Honorary patron: Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland – Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska
Małgorzata Maria Kidawa-Błońska née Grabska – Polish politician and film producer, sociologist by education. Marshal of the Sejm of the 7th term, Marshal of the Senate of the 11th term. Member of the Sejm of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th terms, senator of the 11th term.

Honorary patron: Polish Horse Breeders Association
Polish Horse Breeders Association (PZHK) – is a voluntary and self-governing socio-professional organization representing and defending the rights and interests of horse breeders – members of organizations associated with PZHK, within its area of operation [www.pzhk.pl]
Patron: Commune Office in Michałów
Michałów is home to one of the most important Arabian Horse Studs. The world-famous Stud was established in 1953, and the main reason for choosing Michałów as its seat was its characteristic location in a valley with a specific microclimate. The founder of the Stud was Jerzy Jaworowski. [www.michalow.pl]
Guardians: The family of Urszula and Jerzy Białobok
Prominent breeders of Polish Arabian horses. Michałów Stud, during their work, received the Award of the President of the Republic of Poland - Aleksander Kwaśniewski (2001).
I was born on September 20, 1947 in Sieradz. Alina's mother, Helena née Wiśniowska, b. near Zbarazh. Father Ryszard Laufersweiler, a pre-war officer of the KOP, my father was a lecturer at the Officers' School of Signals in Zegrze (...)
Michałów (...). My brothers Krzysztof and Sławek Wiszniowski (my cousin) brought me here on a very frosty December day in 1969. We traveled by train to Kielce and then the road to Michałów. The boss welcomed us warmly (...)
Author: Urszula Białobok
Read Urszula Białobok's personal handwritten memories of her life and work at SK Michałów...
The entire article and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)
He was born on December 17, 1952 in Śrem, Poznań Province. Father Stefan. Mother Emilia née Grabowska. Sisters Hanna and Krystyna. Wife Urszula née Laufersweiler. Son of Emil. A graduate of the Agricultural University in Poznań - zootechnics.
It was 1977. The young breeder Jerzy Białobok was always interested in oriental horses. He was drawn to purebred horses. In order to get to know them, you had to get an internship at Arabian studs. There were only two - Janów Podlaski and Michałów. Engineer Białobok came to the Horse Racing Track in Służewiec. He spoke with directors Andrzej Krzyształowicz and Ignacy Jaworowski. There were enough trainees in Janów Podlaski, Jaworowski said that he could come to Michałów. It was August 15, 1977.
There was no relationship with horses in the Białobok family. Father Stefan was a geneticist. He was interested in forest trees. He graduated from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, and before 1939 he earned his doctorate at the University of Berlin. Grandfather Jan Kanty Białobok worked at the Scientific Institute in Puławy and dealt with trees and shrubs. There is a silver spruce, blue called Białobok, not exceeding two and a half meters in height.
My father, said Jerzy Białobok, worked in science and was a professor of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Institute in Kórnik. So there was some breeding tradition. Working horses in Kórnik were used to work in nurseries on the Kórnik farm. My mother graduated from a gardening school in Poznań and worked in Kórnik. Grandfather on the maternal side, Tadeusz Grabowski, was a professor at the Jagiellonian University, then in Poznań he headed the Department of Romance Studies and dealt with the literature of the Romantic period. I was obsessed with horses.
Author: Witold Duński
The entire article and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)
Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.
Entry updated: 19.02.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
Urszula Białobok died on February 28, 2024, at the age of 77.

Anna Malecka
Doctor of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the University of Poznań. She abandoned her scientific career after a few years for horses, and especially for Cierń xx, with whom she came to the equestrian center in Zbrosławice, accompanied by an Olympian from Rome - Marek Roszczynialski. Here she began publishing books translated from German by Marek, such as "Gimnazjum ździeckie".

Racing News, 1926-1991
The official authority for horse racing issued by the Society for the Encouragement of Horse Breeding in Poland, pursuant to the provisions of the "Racing Rules" established by the Minister of Agriculture.

Michałów Horse Stud
It was founded in 1953. It took over the horses from the stud in Klemensów, near Zamość, which was liquidated at the same time. Together with the horses, a breeder, Mr. Ignacy Jaworowski, was transferred to Michałów, later its director for many years.

Mares Championship in Aachen (1999). In 2000 - European Championships, in Polish colors - World Championships 2007. Sold for 1 EUR

Ignacy Jaworowski
Permanently associated with the post-war history of rebuilding Arabian horse breeding in Poland and the successes of Michałów Stud.
Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:
Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):
"KWESTURA - 'The Best'" (2020) - Urszula and Jerzy Białobokowie
"And the immortals must go" (2015) - Jerzy Białobok
"The Michałów State Stud 1953-2013, part II" (2014) - Urszula Białobok
"The Michałów State Stud 1953-2013, part I" (2013) - Urszula Białobok
"Ignacy Jaworowski" (2014) - Jerzy Białobok
"Distinguished Horse Breeders" (2014)
"My Way - A Conversation with Jerzy Białobok" (2013) - Anette Mattson
"Jerzy Białobok" (2012) - Witold Danish
"Persian eye pt. VI” (2011) – Jerzy Białobok
"Persian eye pt. V” (2009) – Jerzy Białobok
"Persian eye pt. IV” (2009) – Jerzy Białobok
"My way to horses" (2008) - Urszula Białobok
"Persian eye pt. III” (2007) – Jerzy Białobok
"Urszula and Jerzy Białobok in Tomasz Jurga's photography" (2007) - Tomasz Jurga
"Fawor 1981-2005" (2006) - Urszula Białobok
"Persian eye pt. II” (2006) – Jerzy Białobok
"Persian eye pt. I” (2006) – Jerzy Białobok
"The Great Breeder Has Gone" (2004) - Urszula Białobok, Jerzy Białobok
"Mike Nichols' travels to Michałów" (2002) - Anna Stojanowska
"Michael's Championship" (1994) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka
"Michael's Stallions" - Urszula Białobok
“Michałów Stud” – editorial team
"The company is the most important" [link] (2009) - Monika Luft
"The Power of success - Michałów Stud" [link][EN] - Urszula Leczycka
"The Power of success - Michałów Stud" [link][FR] - Urszula Leczycka
Remembrance of predecessors (2018) | MOVIE
See related articles:

Mares Championship in Aachen (1999). In 2000 - European Championships, in Polish colors - World Championships 2007. Sold for 1 EUR

EKSTERN (Monogramm – Ernestyna)
This is one of the stallions that are said to be "epoch-making". Epoch-making was his father Monogramm and his ancestors, including Ofir and the progenitor of the family brought from the desert - Kuhailan Haifi or.ar. Father of champions and champions, as well as distinguished mothers in breeding. His daughter Pepita was sold at an auction in Janów for one million four hundred thousand...

On the back of the painting there is a dedication: "Dear Urszula and Jerzy - may your "new" home become a haven, asylum and joy of your life - Iza Zawadzka".

Charlie Watts, S. Watts, Jerzy Białobok, Jorgen Frederksen.