
Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Association

Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [].

Rider, trainer, breeder, director. Nowielice SK. Silver medal of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980 (Champagne), silver medal of the Polish Jumping Championships 1977, Drzonków (Zygzak), bronze medal of the Polish Eventing Championships, Biały Bór 1977 (Tropik).


After graduating from high school at the Bolesław the Brave Secondary School in Gryfice, rider Janusz Bobik began studies at the Agricultural University of Szczecin.

He trained horses all the time, competed, won medals in the Polish Championships and a silver medal in the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. He was an all-around rider, in Show Jumping and in the All-Round Riding Horse Competition.

Because he was a good rider, he was invited to ride horses in England and Finland. In 1977, David Broome, the world champion, invited him to England. For this purpose, he used his six-month student internship. He also rode with Barbara Hammond.

He trained young horses and took part in various competitions. He was the only Pole who took part in Badminton, the horse Wimbledon. During his stay in England, he collected material used in his master's thesis, in which he compared the training of horses in the Comprehensive Riding Horse Competition in England and Poland.

He himself competed on four horses in one day. Until noon on two and in the afternoon, at another event, a hundred kilometers in another place, also on two. There he also wondered where people had enough money to participate in and watch competitions. In England, the stands were full of spectators, in Poland it was terrifyingly empty. A huge difference in the culture of life and being. Same in Finland. He was there twice, in winter and in summer.


In 1979, he completed a professional internship after graduation at the Nowielice Stud Farm. He started working there as a zootechnician, breeder, head breeder, deputy director of his father, and from 1998, president of the Management Board of the Nowielice Stud Farm, which was a sole-shareholder company of the State Treasury. Over the years, he has been riding horses, taking part in competitions, in the Polish Championships, European Championships, in the CSIO Grand Prix in Aachen in 1983, and with his horse Champagne, he takes thirteenth place. During these years, he was also a coach at the Dragon club and took on the duties of coach of the national team. Before the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992, he undertook the preparation of competitors in the Comprehensive Riding Horse Competition. These were difficult preparations. Average horses, no money. After training together in Biały Bór, they went to Barcelona: Piotr Piasecki on Igrek, Jacek Krukowski on Ibis, Bogusław Jarecki on Fanta, Arkadiusz Bachur on Chutor, Rafał Choynowski on Dresden. They took ninth place out of 26 teams.


Author: Witold Duński
Source: "Janusz Bobik" (2012) - Witold Duński

Entry updated: 02.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Janusz Bobik" (2012) - Witold Duński

"40 years of horse breeding at PSK Nowielice" (1989) - R. Pikuła, J. Bobik

"XXII Olympic Games Moscow" (1980) - Eryk Brabec

Olympic Games Moscow 1980 – Nations Cup and Grand Prix [RU]| MOVIE

Related Legends:


A sports horse in show jumping competitions, his greatest success was taking second place as a team at the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980 and 1983th place in the ind. in the CSIO Grand Prix in Aachen XNUMX

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Marian Kozicki

Silver medalist from the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Four-time participant of the Olympic Games. Gold, silver (2x) and bronze (2x) MP medalist in show jumping.

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Wieslaw Hartman

Silver team medalist of the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Multiple medalist of the Polish Championships in show jumping. Riding instructor.

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John Kowalczyk

A son of the Cieszyn region, a soldier, an athlete, the greatest talent in the history of Polish equestrianism. Champion and vice-champion of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980.

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Twice Olympian (Mexico 68 and Munich 72), MP medalist (runner-up - Olsztyn 70 and champion - Warsaw 71) in show jumping. Riding instructor.


He was born on June 29, 1943 in Pawłów Stary. Biała Podlaska District, Lublin Voivodeship.

Father Stanislaus. Mother Maria née Bujan. Sisters Jadwiga and Teresa. Brother Janusz. Wife Felicja née Łukomska. A graduate of the Agricultural Technical School in Środa Wielkopolska.


Wawryniuk graduated from the Agricultural Technical School in Środa Wielkopolska. In Wola, he was a rider, he took care of the horses. Veterinary paramedic course during basic military service. He was a rider all the time on horses prepared for export, an equerry and a competitor.

He competed with outstanding competitors: Marian Babirecki, Andrzej Orłoś, Stefan Pękala in the Versatile Riding Horse Competition, Dressage, and Show Jumping. He was a student of Major Jan Mossakowski.


And so Poprad went to Piotr Wawryniuk. In sports, they never parted again. Wawryniuk had already won the Polish Championships in Gniezno in Altyn with the fifth place and in 1969 in Kwidzyn the fourth with Poprad and Bart. In 1968, in CHIO in Olsztyn, they had the first and second place individually, and the first place in the Nations Cup. They became Olympians in Mexico in 1968.


They kind of warmed up after the Olympic start. Their good results became more regular. Since then, the pair of Poprad and Wawryniuk has been an iron point of the Polish team, entered into the All Nations Cup, where, due to the phlegmatic nature of the rider and the horse's high regularity, they usually started last in the team.


Near Oslo he was a trainer, he rode a horse. He took care of young people in competitions. He was a trainer of the national team in the Versatile Riding Horse Competition. For thirteen years, his players won the National Championship six times. They were the best.

The head of the Equestrian Center, employing Piotr Wawryniuk, was also the manager of the only company in the world that connects high-pressure pipes without welding, and offered Piotr a permanent job at GS Hydro Norge.


Author: Witold Duński

The entire publication and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 25.10.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Piotr Wawryniuk" (2012) - Witold Danish

"History of horse riding, part XXX” (1997) – Witold Domański

"Poprad" (1984) - Antoni Pacyński

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"After 24 years in the Olympic competition" (1972) - Witold Domański

"PZJ President about our equestrian" (1968) - Witold Domański

"Impressions from Olsztyn" (1968) - Jan Mickunas

Related Legends:


He started his sports career under Piotr Wawryniuk in 1966. Participant of two Olympics, champion and vice-champion of the Polish Championships in jumping, 18-time participant of the Nations Cup.

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Polish Equestrian Association

On February 18, 1928, in the Garrison Casino at Aleja Szucha 23, the founding convention of the Polish Equestrian Association took place. The announcement of convening the congress was published in the 5th issue of the Rider and Breeder weekly, on February 1, 1928.

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Wieslaw Dziadczyk

II Vice-Champion of Poland in Jumping over Obstacles. Trainer at Kozienice, Klikowa and Pruchna Studs. The rider who jumped the 2,20 m wall obstacle on the mare Via Vitae. To this day, the height record on this type of obstacle has not been broken in Poland.

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Marian Kozicki

Silver medalist from the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Four-time participant of the Olympic Games. Gold, silver (2x) and bronze (2x) MP medalist in show jumping.

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Wieslaw Hartman

Silver team medalist of the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Multiple medalist of the Polish Championships in show jumping. Riding instructor.

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Andrzej Orlos

Olympian. Polish Champion in Dressage, Jumping and Eventing. Breeder. Team coach
national in show jumping and Olympic in eventing. Mentor and first trainer (next to Wanda
Wąsowska) of the MP medalist in eventing Artur Bober.

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Marian Babirecki

Next to Andrzej Orłoś, the most versatile competitor in the post-war history of equestrianism in Poland. European Eventing Champion, Moscow 1965.

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II Vice-Champion of Poland in Jumping over Obstacles. Trainer at Kozienice, Klikowa and Pruchna Studs. The rider who jumped the 2,20 m wall obstacle on the mare Via Vitae. To this day, the height record on this type of obstacle has not been broken in Poland.


He was born on November 4, 1937 in Bogusławice. Piotrków Trybunalski District, Łódź Voivodeship. Father Wacław. Mother Marianna née Węgrzynowska. Gabriel's sisters, Joanna, Maria, Barbara. Wife Natalia née Zając. Monika's daughter. Sons Paweł and Maciej.


In the autumn of 1954, the first meeting with the horses of the Stallion Stud in Bogusławice took place.

“I remember that day, November fifteenth. Then I went to work. My father had eleven hectares of land. I was the only son and my father was sorry to leave the farm. He thought that I would only work part-time in the herd and that I would return to my fatherland. I didn't come back. The horses took me. After the first year of work in Stada, I joined a sports group."


In 1965 (…) He accepts the proposal of Captain Jerzy Sas Jaworski, with the last combat assignment in the Warsaw Cavalry Division, an outstanding breeder, director of the Horse Stud in Kozienice. He becomes a sports instructor in a group of sports horses, after major Marian Fabrycy.

He spent twelve years in Kozienice. There he met the horses of his life, the mare Via Vitae, the daughter of the mare Via Aquia by Aquino and the stallion Dar es Salam, a chestnut, born in Kozienice Stud in 1960.


In 1969, at the International Official Equestrian Competition - CHIO in Olsztyn, he won the Jumping Power Competition, jumping a wall at a height of two hundred and twenty centimeters (to this day, a record jump in Poland on a wall). It is worth recalling that in the same year in Radom, Wiesław Dziadczyk on the mare Via Vitae set the then Polish record in the height jump, which was 2,05 cm.


Author: Witold Duński, PCBJ edition

The entire publication and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 09.11.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):


"Horses of Służewiec" (2019) - Paweł Goclowski

"Wiesław Dziadczyk" (2012) - Witold Danish

"History of the SKARB Riding Club at the Kozienice Stud" (2012)

"The way of life - the goal of life" (2011) - Anna Sas-Jaworska

"History of horse riding, part XXX” (1997) – Witold Domański

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"From the life of the Folk Equestrian Club at Pruchna Stud in Ochaby" (1980) - Paweł Marosz

"Record of the Century" (1979)

"CSI in Warsaw and CSIO in Olsztyn in 1974." (1974) - Wladyslaw Byszewski

"Racot - Warsaw - Olsztyn" - (1969) - Witold Domański

Press clippings (1971-1980)


"It's worth going back to the past... History of Via Vitae once again" [link] (2020)


People and Horses pt. 1 (1985) | MOVIE

People and Horses pt. 2 (1985) | MOVIE

People and Horses pt. 3 (1985) | MOVIE

Related Legends:

Marian Kozicki

Silver medalist from the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Four-time participant of the Olympic Games. Gold, silver (2x) and bronze (2x) MP medalist in show jumping.

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John Kowalczyk

A son of the Cieszyn region, a soldier, an athlete, the greatest talent in the history of Polish equestrianism. Champion and vice-champion of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980.

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Photos from the collection of Wiesław Dziadczyk.

Honorary patron: Polish Olympic Committee

Polish Olympic Committee (PKOl) is an autonomous, nationwide association of sports associations and organizations with headquarters in Warsaw (click to go to the Honorary Patron's website). []

Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Associationi

Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [].

July 29, 1980 - team silver medal in the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow.
August 3 1980 - Olympic gold medal Jan Kowalczyk on Artemor.

Riders specializing in show jumping in the post-war period had no luck at the Olympics. First, Polish horse riding was rebuilt after war damage, when our competitors competed and won medals at various Olympics. The starts at the Olympic Games in Mexico — 1968 and Munich — 1972 were unsuccessful. These starts, however, showed that we still have too few outstanding horses, even though a few of them presented themselves in Munich at their best, praising Polish breeding, but this it wasn't enough to take a medal place yet.

For Montreal in 1976, due to the huge costs and the lack of a balanced team, it was assumed in advance that riders in the eventing competition and individually Jan Kowalczyk, to whom the best horses were made available, would be preparing. The horses' blood tests for piroplasmosis finally ruled out the start of the eventing team and Jan Kowalczyk individually in jumping.

In the preparations for the Moscow 1980 Olympic Games, the same mistake was made as in previous years, preparations started too late. In 1978, a training camp was organized in PSO Łąck, led by coaches Marian Kowalczyk and Eng. Krzysztof Koziarowski under the guidance of the coach mgr. Eng. Władysław Byszewski. The training camp, intertwined with competitions in Poland and abroad, lasted only 2 months. In 1979, the grouping was continued at PSO Łąck, led by mgr Byszewski from Eng. Koziarowski. Unfortunately, due to business activities at ZHiOZ in Warsaw, Byszewski, MA, could not fully devote himself to training. This grouping, lasting (according to the plan) three months, was interspersed with various starts in competitions. (…)

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Author: Eryk Brabec
source: Horse Polish magazine, 1980

Entry updated: 26.08.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

The composition of the Polish equestrian team at the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow:

Jumping over obstacles (silver team medal)eventing (team incomplete)Dressage (4th place team)
Staff Warrant Officer John Kowalczyk - Artemor
[1. place ind. – Olympic gold medal]
Mirosław Szłapka – Yerevan
[6. Indian place]
Józef Zagor – Helios
[10. Indian place]
Wieslaw Hartman - Norton
[6. Indian place]
Jacek Wierzchowiecki – Bastion
[13. Indian place]
Elżbieta Morciniec – Catfish
[13. Indian place]
Marian Kozicki - Bremen
[8. Indian place]
Jacek Daniliuk – Len
[didn't finish]
Wanda Wasowska – Damazy
[14. Indian place]
Janusz Bobik - Champagne
[only competed in the Nations Cup]
Stanisław Jasiński – Hangar
[didn't finish]
Bogusław Misztal (substitute)
Bogdan Sas-Jaworski – Bremen (reserve)Anna Kuczyńska (substitute)

The trainer of Polish riders taking part in the Olympics in Moscow was Marian Kowalczyk (jumping) and Andrzej Orłości (eventing). Marcin Szczypiorski was appointed as the team leader.

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Marian Kowalczyk's Encyclopedia" (2022) - Paulina Kucharska

"Norton" (2021) -

"The whole history of Polish equestrianism is dead" [link] (2020) - D. Urbanowicz

“Equestrian sport in Poland… (1945-1989)” (2013) – Renata Urban

"About Olympic heroes" (2012) - Marek Szewczyk, Jerzy Fedorski

"Wiesław Hartman (1950-2021)" (2012) -

"Marian Kowalczyk" (2012) - Witold Danish

"Wiesław Hartman" (2012) - Witold Danish

"Artemor" (1985) - Marek Szewczyk

"Memories of Bremen" (1985) - Bohdan Sas-Jaworski

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"Evening competition at the Olympic Games, Moscow 1980" (1980) - Marcin Szczypiorski

“Eventing at the Moscow Olympics” (1980) – Andrzej Orłoś

"XXII Olympic Games Moscow" (1980) - Eryk Brabec

"Jan Kowalczyk and Artemor" (1980) - Antoni Święcicki

Olympic Games Moscow 1980 – Nations Cup and Grand Prix [RU]| MOVIE

Jan Kowalczyk – Artemor – Olympic Games Moscow 1980 | MOVIE

Moscow 1980 – Jan Kowalczyk – Interview | MOVIE

Related Legends:

Wieslaw Hartman

Silver team medalist of the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Multiple medalist of the Polish Championships in show jumping. Riding instructor.

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John Kowalczyk

A son of the Cieszyn region, a soldier, an athlete, the greatest talent in the history of Polish equestrianism. Champion and vice-champion of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980.

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“Artemor was, above all, very honest. (…) His jumps were very dynamic and fast, so it was sometimes difficult to keep up with him with his body. Even though he was small, he had no problems even with very difficult lines. (…) It was easy to drive, it turned on its tail. He had a very good character…”

— Senior Staff Warrant Officer Jan Kowalczyk, Artemor's rider

ARTEMOR (Eros xx – Artemiza / Equator), xo (gelding) born 1969 | proper Polish army


The Polish horse on which Jan Kowalczyk won the Olympic gold medal in the individual show jumping competition and the team silver medal at the Olympic Games in Moscow, 1980.

Jan Kowalczyk recalls: “Artemor was a short horse (163 cm at the withers). He was characterized by: good, cheerful disposition, he had a lively temperament and a lot of energy. I got him from Sopot in 1978 for three other horses donated by Legia.”

From then until 1984, Jan Kowalczyk rode it, winning the Olympic competition and 8 CSIO competitions. Eight times he represented Poland in the Nations Cup.

In Poland he also won:
1979st place MP jumping - XNUMX
1980st place MP jumping - XNUMX
1981nd place MP jumping - XNUMX
1982st place MP jumping - XNUMX

In December 1984, Artemor fell ill with encephalitis and was put to sleep as a result.

He was chosen the horse of the century during the audience's vote for the best horse of the #winners100Gwiazd project, Cavaliada Poznań 12.2018.

Entry updated: 01.06.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Artemor" (1985) - Marek Szewczyk

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"Foreign performances of jumpers in the spring season" (1980) - Krzysztof Koziarowski

"Jan Kowalczyk and Artemor" (1980) - Antoni Święcicki

"XXII Olympic Games Moscow" (1980) - Eryk Brabec

Jan Kowalczyk – Artemor – Olympic Games Moscow 1980 | MOVIE

"Review of the world's top jumpers at the beginning of the Olympic Games in Moscow" (1980) - Władysław Byszewski

"European Jumping Championships, Rotterdam 1979" (1979) - Władysław Byszewski

Related Legends:


Team silver. and eighth place ind. at the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. 2x bronze medals (1979 and 1981) and silver in the JMP (1983). He won the Grand Prix competitions at CSIO in Olsztyn (1981), Sopot (1983) and Plovdiv (1984).

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A sports horse in show jumping competitions, his greatest success was taking second place as a team at the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980 and 1983th place in the ind. in the CSIO Grand Prix in Aachen XNUMX

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Janusz Bobik

Rider, trainer, breeder, director. Nowielice SK. Silver medal of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980 (Champagne), silver medal of the Polish Jumping Championships 1977, Drzonków (Zygzak), bronze medal of the Polish Eventing Championships, Biały Bór 1977 (Tropik).

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Marian Kozicki

Silver medalist from the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Four-time participant of the Olympic Games. Gold, silver (2x) and bronze (2x) MP medalist in show jumping.

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Wieslaw Hartman

Silver team medalist of the Olympic Games in Moscow 1980. Multiple medalist of the Polish Championships in show jumping. Riding instructor.

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John Kowalczyk

A son of the Cieszyn region, a soldier, an athlete, the greatest talent in the history of Polish equestrianism. Champion and vice-champion of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980.

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