful development in the last 60 years. Jaworowski devoted almost his entire life to Arabian horses. He died at the age of 80, of which he worked 49 years in breeding. Half a century is a long time, especially since he lived in very difficult times, which were many times better for horses than for people managing their breeding.

Ignacy Jaworowski was born into a landowning family. His father, grandfather and uncle bred horses in the Anglo-Arabian type and they were the first to teach him horse breeding.

Currently, in the family estate of the Jaworowskis, i.e. in Wrońska, there is an Arabian Horse Stud - Polska AKF sp. z o. o. Wrońska now belongs to Sheikh Khaled Bin Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz from Saudi Arabia. There are about 20 mares in the stable, and there is a commemorative plaque on the building, informing that Ignacy Jaworowski, the founder of the Michałów Stud, was born in Wrońska.


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Author: Jerzy Białobok

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 05.06.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Ignacy Jaworowski died in Michałów on September 18, 2004, aged 80.

He was buried in the Parish Cemetery in Michałów (a characteristic grave at the end of the cemetery, made of the same stone as the Michałów stables).

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"A photographic essay for the upcoming 70th anniversary of Michałów Stud" (2022) - Mariusz Wideryński

"Memories from Michałów" [link] (2020) - Marek Grzybowski

"Mr. Jaworowski" [link] (2016) - Marek Grzybowski

"Ignacy Jaworowski" (2014) - Jerzy Białobok

"The Great Breeder Has Gone" (2004) - Urszula Białobok, Jerzy Białobok

"The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

"Michałów Horse Stud" [EN]

“Michałów Stud” – editorial team

Polish Horse Breeders Association

The purpose of PZHK is, among others: representing the interests and protecting the rights of horse breeders, supervision and control over organizational and substantive matters of the Associations and Sections, and improving horse breeding and breeding.

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EKSTERN (Monogramm – Ernestyna)

This is one of the stallions that are said to be "epoch-making". Epoch-making was his father Monogramm and his ancestors, including Ofir and the progenitor of the family brought from the desert - Kuhailan Haifi Father of champions and champions, as well as distinguished mothers in breeding. His daughter Pepita was sold at an auction in Janów for one million four hundred thousand...

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Roman Pankiewicz

Siberian, miner, author of many books and publications about Arabian horses. Head of the Albigowa Stud, breeder of the legendary stallion Bask.

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