
Honorary patron: Polish Olympic Committee

Polish Olympic Committee (PKOl) is an autonomous, nationwide association of sports associations and organizations with headquarters in Warsaw (click to go to the Honorary Patron's website). []

Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Association

Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [].

The first Summer Olympic Games in which Poland took part. Our representatives won two medals, India. bronze (Adam Królikiewicz / Picador) and team silver (track cyclists).

In November 1922, I was surprised by a summons to report to the Cavalry Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs in Warsaw. There I found out that I was appointed as an instructor of the CSKaw formation. in Grudziądz, a group of officers, candidates to participate in the Olympics in Paris.

I took the liberty of reporting that I had already been assigned to CSKaw., but the Commander resigned from my assignment because of my article in Bellona. It was explained to me that the group being formed would be subordinated to the CSKaw Command. only economic and disciplinary, and general training supervision will be held by Col. Zahorski, so there is nothing to be afraid of

When asked if I could name another officer. whom I considered suitable for the group, I had no hesitation in naming 2nd Lt. Kazimierz Szosland from the XNUMXnd Regiment of the University of Warsaw, who had already ridden there under my supervision, was a sincere horse lover and a very talented rider. My proposal was accepted and the appropriate order was signed.


The so-called Olympic group consisted of a dozen or so officers, ranging from second lieutenants to captains, and a little later also majors, representing various regiments of mounted weapons, who came here with their horses. They were all horse riding enthusiasts and if few of them made it to the Olympics, it was not because of lack of passion, but because of their abilities, the requirements for which were very high. Things weren't going well with the horses. There was a lack of horses of outstanding quality and we tried to fill these gaps with conscientious, systematic work. It took place in a friendly atmosphere characterized by mutual kindness.

After half a year of the group's existence, the former great competition rider Dymitr Ekse was engaged as a civilian instructor. He was partly Russian, partly Swedish, and apparently had German blood as well.

After his arrival, work continued as usual. I remained his deputy and, as a soldier, the group leader. Everything was going very well for us. With the arrival of spring and the beginning of the competition season, the entire group took part in numerous competitions to check the value of individual horses and riders. Mention should be made of the Warsaw competitions organized on the Mokotów race track by the Society for the Encouragement of Horse Breeding in Poland and near Krakow in Krzeszowice by the Krakow Society of Horse Riding Enthusiasts (if I remember the name of the Society exactly).

A little later than the Grudziądz group, a smaller sports group was established in Warsaw at the 1st Cavalry Regiment, led by Maj. Karol Rómmel. (…)

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Author: Leon Kon

Entry updated: 10.01.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

The composition of the Polish equestrian team at the Olympic Games in Paris 1924:

Jumping over obstacles (6th place team)eventing (7th place team)
for. Adam Królikiewicz - Picador
[3. Indian place]
major Charles Rommel – Krechowiak
[10. Indian place]
major Charles Rommel – The favorite
[10. Indian place]
rtm. Kazimierz de Rostwo-Suski – Lady
[25. Indian place]
rtm. Zdzislaw Dziadulski – Zephyr
[28. Indian place]
rtm. Tadeusz Komorowski -Amon
[26. Indian place]
for. Casimir Szosland – Jacek
[32. Indian place]
for. Casimir Szosland – Helusia
[33. Indian place]

The instructor of the group of officers taking part in the Olympics in Paris was Leon Kon. Major Karol Rómmel was appointed as the head of the team.

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):


"Establishing 2024 as the Year of Polish Olympians" (2023)

"Olympic achievements of Poles in equestrian sports" (2022) - Renata Urbean

“Project Paris 2024” (2022) – Ewa Pogodzińska

"Kazimierz Rostwo-Suski - Olympian from Paris 1924" (2012) – Renata Urban

"Zdzisław Dziadulski" (2012) - Witold Danish

"About Olympic heroes" (2012) - M. Szewczyk, J. Fedorski

"Olympic Riders" (2000) - Hanna Łysakowska

"History of horse riding, part VII” (1990) – Witold Domański

"Paris Olympics 1924" (1990) – Leon Kon

"Chamonix - Paris 1924" (1990) - Wojciech Lipoński

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - W. Domański

"The development of equestrian competitions in the years 1924-1926" (1982) - Witold Pruski

"Polish riders at the Olympic Games in the years 1912—1976" (1980) - A. Święciki

"Polish equestrianism at the Olympic Games in the interwar period" (1972) - Bolesław Skulicz

"Polish riders at the Olympics" (1968) - W. Domański, B. Skulicz

"From Nice to New York""" (1927) – Adam Królikiewicz

"The best Polish horses... 'From Nice to New York'" (1927) - A. Królikiewicz

"1927th Olympiad - Paris" (XNUMX) - Adam Królikiewicz

"Polish equestrianism at the VIII Olympiad" (1924) - Leon Kon


"The first individual Olympic medal for Poland" [link] (2022)

"White and Red on the Mast in Paris" [link] (2020) - Lech Ufel

"Paris 1924" [link] (2016)

"The first medal and the last charge" [link] - Ewa Olkuśnik




Related Legends:

Tadeusz Komorowski

Colonel of the Polish Army cavalry. Commander in Chief of the Home Army. Commander of the Warsaw Uprising. Prime Minister of the Polish government in exile.

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Zdzislaw Dziadulski

Two-time Olympian (IO Paris 1924 – horse 'Zefir', IO Amsterdam 1928 – 'The Lad' – reserve). 7th Regiment of Mounted Riflemen in Biedrusko (Poznań).

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Charles Rommel

Soldier, trainer, artist in painting, drawing and horse riding. Three-time Olympian (1912 - Stockholm, 1924 - Paris, 1928 - Amsterdam). He was active in KJK in Łódź (1937) and JLKS Sopot (after the war).

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1924 | Olympic Games Paris | individual bronze medal in show jumping - rtm. Adam Królikiewicz, 1st Light Cavalry Regiment of Józef Piłsudski.

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Mr. Hordyński from the vicinity of Tarnobrzeg, at a competition in Piotrków Trybunalski in 1922, recognized him as Mantel (later Jasiek), taken into the army in 1909, he was 17 years old at the time of this competition.

xo [POL/HUN] (NN) (gelding) b. 1905

Mr. Hordyński from the vicinity of Tarnobrzeg, at a competition in Piotrków Trybunalski in 1922, recognized him as Mantel (later Jasiek), taken into the army in 1909, he was 17 years old at the time of this competition.

This is how Adam Królikiewicz describes Jasiek in his book entitled "From Nice to New York".

(…) This small, inconspicuous horse, at the peak of its form, is actually an old man. At the age of 18, he achieves an unbelievable feat. (…) In extremely difficult weather conditions, Jasiek beats one hundred and several dozen great European horses, winning the Grand Prize of the City of Nice - Grand Prix de la Ville de Nice. In the presence and company of General Władysław Sikorski, an honorary guest at the Nice competition, the mayor of the city decorates Jasiek with the winning ribbon, giving his rider a wonderful trophy: a passing cup for the Polish Ministry of Military Affairs. (…)

You can read more about Jasiek in the article by Adam Królikiewicz, which appeared in the magazine Section no. 669 (05/1958) pp. 5-8,22 (link will redirect to

Entry updated: 25.10.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to go to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"The story of my horse Jasiek" (1958) - Adam Królikiewicz

"Jasiek, Picador and Me" (1958) - Adam Królikiewicz

"The best Polish horses (1923-1926) and 126 people and institutions who received the first copies of 'From Nice to New York'" (1927) - Adam Królikiewicz

Photos of Polish riders from the interwar period

Related Legends:

Zdzislaw Dziadulski

Two-time Olympian (IO Paris 1924 – horse 'Zefir', IO Amsterdam 1928 – 'The Lad' – reserve). 7th Regiment of Mounted Riflemen in Biedrusko (Poznań).

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Charles Rommel

Soldier, trainer, artist in painting, drawing and horse riding. Three-time Olympian (1912 - Stockholm, 1924 - Paris, 1928 - Amsterdam). He was active in KJK in Łódź (1937) and JLKS Sopot (after the war).

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1924 | Olympic Games Paris | individual bronze medal in show jumping - rtm. Adam Królikiewicz, 1st Light Cavalry Regiment of Józef Piłsudski.

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Nice 1923. Lieutenant Królikiewicz jumps on Jasiek in the competition for the Prix de Monaco


Krakow Horse Riding Club
st. Kobierzyńska 175a, 30-382 Krakow
Established date: 1932

The tradition of the Krakow Horse Riding Club dates back to the 18th century. Then, on May 1893, 56937, the Imperial Commission of the Austrian Governorship by decision No. L: XNUMX approved the assumptions, statute and composition of the board of the Galician Horse Riding Club. It was created as part of the previously established Society of International Horse Racing in Krakow.

In March 1930, the commander of the 1th Independent Cavalry Brigade in Kraków was Colonel Zygmunt Piasecki /legionnaire, officer of the 7st Cavalry Regiment of Belina Prażmowski, commander of the 8th Cavalry Regiment, later brigadier general of the Polish Army/, who together with Colonel Kazimierz Mastaler /colonel of cavalry , commander of the XNUMXth uł. / initiated the reactivation of the club under the name - Krakow Horse Riding Club.

The impulse to reactivate the club could have been the Militari of the Polish Army in 1932 in Krakow. It was a competition for the Army Championship, so a very serious equestrian event. The competition was hosted by the 8th Cavalry Regiment. Representatives of all Cavalry units, i.e. 11 teams, took part. The 3rd psk won

The competition checking the endurance of the horses, i.e. a cross-country run with cross-country sections and a test of melee and firearms /saber, lance and pistol/ took place in the Rakowice fields /practice area 8. uł./. Whereas dressage and show jumping at the military stadium. The Krakow team was represented by the 3rd and 8th p.uł. The team included well-known riders such as Antoni Żelewski and Tadeusz Tetmajer.

The inspiring atmosphere for the club's reactivation was also caused by the preparations for the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Relief of Vienna, to be held a year later.

On September 12, 1933, the 250th anniversary of the relief of Vienna passed. To celebrate this triumph of the Polish cavalry led by King Jan III Sobieski, Marshal Józef Piłsudski ordered that the Polish Cavalry Festival be organized in Krakow. The Great Cavalry Revue took place on October 6, 1933. According to the marshal's instructions, 12 cavalry regiments took part in the ceremony. After a few days of marching, they reached the villages near Kraków, where they quartered. All regiments had the same composition, 305 men and 317 horses each. On October 6, at the appointed hours, the regiments moved to the Kraków Market Square. There they all intersected and went to the "big meadow".

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Elaboration based on scientific work: Activities of the Krakow Horse Riding Club until 2015, Ms Anna Pacuń-Genowska.

Entry updated: 20.01.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Activities of the Krakow Horse Riding Club until 2015" (2015) - Anna Pacuń-Genowska

Related Legends:

Tadeusz Dachowski

The best Polish rider before WWI. Between 1894 and 1914 he won over 300 awards. In 1912-13 he competed in Wielka Pardubice (2x second place - Zeppelin).

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Cavalry Training Center

The cavalry training center of the Polish Army of the Second Republic of Poland in 1928-1939 in the Grudziądz garrison. It was the largest military training unit of this type in Europe. 

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Polish Equestrian Association

On February 18, 1928, in the Garrison Casino at Aleja Szucha 23, the founding convention of the Polish Equestrian Association took place. The announcement of convening the congress was published in the 5th issue of the Rider and Breeder weekly, on February 1, 1928.

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Boleslaw Wieniawa-Dlugoszowski

First Lancer of the Second Polish Republic. Doctor, poet, polyglot, cavalryman, adjutant of Józef Piłsudski. General HR. Polish Ambassador in Rome. He died tragically in New York. His ashes were buried at the Rakowiecki Cemetery in Krakow.

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Wojciech Kossak

Art visionary. Painter. A graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Krakow and Munich. Author of such works as: Olszynka Grochowska Charge of the 5th Regiment of Zamoyski Lancers, Z despesza, or Uhlan Rest.

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Wow Brodecki

Memory Rider. An actor for whom the love of the cavalry tradition, service and loyalty to Poland became a life message.

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Zdzislaw Dziadulski

Two-time Olympian (IO Paris 1924 – horse 'Zefir', IO Amsterdam 1928 – 'The Lad' – reserve). 7th Regiment of Mounted Riflemen in Biedrusko (Poznań).

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Author of the drawing: Sławomir Szereda

Breeder: United states army

[USA] (NN) (gelding) b. 1909

The horse on which Rtm. Adam Królikiewicz won the first bronze medal for Poland at the Olympic Games in Paris in 1924.

Picador came from the American military surplus and served in the Polish army in the camps. There he was spotted by Adam Królikiewicz, who at that time was watching the trainings of a sports group led by Karol Rómmel, and then repeated these exercises on the Picador.

The Królikiewicz / Picador pair won the Grand Prize of Lucerne 1924, the Grand Prize of Nice 1925 and the Grand Prize of Rome 1926.

You can read more about Picador in Adam Królikiewicz's articles published in the magazine Section no. 692 (28/1958) pp. 16-18 and No. 693 (29/1958) pp. 18,19, XNUMX (links will redirect to

Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Królikiewicz et al" (2023) - Grzegorz Gajewski

"Establishing 2024 as the Year of Polish Olympians" (2023)

"History of horse riding, part VIII” (1991) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part VII” (1990) – Witold Domański

"The development of equestrian competitions in the years 1924-1926" (1982) - Witold Pruski

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"Portrait of an Olympian Picador part. 1” (1958) – Adam Królikiewicz

"Portrait of an Olympian Picador part. 2” (1958) – Adam Królikiewicz

"Jasiek, Picador and Ja(1958) - Adam Królikiewicz

"Polish equestrianism at the VIII Olympiad" (1924) - Leon Kon


“The first individual Olympic medal for Poland. Due to the judges' error, our competitor only won bronze" [link] (2022) - Daniel Lis

"White and Red on the Mast in Paris" [link] (2020) - Lech Ufel

"Paris 1924" [link] (2016)

"88 years ago Poles won the first Olympic medals" [link] (2012)

"The first medal and the last charge" [link] - Ewa Olkuśnik




Honorary patron: Ministry of Sport and Tourism

Ministry of Sport and Tourism. Among its goals are improving the sports base in Poland, popularizing children's and youth sports and improving the position of Polish athletes in world competitions. The goals of the Ministry of Sport in the field of tourism include strengthening the Polish tourist offer (visit the honorary patron's website). []

Honorary patron: Polish Olympic Committee

Polish Olympic Committee (PKOl) is an autonomous, nationwide association of sports associations and organizations with headquarters in Warsaw (click to go to the Honorary Patron's website). []

Honorary patron: Polish Equestrian Association – President Tomasz Sergiej

Polish Equestrian Association (PZJ), is the only official Polish equestrian organization recognized by the Polish Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee, which is also one of over 140 national equestrian organizations associated with the FEI – International Federation for Equestrian Sports [].

Patron: Czesław Lang – Lang Team Sp. z o. o

Lang Team is a company that, thanks to the experience gained since 1993, organizes cycling events at the highest level, such as the Tour de Pologne, the road cycle ORLEN Lang Team Race and ORLEN Tour de Pologne Amatorów, Tour de Pologne Women, Tour de Pologne Junior for children and youth, as well as the ORLEN UCI Nations Cup U23 for the best young cyclists from around the world. []

Guardians: Cezary Harasimowicz, Jerzy Fedorowicz, Bogdan Klich, Wowa Brodecki

The first Polish individual Olympic medalist – bronze medal, Olympic Games Paris 1924 (horse Picador).


Born on December 9, 1894 in Lviv.

Chevalier of the Order of Virtuti Militari. Twice decorated with the Cross of Valour. Medal for the war 1918-1921. Star of Romania, Crown d`Italia, Royal Cross - Sweden, Legion of Honor - France. His horse in the 1st Light Cavalry Regiment was Jasiek, on which he won the cup in the Grand Prix de la Ville de Nice competition, 1924. In 1926, in Milan, on the horse Unigeno, he overcame a height of 2,20. Participant of the national team that won the first Nations Cup for Poland, Nice 1925.

Married to Tomisława Lilienstern (1901–1994). Daughter Krystyna (1921–2017), grandson - Cezary Harasimowicz (author of the family story "Saga, or a cup that is not there").

He died as a result of injuries sustained after a fall from a horse on the set of Andrzej Wajda's film "Ashes", (Daniel Olbrychski mentioned it in his book "Angels Around the Head"). He was buried in the family tomb at the Salwator Cemetery in Kraków.

We invite you to read the memories of Witold Domański about captain. Adam Królkiewicz:

The tribunes of the Nice hippodrome, which every year gathers the cream of European equestrianism, were filled to the brim as usual in 1925. On the most important day of the competition, when the Grand Prix de la Ville de Nice took place, Italian, French, Belgian, Swiss and Polish riders fought for the palm of priority. The Belgian de Brabanderc on his wonderful Periscope and cavalry captain Adam Królikiewicz on Caesar got the same results and were supposed to conduct an additional game for the cup of the city of Nice, unless ...

The last item on the program of this competition was the famous Picador. This horse, famous at the Olympics in Paris and at almost all hippodromes in the world, the winner of countless competitions, had to give his opponents a handicap. It was also the fifth time that the obstacles were raised by 10 cm, and the ditch with water, which was 4 meters wide at the beginning of the competition, has already reached 5 meters. The local newspaper "L'Eclaireur de Nice" wrote about this exciting course:

"The fifth handicap. Ditch widened by 100 cm, obstacles raised; parcours becomes very serious. Only one horse is about to attack him: It's Picador, winner of last year's Monaco competition! It is led by the best riding crop of the old continent - cavalry captain Królikiewicz. Will the glowing rider be able to cross it? Here, with wonderful ease, Picador passes all obstacles one by one. There is a fence in front of the judges' stand. The obstacle casts a shadow. Confused by this, Picador knocks down the bar. But it continues without error, flying over the poles, ditches and banquettes, A storm of applause resounds, and the white and red flag rises to the flagpole. If not for this shadow, parcours would certainly be without error. Captain Królikiewicz wins the Nice award for the second time. (…)

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Author: Witold Domański

License granted by the heirs of Mr. Witold Domański, for BoberTeam, for the purposes of the Legends of Polish Horsemanship project. Rights reserved.

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library

Entry updated: 21.11.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Adam Królikiewicz died in Konstancin on May 4, 1966, at the age of 72. He was buried in the family grave at the Salwator Cemetery in Kraków (sector SC11-A-4).

1st Regiment of Light Cavalry of Józef Piłsudski

(mp. Warsaw, amaranth border).

The regiment referred to the tradition of the 1st Light Horse Regiment of the Polish Guard of Emperor Napoleon I and the 1st Uhlan Regiment of the Polish Legions "Belina". It was recreated in November 1918 by officers of the former 1st Light Horse Regiment of the Polish Legions, headed by Capt. Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer. From 1921, the regiment was stationed in Warsaw near Belweder. It was said to be one of the elite cavalry regiments of the interwar period. It was popularly called the "National Guard", although it never officially received this name.

Rejoice, brave cavalryman,
You have protection at Belweder.

The cavalrymen shake their heads,
They want to be the National Guard.

They shake their asses, they shake their heads,
They want to be the National Guard.

They want to have guardsman manners.
Be Be ery, cavalry.

Always proud of his boss,
This is Piłsudski's cavalryman.

The cavalryman takes the upper hand,
Under the patronage of the Belweder Palace.

In the Belweder Palace, in the quarters
Sleep, brother cavalryman.

And remember, cavalryman,
That you are on guard at Belweder.

From the parade and the celebration,
For the protection of the President.

They are sitting like this in Warsaw
With a glass and a coffee.

The whole bunch are suckers
In the First Cavalry Regiment.

More gentlemen than suckers,
This is the first cavalry.

Some gentlemen and painters,
This is the first horse regiment.

From aides and doctors
Warsaw has a regiment of brats.

Source: Żurawiejki (1995) – Stanisław Radomyski

Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):


"Królikiewicz et al" (2023) - Grzegorz Gajewski

"Establishing 2024 as the Year of Polish Olympians" (2023)

"1st Józef Piłsudski Light Cavalry Regiment" (2022)

"Participation and successes of Polish officers in international equestrian competitions" (2022) - Renata Urban

"A century of obstacles" [fragments] (2022) - Daniel Lis

"Polish Olympic riders of the interwar period, part II" (2019) - Hanna Łysakowska

"Polish Olympic riders of the interwar period, part I" (2018) - Hanna Łysakowska

"Lancemen, Uhlans and Mounted Riflemen in Photography..." (2013)

"Królikiewicz Adam" (2012) - Witold Danish

"Riders-Olympians of the Second Republic" (2012) - Renata Urban

"Olympic Riders" (2000) - Hanna Łysakowska

"Olympic Charge" (1992) - Adam Królikiewicz

"History of horse riding, part X” (1992) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part IX” (1991) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part VII” (1990) – Witold Domański

"History of horse riding, part VI” (1990) – Witold Domański

“Paris Olympics 1924” (1990) – Leon Kon

"Poles in the Nations Cup, 1923-1982" (1982) - Witold Domański

"The development of equestrian competitions in the years 1924-1926" (1982) - Witold Pruski

"Equestrian sport in the horse weapons of the Second Polish Republic" (1974) - Zygmunt Bielecki

"Adam Królikiewicz (memory)" (1966) - Witold Domański

"The Prince of Wales's Golden Cigarette Case" (1959) - Adam Królikiewicz

"Jasiek, Picador and Me" (1958) - Adam Królikiewicz

"Portrait of the Olympian Picador" (1958) - Adam Królikiewicz

"Rider and horse in terrain and jump" (1958) - Adam Królikiewicz

"The story of my horse Jasiek" (1958) - Adam Królikiewicz

"Oh horse! Portrait of an Olympian Picador” (1958) – Adam Królikiewicz

"Honorary Equestrian Badge" (1936) - Editors of the Rider and Breeder magazine

"International horse competition in Riga" (1936) - Adam Królikiewicz

"From Nice to New York" (1927) - Adam Królikiewicz

"To Mr. Captain Stanisław Olszowski, the Organizing Committee of the International Horse Riding Competitions" (1927)

"The best Polish horses (1923-1926) and 126 people and institutions who received the first copies of 'From Nice to New York'" (1927) - Adam Królikiewicz

"1927th Olympiad - Paris" (XNUMX) - Adam Królikiewicz

"Polish equestrianism at the VIII Olympiad" (1924) - Leon Kon


“The first individual Olympic medal for Poland. Due to the judges' error, our competitor only won bronze" [link] (2022) - Daniel Lis

"White and Red on the Mast in Paris" [link] (2020) - Lech Ufel

"Adam Królikiewicz. From a horse and died…” [link] (2016) – Jan Jaremko

"Paris 1924" [link] (2016)

"Athletes at the front" [link] (2015) - Karolina Apiecionek

"88 years ago Poles won the first Olympic medals" [link] (2012)

"The first medal and the last charge" [link] - Ewa Olkuśnik




Related Legends:

Tadeusz Komorowski

Colonel of the Polish Army cavalry. Commander in Chief of the Home Army. Commander of the Warsaw Uprising. Prime Minister of the Polish government in exile.

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Sergiusz Zahorski

Brigadier General of the Polish Army, head of the Military Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Poland, co-founder of Polish equestrian sports, participant of the 1912 Olympic Games in the Russian national team.

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Rider and Breeder, 1922-1939

A pre-war weekly magazine addressed to breeders, athletes, racing and horse enthusiasts. Poles for whom the history of our country is inextricably linked with horse breeding and equestrian sports.

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Leon Con

Horse riding trainer, co-founder of the Polish Equestrian Association and its general secretary. Knight of the Cross of Valor and the Silver Cross of Merit.

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Stanislaw Czerniawski

Cavalry Captain of the Polish Army, Olympian (Berlin 1936), Knight of the Order of Virtuti Militari. He died in defense of Poland on September 10, 1939 near Chruślin.

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The photos come from the NAC collection and the book "From Nice to New York" (1927) - Adam Królikiewicz