Honorary patron: Polish Olympic Committee
Polish Olympic Committee (PKOl) is an autonomous, nationwide association of sports associations and organizations with headquarters in Warsaw (click to go to the Honorary Patron's website). [www.olympijski.pl]

Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Association
Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [www.pzj.pl].

The first Summer Olympic Games in which Poland took part. Our representatives won two medals, India. bronze (Adam Królikiewicz / Picador) and team silver (track cyclists).
In November 1922, I was surprised by a summons to report to the Cavalry Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs in Warsaw. There I found out that I was appointed as an instructor of the CSKaw formation. in Grudziądz, a group of officers, candidates to participate in the Olympics in Paris.
I took the liberty of reporting that I had already been assigned to CSKaw., but the Commander resigned from my assignment because of my article in Bellona. It was explained to me that the group being formed would be subordinated to the CSKaw Command. only economic and disciplinary, and general training supervision will be held by Col. Zahorski, so there is nothing to be afraid of
When asked if I could name another officer. whom I considered suitable for the group, I had no hesitation in naming 2nd Lt. Kazimierz Szosland from the XNUMXnd Regiment of the University of Warsaw, who had already ridden there under my supervision, was a sincere horse lover and a very talented rider. My proposal was accepted and the appropriate order was signed.
The so-called Olympic group consisted of a dozen or so officers, ranging from second lieutenants to captains, and a little later also majors, representing various regiments of mounted weapons, who came here with their horses. They were all horse riding enthusiasts and if few of them made it to the Olympics, it was not because of lack of passion, but because of their abilities, the requirements for which were very high. Things weren't going well with the horses. There was a lack of horses of outstanding quality and we tried to fill these gaps with conscientious, systematic work. It took place in a friendly atmosphere characterized by mutual kindness.
After half a year of the group's existence, the former great competition rider Dymitr Ekse was engaged as a civilian instructor. He was partly Russian, partly Swedish, and apparently had German blood as well.
After his arrival, work continued as usual. I remained his deputy and, as a soldier, the group leader. Everything was going very well for us. With the arrival of spring and the beginning of the competition season, the entire group took part in numerous competitions to check the value of individual horses and riders. Mention should be made of the Warsaw competitions organized on the Mokotów race track by the Society for the Encouragement of Horse Breeding in Poland and near Krakow in Krzeszowice by the Krakow Society of Horse Riding Enthusiasts (if I remember the name of the Society exactly).
A little later than the Grudziądz group, a smaller sports group was established in Warsaw at the 1st Cavalry Regiment, led by Maj. Karol Rómmel. (…)
Read more... (click to go to the Polish Digital Equestrian Library)
Author: Leon Kon
Entry updated: 10.01.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
The composition of the Polish equestrian team at the Olympic Games in Paris 1924:
Jumping over obstacles (6th place team) | eventing (7th place team) |
for. Adam Królikiewicz - Picador [3. Indian place] | major Charles Rommel – Krechowiak [10. Indian place] |
major Charles Rommel – The favorite [10. Indian place] | rtm. Kazimierz de Rostwo-Suski – Lady [25. Indian place] |
rtm. Zdzislaw Dziadulski – Zephyr [28. Indian place] | rtm. Tadeusz Komorowski -Amon [26. Indian place] |
for. Casimir Szosland – Jacek [32. Indian place] | for. Casimir Szosland – Helusia [33. Indian place] |
The instructor of the group of officers taking part in the Olympics in Paris was Leon Kon. Major Karol Rómmel was appointed as the head of the team.
Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:
Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):
"Establishing 2024 as the Year of Polish Olympians" (2023)
"Olympic achievements of Poles in equestrian sports" (2022) - Renata Urbean
“Project Paris 2024” (2022) – Ewa Pogodzińska
"Kazimierz Rostwo-Suski - Olympian from Paris 1924" (2012) – Renata Urban
"Zdzisław Dziadulski" (2012) - Witold Danish
"About Olympic heroes" (2012) - M. Szewczyk, J. Fedorski
"Olympic Riders" (2000) - Hanna Łysakowska
"History of horse riding, part VII” (1990) – Witold Domański
"Paris Olympics 1924" (1990) – Leon Kon
"Chamonix - Paris 1924" (1990) - Wojciech Lipoński
"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - W. Domański
"The development of equestrian competitions in the years 1924-1926" (1982) - Witold Pruski
"Polish riders at the Olympic Games in the years 1912—1976" (1980) - A. Święciki
"Polish equestrianism at the Olympic Games in the interwar period" (1972) - Bolesław Skulicz
"Polish riders at the Olympics" (1968) - W. Domański, B. Skulicz
"From Nice to New York""" (1927) – Adam Królikiewicz
"The best Polish horses... 'From Nice to New York'" (1927) - A. Królikiewicz
"1927th Olympiad - Paris" (XNUMX) - Adam Królikiewicz
"Polish equestrianism at the VIII Olympiad" (1924) - Leon Kon
"The first individual Olympic medal for Poland" [link] (2022)
"White and Red on the Mast in Paris" [link] (2020) - Lech Ufel
"The first medal and the last charge" [link] - Ewa Olkuśnik
Related Legends:

Tadeusz Komorowski
Colonel of the Polish Army cavalry. Commander in Chief of the Home Army. Commander of the Warsaw Uprising. Prime Minister of the Polish government in exile.

Kazimierz Suski de Rostwo
Soldier. Rider. Coach. Olympian at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris (7th place). Lt. Col. Commander of the 21st Vistula Uhlans Regiment (Battle of Mokra).

1928th Summer Olympic Games – Amsterdam, XNUMX
The Olympic Games in Amsterdam were the first Olympics where we won two team medals in show jumping - silver and bronze in eventing.

1936th Summer Olympic Games – Berlin, XNUMX
Polish team composed of: Rtm. Z. Kawecki / Bambino; Major S. Kulesza / Tośka; captain H. Roycewicz-Leliwa / Arlekin III – won the team silver medal.

XXII Summer Olympic Games – Moscow, 1980
July 29, 1980 - team silver medal in the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow.
August 3, 1980 - individual gold medal - Jan Kowalczyk and Artemor.

Zdzislaw Dziadulski
Two-time Olympian (IO Paris 1924 – horse 'Zefir', IO Amsterdam 1928 – 'The Lad' – reserve). 7th Regiment of Mounted Riflemen in Biedrusko (Poznań).

Casimir Szosland
Maj. Sergeant of the Polish Army, the leading Polish equestrian in the years 1923-1935, two-time Olympian (1924 and 1928 - silver).

Charles Rommel
Soldier, trainer, artist in painting, drawing and horse riding. Three-time Olympian (1912 - Stockholm, 1924 - Paris, 1928 - Amsterdam). He was active in KJK in Łódź (1937) and JLKS Sopot (after the war).

1924 | Olympic Games Paris | individual bronze medal in show jumping - rtm. Adam Królikiewicz, 1st Light Cavalry Regiment of Józef Piłsudski.

Adam Królikiewicz
The first Polish Olympic medalist - bronze medal, Olympic Games Paris 1924 (Picador horse).

The most applauded were the delegations from France, Great Britain and the United States.

Lt. Col. Karol Rómmel on the embankment. Krechowiak in the championship during the Olympics in Paris in 1924 (from the collection of B. Skulicz).