
Twice Olympian (Mexico 68 and Munich 72), MP medalist (runner-up - Olsztyn 70 and champion - Warsaw 71) in show jumping. Riding instructor.


He was born on June 29, 1943 in Pawłów Stary. Biała Podlaska District, Lublin Voivodeship.

Father Stanislaus. Mother Maria née Bujan. Sisters Jadwiga and Teresa. Brother Janusz. Wife Felicja née Łukomska. A graduate of the Agricultural Technical School in Środa Wielkopolska.


Wawryniuk graduated from the Agricultural Technical School in Środa Wielkopolska. In Wola, he was a rider, he took care of the horses. Veterinary paramedic course during basic military service. He was a rider all the time on horses prepared for export, an equerry and a competitor.

He competed with outstanding competitors: Marian Babirecki, Andrzej Orłoś, Stefan Pękala in the Versatile Riding Horse Competition, Dressage, and Show Jumping. He was a student of Major Jan Mossakowski.


And so Poprad went to Piotr Wawryniuk. In sports, they never parted again. Wawryniuk had already won the Polish Championships in Gniezno in Altyn with the fifth place and in 1969 in Kwidzyn the fourth with Poprad and Bart. In 1968, in CHIO in Olsztyn, they had the first and second place individually, and the first place in the Nations Cup. They became Olympians in Mexico in 1968.


They kind of warmed up after the Olympic start. Their good results became more regular. Since then, the pair of Poprad and Wawryniuk has been an iron point of the Polish team, entered into the All Nations Cup, where, due to the phlegmatic nature of the rider and the horse's high regularity, they usually started last in the team.


Near Oslo he was a trainer, he rode a horse. He took care of young people in competitions. He was a trainer of the national team in the Versatile Riding Horse Competition. For thirteen years, his players won the National Championship six times. They were the best.

The head of the Equestrian Center, employing Piotr Wawryniuk, was also the manager of the only company in the world that connects high-pressure pipes without welding, and offered Piotr a permanent job at GS Hydro Norge.


Author: Witold Duński

The entire publication and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)

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Entry updated: 25.10.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Piotr Wawryniuk" (2012) - Witold Danish

"History of horse riding, part XXX” (1997) – Witold Domański

"Poprad" (1984) - Antoni Pacyński

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"After 24 years in the Olympic competition" (1972) - Witold Domański

"PZJ President about our equestrian" (1968) - Witold Domański

"Impressions from Olsztyn" (1968) - Jan Mickunas

Related Legends:


He started his sports career under Piotr Wawryniuk in 1966. Participant of two Olympics, champion and vice-champion of the Polish Championships in jumping, 18-time participant of the Nations Cup.

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Polish Equestrian Association

On February 18, 1928, in the Garrison Casino at Aleja Szucha 23, the founding convention of the Polish Equestrian Association took place. The announcement of convening the congress was published in the 5th issue of the Rider and Breeder weekly, on February 1, 1928.

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Wieslaw Dziadczyk

II Vice-Champion of Poland in Jumping over Obstacles. Trainer at Kozienice, Klikowa and Pruchna Studs. The rider who jumped the 2,20 m wall obstacle on the mare Via Vitae. To this day, the height record on this type of obstacle has not been broken in Poland.

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Marian Kozicki

Silver medalist from the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Four-time participant of the Olympic Games. Gold, silver (2x) and bronze (2x) MP medalist in show jumping.

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Wieslaw Hartman

Silver team medalist of the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Multiple medalist of the Polish Championships in show jumping. Riding instructor.

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Andrzej Orlos

Olympian. Polish Champion in Dressage, Jumping and Eventing. Breeder. Team coach
national in show jumping and Olympic in eventing. Mentor and first trainer (next to Wanda
Wąsowska) of the MP medalist in eventing Artur Bober.

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Marian Babirecki

Next to Andrzej Orłoś, the most versatile competitor in the post-war history of equestrianism in Poland. European Eventing Champion, Moscow 1965.

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Stallion Poprad, bay, born in 1961 (Traum – Amendment), bred by SK Liska.

He started his sports career under Piotr Wawryniuk in 1966. Participant of two Olympics, champion and vice-champion of the Polish Championships in jumping, 18-time participant of the Nations Cup.


Poprad was born on February 3, 1961 at the Liski Stud. His parents are the East Prussian Traum coming from the Trakehner Pilger line and the Trakehner Amendment coming from the line of the Dumpfross stallion, an excellent sire for the Trakehner East Prussian breed. Poprad's maternal grandmother Polana comes from a valuable family of mares Lorelei born in 1910.

In 1966, Poprad began his great sports career under Piotr Wawryniuk with starts at two Olympics, won a medal in the Polish Championships, and participated in many competitions at European hippodromes. He participated in numerous Nations Cups in which he appeared as many as 18 times in post-war history. Soon, his sons Arion, Czapak and Leopard set off to conquer the hippodromes.

In 1985 and 1986 Poprad took first place as the sire of sports horses. In addition to outstanding sons, Poprad left a large group of excellent broodmares, among which there were valuable mothers of sport horses.

Entry based on Poprad's description in the project Winners100Stars.

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Entry updated: 06.06.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Piotr Wawryniuk" (2012) - Witold Danish

"Poprad" (1984) - Antoni Pacyński

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"PZJ President about our equestrian" (1968) - Witold Domański

"Impressions from Olsztyn" (1968) - Jan Mickunas

Related Legends:

Piotr Wawryniuk

Twice Olympian (Mexico 68 and Munich 72), MP medalist (runner-up - Olsztyn 70 and champion - Warsaw 71) in show jumping. Riding instructor.

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He started his sports career under Piotr Wawryniuk in 1966. Participant of two Olympics, champion and vice-champion of the Polish Championships in jumping, 18-time participant of the Nations Cup.

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On February 18, 1928, an organizational meeting was convened in the ballroom of the Garrison Casino in Warsaw, during which representatives of 18 sports clubs adopted the statute and established the Polish Equestrian Association (hereinafter: PZJ). Members - founders of the Association were: Society of International and National Equestrian Competitions in Poland, Societies for the Encouragement of Horse Breeding: Lubelskie (Lublin), Małopolskie (Lviv), Piotrkowskie (Piotrków), Pomeranian (Grudziądz), Radomskie (Radom), Wielkopolskie (Poznań) , Vilnius (Vilnius) and Wołyńskie (Równe), Sports and Breeding Club in Grajewo, Kujawsko-Mazowieckie Sports Club (Włocławek), Krakow Horse Riding Club (Kraków), Polo-Club (Warsaw), Przemyśl Horse Riding Club (Przemyśl) , Equestrian Association "Sport Equestrian" of Horse Artillery Officers (Warsaw), Association of Horse Competitions of the Kielce Region (Kielce), Greater Poland Horse Riding Club (Poznań), Eastern Borderland Horse Riding Club (Baranowicze).

Then the authorities were elected. Słk Zbigniew Brochwicz-Lewiński, then director of the Cavalry Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs (hereinafter: MSWojsk.), was appointed as the president. The function of vice-presidents was entrusted to Fryderyk Jurjewicz - director of the Department of Horse Breeding at the Ministry of Agriculture and Brig. Stanisław Sochaczewski, Lt. Col. Dipl. Tadeusz Machalski, and for the treasurer - patron Tadeusz Michalski. The board of PZJ also consisted of: Słk dypl. Wladyslaw Anders, hr. Józef Breza, Jerzy Ciechomski, Colonel Leon Dunin-Wolski, Capt. Leon Kon, General Robert Lamezan Sallins and Brig. Stanisław Skotnicki. After the death of Fryderyk Jurjewicz (1929), the position of vice-president was taken over by Eng. Jan Grabowski, director of the Horse Breeding Department.

The main objectives of the PZJ were:
1) coordinating the activities of all societies promoting equestrian sport in its various forms, with the exception of horse racing, covered by the Act on Racing and Racing Rules; 2) unifying the classification and conditions of competitions;
3) representing Polish horse riding abroad;
4) preparation and organization of equestrian teams for the Olympic Games;
5) joining the International Equestrian Federation (Fédération Equestre Internationale - FEI).

The implementation of these tasks was not easy and took time. Thus, no abrupt reforms were introduced that could disrupt the normal course of the annual competition. PZJ decided to act systematically and consistently.

Author: Renata Urban, Equestrian sport in Poland in the years 1945-1989 (2013), pp. 31-32 (Chapter II - activities of the Polish Equestrian Association in the years 1928-1939).

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Entry updated: 07.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

On February 18, 1928, in the Garrison Casino at Aleja Szucha 23, the founding convention of the Polish Equestrian Association took place. An announcement about convening the congress was published in the weekly Jeździec i Hodowca:

— Organization of the Polish Equestrian Association. Notification. The Organizing Committee of the Polish Equestrian Association hereby notifies all Associations practicing equestrian sports (and racing associations, if they organize horse competitions) in the territory of the Polish State, and based on its own statute approved by the state authorities, that the PZJ constitutional meeting will be held at 9th day 18.11 r.b. in Warsaw at the garrison casino ul. Szucha 23, for which two plenipotentiary representatives from each Association are requested.
For the PZJ Organizing Committee, acting as the Head of the Cavalry Department

(—) Brochwicz-Lewiński Colonel S G.
Rider and Breeder No. 5, 1928 (February 1, 1928)

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):


"A beautiful jubilee, or the Polish Equestrian Association is already 95 years old" (2023) - Marcin Szczypiorski

“Traditions of horse sports in Poland until 1939” (2022) – Renata Urban

"Equestrian sport in Poland in the years 1945-1989" (2013) - Renata Urban

"Riders-Olympians of the Second Republic" (2012) - Renata Urban

“70 years of the Polish Equestrian Association” (1998)

"Polish Riding Association" (1991) – Leon Con

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"History of equestrian competitions in Poland" (1982) - Witold Pruski

"Evening competition at the Olympic Games, Moscow 1980" (1980) - Marcin Szczypiorski

"1938th Anniversary of the Polish Equestrian Championship" (XNUMX) - Zbigniew Brochowicz-Lewiński

"Expose of the President of the Polish Equestrian Association" (1933) - Zbigniew Brochowicz-Lewiński

"Polish Equestrian Association" (1929) - Tadeusz Machalski

"Polish Equestrian Association in Warsaw" (1928) - Tadeusz Machalski

"International Equestrian Competitions in Warsaw" (1927)

"To Mr. Captain Stanisław Olszowski, the Organizing Committee of the International Horse Riding Competitions" (1927)


People and Horses | MOVIE

Related Legends:

Anna Malecka

Doctor of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the University of Poznań. She abandoned her scientific career after a few years for horses, and especially for Cierń xx, with whom she came to the equestrian center in Zbrosławice, accompanied by an Olympian from Rome - Marek Roszczynialski. Here she began publishing books translated from German by Marek, such as "Gimnazjum ździeckie".

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Zygmunt Waliszewski

The best Polish 4-horse driver. 10-time gold medalist MP. 11-time ME and World Championships medalist. The only Pole inscribed on the Wall of Glory in Aachen.

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Jan Ludwiczak

Patron and organizer of sports: football, cycling, speedway, motorboat and now equestrian. Founder of the Agro-Handel Śrem Riding Club, the best club in Poland for several years.

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Wieslaw Dziadczyk

II Vice-Champion of Poland in Jumping over Obstacles. Trainer at Kozienice, Klikowa and Pruchna Studs. The rider who jumped the 2,20 m wall obstacle on the mare Via Vitae. To this day, the height record on this type of obstacle has not been broken in Poland.

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Marian Kozicki

Silver medalist from the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Four-time participant of the Olympic Games. Gold, silver (2x) and bronze (2x) MP medalist in show jumping.

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Wojciech Mikunas

Rider. Participant of the Olympic Games (1972 Munich, 1988 Seoul - as a coach of the team - 3th place), multiple medalist of the Polish Championships, XNUMXx participant of the European Championships in eventing. Columnist and great bard.

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Mark Zaleski

Rider, breeder, trainer, activist of the Polish Equestrian Association. One of the architects of the legend of Polish driving.

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Andrzej Orlos

Olympian. Polish Champion in Dressage, Jumping and Eventing. Breeder. Team coach
national in show jumping and Olympic in eventing. Mentor and first trainer (next to Wanda
Wąsowska) of the MP medalist in eventing Artur Bober.

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Charles Rommel

Soldier, trainer, artist in painting, drawing and horse riding. Three-time Olympian (1912 - Stockholm, 1924 - Paris, 1928 - Amsterdam). He was active in KJK in Łódź (1937) and JLKS Sopot (after the war).

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John Kowalczyk

A son of the Cieszyn region, a soldier, an athlete, the greatest talent in the history of Polish equestrianism. Champion and vice-champion of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980.

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Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Association

Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [].

Rider. Participant of the Olympic Games (1972 Munich - Groom Paweł Wierzbicki, 1988 Seoul - as a coach of the team - 3th place), multiple medalist of the Polish Championships, XNUMXx participant of the European Championships in eventing. Columnist and great bard.


Born on March 16, 1947 in Sompolno near Koło, son of Jan (major, valued coach) and Janina Budzińska, graduate of the 1964st Secondary School for them. K. Marcinkowski in Poznań (1968) and the local Agricultural University (zootechnics department, 1978) and AWF (178), where he received a master's degree in physical education (specialty sport), competitor (70 cm, 1960 kg), specialist in eventing: SK Chyszów Tarnów (1962-1962), Poznań Equestrian Center 1969-1970), LZS Racot (1973-1973) and the Warsaw (Stara Miłosna) Legia (1976-1961). He made his debut at the competition in Łąck (XNUMX) on the mare Hersylia, then moved with his parents to the Poznań center in Wola, where he developed his talent under the guidance of his father, who once wrote about his son that he was "brave, durable and skilful".

Leading Polish rider (1965-1972) specializing in eventing, but also competing in dressage. 2-time Polish champion in eventing (1969, 1972), 2-time 1968st runner-up: in dressage (1968), eventing (4) and 1965-time 1970nd runner-up in Poland: in eventing (1971, 1969, 4) and dressage (1967 ) on horses: Zawrat, Dżemila (1969 medals), Giecz and Shipowner. He competed unsuccessfully in European Championships (1973, XNUMX, XNUMX) on Dżemila, Głos and Dariusz.

After the end of his racing career, he was a trainer and promoter of equestrianism, e.g. coach of LKS Hubertus in Biały Bór (1976-1977), Equestrian Section of Eventing Lumel Zielona Góra (based in Drzonków) 1978-1983, as well as coach of the national team of Polish wukakawists, who took 1988th place in the team at the Olympic Games in Seoul (4). Mikunas is, among others Stanisław Jasiński (from Stara Miłosna). Master of Sports. Married (Zofia) has two daughters: Barbara (1971) and Bogna (1972).


Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 14.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):


"Coach advises" (2006) - Wojciech Mickunas

"History of horse riding, part XXXV” (1998) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXXIV” (1998) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXXII” (1998) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XXXI” (1998) – Witold Domański

"Eventing seen from the side stand" (1987) - Wojciech Mickunas

"Darek Soroka is dead!" (1986) – Wojciech Mikunas

"36. Polish Championships in eventing and CCI Biały Bór” (1985) – Wojciech Mickunas

"Polish Championships in Eventing and CCI, Jaroszówka 1984" (1984) - Wojciech Mickunas

"Polish Eventing on the way to Los Angeles, part II" (1984) - Wojciech Mickunas

"Polish Eventing on the way to Los Angeles" (1983) - Wojciech Mickunas

"Reflections after the Polish Eventing Championships, Sopot 1980" (1980) - Wojciech Mickunas

"Polish Eventing Championships" (1979) - Wojciech Mickunas

"Equestrian Championships of Poland in Eventing in 1972" (1973) - Jan Mossakowski

“Eventing at the Munich Olympics” (1972) – Jerzy Grabowski


Wojciech Mickunas – Some Broken Hearts Never Mend – Semi-final – The Voice Senior 3 (2022) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mickunas – In the Ghetto – Blind Auditions – The Voice Senior 3 (2022) | MOVIE

Coach Wojciech Mickunas (2020) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mickunas, coach and Olympian of eventing, in the film The Horse - What is Facts and Myths (2020) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mikunas (2018) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mickunas in Tara (2017) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mickunas – I'm Your Man (Leonard Cohen cover) (2017) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mikunas – Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash cover) (2017) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mickunas – Suzanne (Leonard Cohen cover) (2017) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mickunas and Gerd Heuschmann – an interview for the portal (2011) | MOVIE

Wojciech Mikunas recommends PCBJ | MOVIE

Related Legends:


Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Association

Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [].

Patron: Jolanta and Jacek Kołodziński with their children - Aleksandra and Adam

Guardian: Zofia and Wojciech Mickunas with their daughters Barbara and Bogna

Soldier, rider, teacher, trainer. Chevalier of the Order of Virtuti Militari. Polish vice-champion of eventing, Warsaw 1934.


He was born on April 20, 1907 in Kazimierza Mała in the Pińczów district in the Kielce province. He died on November 2, 1973 in Poznań. He was buried in the Old Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw (plot e, row 5, grave 5).

Jan Kazimierz Mickunas was the son of Kazimierz and Marianna Stanisława née Rayska. The Mickunas family came from Lithuania, and the Rayscy family owned a landed estate in the Kielce region. Initially, the Mickunases lived in Ojców in the Olkusz county. Jan Mickunas began his education at home, under the guidance of his father, who was a teacher, and from 1917 he attended a gymnasium in Kielce. After the death of his father (young Mickunas was in the pre-matura class at the time), his uncle took Jan to Sosnowiec, where in 1924 he passed his secondary school-leaving examination at the humanistic State Gimnazjum im. Bolesław Prus.

On September 1, 1924, Jan Mickunas joined the Polish Army and was drafted into the Cadet School in Warsaw, which he graduated in June 1925 with a very good result and the first place as the top student of the year. (…)

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Author: Renata Urban
Excerpts from the book Riders-Olympians of the Second Polish Republic

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"History of horse riding, part XIV” (1993) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part XII” (1992) – Witold Domański

"Equestrian sport in the horse weapons of the Second Polish Republic" (1974) - Zygmunt Bielecki

"Riders-Olympians of the Second Polish Republic" excerpts - Renata Urban

Jan Mikunas on the training ground at CWK in Grudziądz in 1937.
Horse competition at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the 2nd Regiment of Grochowski Lancers in Suwałki. second lieutenant Jan Mikunas jumps over the obstacle. Year 1928.
Jan Kazimierz Mickunas - equestrian competition in Warsaw's Łazienki Park.