
On 28 August 1979, the first Polish championship of pure-bred Arabian horses took place at the Janów Podlaski Stud, which preceded by two days the XNUMXth anniversary auction of horses of this breed.

For many years, the championships have been the basic method of evaluation and breeding selection of purebred Arabian horses, primarily in the United States of America, and also in some countries of Western Europe. In these countries, Polish-bred Arabian horses sold abroad (…) achieved many successes at shows, winning numerous championships, especially in the USA, and (…) in France and Sweden. For example, in the decade 1968—1977, in the stallion class, 3 stallions imported from Poland and 2 of Polish origin became US National Champions, and 4 stallions imported from Poland and 5 of Polish origin became US Reserve Champions, which together constitutes 90% of all reserve champions. In the mare group, 2 mares imported from Poland and 4 of Polish origin became US Champions in those years.

It should be emphasized that stallions that have won championships are much more successful, and breeding them achieves particularly high prices. Their offspring also achieve higher sums at sale.

Taking into account the high rank that the fact that a horse has won a championship or reserve championship gives to Western recipients, our breeding authorities decided to organize the first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses this year, in order to give even greater splendor to the top of our Arabian horses, which already constitute the world elite within this breed.

It should also be emphasized that championships have enormous spectacular value for the audience watching them.

The cream of the crop of breeders from the USA, Sweden, Germany, France, Belgium, England and other countries, as well as coach trips from France and Germany, arrived for the championship in Janów Podlaski, as well as for the 10th Arabian horse auction.

The Championship was organized by the authorities of the Animal Breeding and Trade Association and CIE Animex, with the active participation of the directors of the Arabian horse stud farms in Janów Podlaski, Michałów and Kurozwęki.

It should be explained that the basis for the assessment of horses competing for the titles of champion and two vice-champions is exclusively conformation and type, and in addition to great beauty and correct and harmonious conformation, very much attention is paid to the type of the horse. The judges do not know the names of the horses being assessed or their origin, and when giving their verdict they only state that they have selected horses with such numbers as champion and vice-champions.

As is customary in other countries, judging was done by one person. Foreign breeders were appointed as judges, which guaranteed complete objectivity. The horses selected for evaluation were shown in four groups - classes.

Class 1 – yearling and 2-year-old fillies – judged by the renowned West German breeder Holger Ismer. 15 young fillies (7 from SK Janów Pódl., 3 from SK Michałów and 5 from SK Kurozwęki) entered the extensive round: 8 grey, 6 bay and one chestnut. The championship was won by the 2-year-old grey Winda (Bandos — Wilma), bred by SK Janów Pódl., and the reserve champions were: the 2-year-old grey Gizela (Palas —Gilza) and the 2-year-old chestnut Żołna (Palas — Zazula), both bred by SK Michałów.

Class 2 — young 4- and 5-year-old mothers included in the breeding — judged by Hoist Eggert — president of the Arab Society in Germany. After a long, very detailed inspection of the 12 mares presented in this class (6 from SK Janów Pódl., 3 from SK Michałów and 3 from SK Kurozwęki), the judge awarded the title of champion to the 5-year-old grey Enklawa (Bandos — Engracja), bred by SK Janów Podl.; the vice champion was the 4-year-old grey Europa (Bandos — Eunice) from SK Janów Pódl., and the 11th vice champion was the 5-year-old grey Draperia (Gedymin -Dratwa) bred by SK Michałów.

Then, from among the 6 mares distinguished in classes 1 and 2, three judges (H. Ismer, H. Eggert and William Richardot de Choisey – director of the “Salon Konia” in Paris) selected the champion and two reserve champions of young mares. The title of champion was once again won by two-year-old Winda, and the reserve champions were the mares Enklawa and Europa, all from SK Janów Podl., and all sired by the stallion Bandos.

A special excitement, which the constant rain could not cool down, was caused by the exit of 18 older mother mares, assessed in class 3, to the round. The experienced breeders gathered at the championship and the numerous Arabian horse lovers had a unique opportunity. Before their eyes paraded the elite of purebred Arabian mares, such as could not be gathered in any country in the world. Of these 18 mares, at least half probably had equal rights to the title of champion. Therefore, the breeder from England, Patricia Lindsay, who judged this class, had a difficult task. She is an experienced expert in purebred Arabian horses.

In the interests of truth, it should be added that the group of 18 elite broodmares could have been slightly larger, but the breeders decided not to include several mares with small foals and those who could be harmed by long-distance transport in the championship. The champion was the beautiful, noble, 9-year-old bay mare Elewacja (Celebes — Eliota), bred by SK Janów Podlaski, the 10st reserve champion was the 16-year-old grey Artemida (Chazar — Atnhara), the XNUMXnd reserve champion was the XNUMX-year-old grey Fama (Nabór — Fregata) — both bred by SK Michałów. During the presentation of the champions, the type of the mares was clearly visible. The champion Elewacja, inbred to Witraż, represented the Kuhailan type, while the beautiful reserve champions — Artemida and Fama — were robust, large-framed mares of the Saklawi type.

The "beaten field" included a number of beautiful mares, such as Janów's bay Algeria (Celebes — Algonkina), the grey Euforia (Bandos — Eulonia) from Kurozwęki, the grey 16-year-old Béatrice (Picluszok — Bandola) from Janów, the bay Mitra (Celebes — Manilla), the grey Fatima (Negatiw — Fama) from Michałów and the only one in this group, the chestnut Janów Derby winner Orgia (Krezus — Orla), who, although she was not in her best shape on the day of the championship, we remember her as a beautiful four-year-old on the Warsaw Track.

Class 4 — stallions — was judged by the first breeder of Arabians in the USA, a loyal friend of Polish breeding, Dr. Eugen E. La-Croix (Łasina Arabians, Arizona). Eight stallions entered the round (seven from SK Janów and one from SK Kurozwęki). This important part of the championship was spoiled by the constantly increasing rain; the horses looked unspectacular, and judging was difficult. The champion was the 8-year-old, gray Eukaliptus (Bandos — Eunice by Cornet), and the reserve champions were the 7-year-old gray Partner (Eleuzis Panna) and the 5-year-old bay Aloes (Celebes — Algoa) — all bred by SK Janów Podlaski.

It is worth emphasizing that two champion mares and a champion in the stallion class are sired by the stallion Bandos (Negatiw — Bandola by Witraż).

The crowning achievement of the championship was the “Parade of the Distinguished”. The following paraded in front of the breeders and the audience: the first stallion champion Eukaliptus, then his mother, the beautiful bay mare Eunice (daughter of Comet), and then the 23-year-old bay Ellenai (Wielki Szlem — Eleonora) — mother of 17 foals, including Eleuzis 1962 (in the USA), the leading stallions in our studs Elfa 1963 and Elbrus 1965, Elkina — champion of the USA 1972, and many valuable mothers; the 4-year-old gray Etruria (Palas — Etna) — champion of the “Salon Konia”, Paris 1978; the 20-year-old gray Etna (Faher — Elżunia) — mother of 14 foals, including the stallions: Etiwa (in the USA) and the leading stallions in Poland Etapa and Etana; El Paso (Czort — Ellora) — champion of the USA in 1976, father of the mare Wizja — champion mare of the USA in 1977; 29-year-old bay mare Ellora (Witraż — Elza) — mother of the outstanding leading stallions El Azrak, Elfur and El Paso and a number of valuable mares; Banat (El Azrak — Bandola) — valuable sire and champion of England; and finally, the “first lady of Janów” paraded through, the legendary 31-year-old mare Bandola — mother of Bajram (in the USA), Barysz (in Canada), Bandos, Banzaj (in the USA), Banat and a number of valuable mares.

After selecting champions and vice-champions in each class, their breeders received prizes funded by various institutions.

The championships and the "parade of distinguished" were watched by a large audience, which rewarded the distinguished horses with applause.

In the afternoon, there was a screening of two films dedicated to Arabian horses, prepared for television and directed by Wiktor Meller. These films were made in cooperation with French television and are shown by the largest television stations in the world, bringing fame to our purebred Arabian horses.

On the following day (August 29) there was a show of horses intended for sale at auction.

The eagerly awaited day of August 30th has finally arrived - the annual and jubilee XNUMXth Arabian horse auction in Janów Podlaski. As usual, it was not known until the very last days how many buyers would come.

In the morning, foreign buyers individually viewed the horses they were interested in.

The auction began promptly at 14 p.m. It took place in a large circus tent that could accommodate about 2 people.

All the seats for the public were packed, but we were most interested in the sector designated for foreign buyers. This segment was equally packed, but there were many foreign observers there, as well as families of buyers and breeders. Before the auction began, representatives of Animex and ZHiOZ were pleased to note that almost all of our regular customers had turned up, and a few new ones had also arrived.

There were 22 buyers in the auction: 15 from the United States, 4 from Sweden, 2 from Germany and one breeder from Belgium, who turned out to be a very good customer. The auction was led by Marek Grzybowski from Animex, a master in this profession.

The horses shown in the ring looked very favorable in the spotlight.

The first mare to be brought out into the arena, the four-year-old grey Dotacja from SK Michałów, aroused interest and was purchased by Peter Herman from the USA for 37 thousand dollars, with a starting price of 20 thousand USD. The next 3 mares were quickly purchased by breeders from Sweden at prices close to the starting prices. No. 5, the beautiful Saklawianka Sekwoja from SK Kurozwęki, was sold to the USA for the sum of "only" 18 thousand USD.

Starting from No. 6, the intensity of the auction decreases; four mares find no buyers, while others are bought at prices close to the estimated prices.

A new mood was brought by the appearance of the beautiful, 7-year-old bay mare Algorada from the Janów stud. Despite the relatively high starting price (27 thousand USD), buyers started the auction energetically. In addition to her great beauty, the mare's origin was important, by stallion Celebes from mare Algonkin, and therefore inbred to stallion Witraż, and the fact that she is in foal to stallion El Paso. After fierce bidding, Algorade was purchased by Tom Lazor (Gingei Blue Arabians, USA) for 76 thousand USD.

Then, several mares were purchased at average prices. Only the gray Elegia (daughter of Comet) from SK Michałów was purchased to Patterson Arabians (USA) for USD 53.

There was a lively auction of the mare Willa (by Celebes) from SK Janów Podlaski. She was bought by Erik Sörensen (Sweden) for USD 36 (starting price USD 12).

However, the last eight mares attracted particular interest from buyers.

Dr. Eugen LaCroix and Dr. Egon Oppenheim fought for the 9-year-old Elizja (Celebes — Elipsa) from SK Janów Podlaski. After a fierce auction, the latter remained on the market, and the price went from 20 thousand to 60 thousand USD. The five-year-old gray Flinta (by Negatiw) from SK Michałów was bought for 50 thousand USD by our new client — Mrs. Dacja Depauw from Belgium. The same breeder acquired the beautiful 15-year-old gray Ceramika (Negatiw — Cerekiew) from SK Janów Podlaski after a lively auction.

Two valuable mares were purchased by Dr. E. LaCroix. The first was the 17-year-old daughter of Comet — the mare Arba from SK Janów Podlaski, for whom he paid USD 44, and the second — the 15-year-old mare Algoa (Czort — Algonkina) from SK Janów Podl. — sold for USD 88.

The course of the auction of the mare Algoa was the most fascinating. When the price went from 20 thousand to 50 thousand USD, only Dr. E. LaCroix and D. Patterson remained on the battlefield, and when the bidders reached 87 thousand USD, Mr. Patterson stood up, approached Dr. LaCroix and with no doubt regret (as this mare comes from a dam line developed for years at Patterson Arabians), but at the same time with a smile, gave him his auction number. Dr. LaCroix bought Algoe for 88 thousand USD. This price turned out to be a record at this year's auction.

There were two more interesting auctions. The heroine of the first one was the 9-year-old gray daughter of Negatiw, the mare Forsa, bred by SK Michałów, who had an exceptionally beautiful bouquet. With a starting price of USD 27, the auction was joined by such powerhouses as Dr. Skeggs, Dr. LaCroix and Tom Eazor, all from the USA, and E. Sörensen from Sweden. The mare was bought for USD 50 by Dr. Skeggs. The same breeder paid a "not bad price" - USD 75 for the 6-year-old daughter of Bandos - the gray mare Newa from SK Janów Podlaski.

Buyers showed less interest in stallions. However, they had the opportunity to buy the exceptionally handsome stallion Ellorus (Krezus — Ellora), bred by SK Janów Podlaski, for 50 thousand USD. This stallion is in no way inferior to his famous 3/4 brother — the stallion El Paso, US champion, for whom Americans were willing to pay astronomical sums. Or maybe it was a good thing that Ellorus will remain in Polish Arabian horse breeding?

The several Arabian geldings presented at the auction did not attract any interest from foreign buyers.

The final result of the auction in Janów was as follows: 26 mares were sold for USD 818 (average price per head - USD 000) and 31 stallions for USD 462 (average USD 2); a total of 28 horses were sold for USD 500 (average price USD 14).

The average price of a mare was about 1967 thousand dollars higher in the year (6) than in the previous year (1978 - 25 USD, 572 - 1979 USD). Therefore, this year's auction in Janów Podlaski should be considered a success.

Author: Antoni Święciki
Source: "The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

Entry updated: 05.11.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Arabian Horse Championships... and Money" (1996) - Radosław Wiszniowski

"1983th Polish Championship and XNUMXth auction of pure-bred Arabian horses" (XNUMX) – Marek Szewczyk

"IV Polish Championship and XIII auction of pure-bred Arabian horses" (1982) – Antoni Swięcki

"1981rd Polish Championship and XNUMXth auction of pure-bred Arabian horses" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

"II Arabian Horse Championship and XI Auction in Janów Podlaski" (1980) – Antoni Święcki

"The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

Related Legends:

Mark Trela

Bow. vet. Arabian horse breeder, in the years 2000-2016 president of the Janów Podlaski Stud, vice-president of the World Federation of Arabian Horses (WAHO).

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Janów Podlaski Horse Stud

On October 6, 1816, Tsar Alexander I of Russia signed a decree establishing the State Stud Farm and Stallion Stud. The over 200-year history of this stud farm is a beautiful history of Polish and world Arabian horse breeding.

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Michałów Horse Stud

It was founded in 1953. It took over the horses from the stud in Klemensów, near Zamość, which was liquidated at the same time. Together with the horses, a breeder, Mr. Ignacy Jaworowski, was transferred to Michałów, later its director for many years.

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og. Bandos s. 1964 (Negatiw – Bandola by Witraż), bred by SK Janów Podlaski, sire line Ibrahim db. imp. 1907 to Antonin, female family of Mlecha imp. 1845 to Jarczowce

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One of the 100 stars of Polish breeding and sport of the last century. This excellent sire was known primarily as the sire of the mare. His offspring were characterized not only by outstanding, modern beauty, but also by great racing abilities.

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EKSTERN (Monogramm – Ernestyna)

This is one of the stallions that are said to be "epoch-making". Epoch-making was his father Monogramm and his ancestors, including Ofir and the progenitor of the family brought from the desert - Kuhailan Haifi Father of champions and champions, as well as distinguished mothers in breeding. His daughter Pepita was sold at an auction in Janów for one million four hundred thousand...

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BASK (Stained Glass - Balalaika)

Born in 1956 in Albigowa, one of the most famous Polish purebred horses in the world. Sold in 1961 to the USA to Lasma Arabians Stud, he created "a new standard of the Arabian breed" in America. Today, 90% of purebred horses born in the USA have Bask blood in their pedigree.

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The purpose of PZHK is, among others: representing the interests and protecting the rights of horse breeders, supervision and control over organizational and substantive matters of the Associations and Sections, and improving horse breeding and breeding.

Polish Horse Breeders Association (PZHK) is a social organization bringing together individual breeders, state stud farms and herds, and other socialized farms engaged in horse breeding. (…)

PZHK has existed in its current organizational form since May 1957. However, the history of associations bringing together Polish horse breeders is much longer. Already during the partitions, there were various local organizations connecting breeders and working on improving the horse population on Polish lands. (…)

Efforts to reactivate the currently existing Polish Horse Breeders' Association began at the beginning of 1957. The official and formal establishment of the PZHK again took place during the first general congress of delegates of the provincial associations established in the meantime, which took place in Warsaw on May 11, 1957. At this congress the Association's statute was approved and trade union authorities were elected.

Jan Czarnecki, a breeder from the Sochaczew district, was elected president, and the current vice-president was Eng. Stanisław Gościcki; Henryk Szela was appointed director of PZHK. In 1958, after H. Szela left the position of director, this function was temporarily taken over by Eng. S. Gościcki, and from 1959, Wiktor Zakrzewski, MA. (…)

A breakthrough event for PZHK and its future activities was "Order No. 105 of the Minister of Agriculture of June 27, 1958, regarding the transfer of tasks related to organizing horse breeding to the Polish Horse Breeders' Association. This ordinance was issued in consultation with the then existing Main Organizing Committee of the Association of Agricultural Circles and Organizations.

Order No. 105 gave PZHK greater powers than the other twelve trade unions and associations; namely, it commissioned the Association to conduct all breeding activities for the mass population of horses in the field. These rights are even greater since the National Horse Breeding Association maintains and publishes stud books for all useful breeds and types of horses, both in field breeding and in state herds and stud farms. (…)

It should be emphasized that the chairman of the Breeding Council, Prof., has particular merits in the activities of PZHK. Dr. Witold Pruski. No major breeding move and no major decision regarding breeding was made without His participation. And that's why Prof. Pruski deserves special gratitude from all breeders and horse lovers. (…)

Fragments of the article: "Polish Horse Breeders' Association" (1965) - Jerzy Chachuła

(…) In 1993, on the initiative of Andrzej Sarnowski, head of the West Pomeranian Horse Breeders' Association in Szczecin, the first issue of the union's periodical "Hodowca i Jeździec", referring to the tradition of the pre-war hippological magazine "Jeździec i Hodowca", was published. After an initially uncertain period and difficult moments, the magazine has emerged as the best in its industry. (…)

(…) A story that has been taking place over the years at various organizational levels: national, district, voivodeship, poviat, district and commune. They created the common history of PZHK, but it was not possible to write about everything, let alone all the people who shaped it. For the purposes of this article, only the most important facts and events that directly influenced the activities of PZHK were selected. They prove that the Association had many difficult moments and obstacles that it had to overcome on its way. Nevertheless, he managed to survive and maintain unity. And this, despite the current various difficulties, should be wished to the birthday boy for the next 120 years.

Fragments of the article: "120 years of the Polish Horse Breeders' Association" (2015) - Zbigniew Jaworski

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 07.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

“Social activists who work selflessly in a material sense play an effective role in the work of PZHK. They do it because they are interested in horse breeding and they like horses. A significant part of PZHK's achievements is due to them. For example, most of such field activities as exhibitions and shows, performance tests of recognized stallions, mares' licenses, stallion recognition, foal descriptions, export drives and a number of others are organized with the participation and assistance of trade union activists. Without their help, the small number of professional staff would not be able to cope with the tasks facing PZHK.

Dr. Jerzy Chachuła
"Polish Horse Breeders' Association" - Koń Polski no. 0, 1965

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

Breeder and Rider – magazine (since 2003)

"Polish Horse Breeders' Association" (1965) - Jerzy Chachuła

"Thoroughbred horses" (1965) - Stanisław Schuch

"Transformations of horse breeding in the modern world" (1965) - Witold Pruski

"120 years of the Polish Horse Breeders' Association" (2015) - Zbigniew Jaworski

Related Legends:

Henryk Wozniakowski

Thoroughbred horse breeder in Stud Widzów. The best horses bred by him are the stallion Casanova, the mare Bastylia and the stallion Bałtyk. Painter.

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Jan Grabowski

Hipologist and scientist. Author of many works related to horse breeding and equestrian sport, e.g. acclaimed album "Hipology for All".  

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Lech Strzałkowski

"Wandering Child" by General Anders. An outstanding breeder of racing and sports horses. Rider and horse expert. From 1959 he worked at SK Ochaby, later SK Stubno and SK Walewice. Participant of Warsaw, Sopot, Pardubice races.

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Maria Kinga Świdzińska

Scientist and horse breeder. From 1974, in Golejewko, she conducted scientific works on Thoroughbred horses, which were very valuable for Polish breeding. In 1981, she defended her doctoral thesis on the evaluation of thoroughbred sires.

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Roman Pankiewicz

Siberian, miner, author of many books and publications about Arabian horses. Head of the Albigowa Stud, breeder of the legendary stallion Bask.

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Janów Podlaski Horse Stud

On October 6, 1816, Tsar Alexander I of Russia signed a decree establishing the State Stud Farm and Stallion Stud. The over 200-year history of this stud farm is a beautiful history of Polish and world Arabian horse breeding.

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Michałów Horse Stud

It was founded in 1953. It took over the horses from the stud in Klemensów, near Zamość, which was liquidated at the same time. Together with the horses, a breeder, Mr. Ignacy Jaworowski, was transferred to Michałów, later its director for many years.

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Strzegom Horse Stud

In 1956, the first xx mares arrived. The Żółkiewka facility was adapted for them. In 1972, it was enlarged to 75 mares xx and a breeding unit was launched. Skarżyce.

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The Spectators' Horse Stud

Its history dates back to the end of the 1896th century, when the Lubomirski princes established a stable of Thoroughbred horses in their estate in Kruszyn. In XNUMX, they bought the Widzów farm, where they built a modern stable for those times, along with paddocks.

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Stanislaw Schuch

Polish hipologist, great exterierist and organizer of horse races. Co-founder of horse breeding in Poland after World War I and II. With W. Pruski and J. Grabowski, he wrote the second volume of the textbook entitled "Horse breeding".

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Stanislaw Shurik

One of the most outstanding contemporary Polish breeders of sports horses, a daring entrepreneur, an excellent farmer honored with the title of Farmer of Pomerania and Kujawy.

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The history of the Arabian horse auction in Janów in the years 1996 - 2000 according to Marek Grzybowski.

"This year (2023 - note ed. PLPJ) the 53rd Arabian horse auction in Janów Podlaski is to take place. For over twenty first years I was the organizer of this auction, the author of many marketing solutions, the auctioneer and the co-creator of the great international success of Polish thoroughbreds. You can read about how it happened that people from the richest spheres of this world began to make pilgrimages to the poor, gray country behind the "Iron Curtain" in my memoirs "The Horse and the Polish Matter" published in Koni Polski No. 4-6 from 1994, currently available on the portal "Legends of Polish horse riding":

Chronicle of the auction in Janów 1970-1977
Chronicle of auctions in Janów 1978-1980, Polish Prestige auctions 1980-1985
Chronicle of the Polish Prestige auction 1986-1991

In these memoirs, I will describe the years 1996 - 2000, when the private company Polish Prestige raised the Janów auction from the fall of 1992-1995, provided the auction with independent financing and development and opposed the AWRSP's privatization plans, as a consequence in 2001 it was removed from the organization of the auction and erased from history. I will also point out the reasons why the "Pride of Poland" auction is not the pride of Poland, but a symptom of the decline of Polish horse breeding.


1996 "Life Raft"

The auction in Janów, after our departure from Animeks, was losing its importance year by year. When the result in 1995 fell below 50% ($381.500) compared to 1991 ($873.100), the breeders decided in the spring of 1996 to start talks with Polish Prestige. Negotiations took place against the position of AWRSP, which saw me as the main opponent of its privatization activities. At that time, I wrote a lot and appeared in the media in defense of state studs and herds.

The agreement with Polish Prestige was blocked by one of the Agency's directors, who attended the meeting with a gloomy face.

- "Titanic is sinking, we are changing to a life raft" - cut short director Jaworowski and the authority of the great breeder prevailed. On behalf of the studs, the agreement was signed by Ignacy Jaworowski, Michał Maciejewski (Andrzej Krzyształowicz had already retired), Andrzej Guziuk and Władysław Guziuk. For our part, me and Radosław Wiszniowski. It was a transparent agreement written on one page between partners who had known each other for a long time and had full confidence in each other. In return for an 11% commission, Polish Prestige was responsible for preparing and conducting the auction, settling the transaction and delivering the horses to the buyers. The costs of the auction were settled after the auction between the beneficiaries of the sale, in proportion to the revenues obtained. Polish Prestige participated in covering 11% of the costs. In fact, our share in the costs was greater than 11%, because the basis for customer acquisition was my trips to shows in the USA, Europe or WAHO congresses, financed by our company. Together with the breeders, we set the annual budget of the Festival, including the proceeds from sponsorship, sales of VIP cards, trade stands, tickets, catalogues, car parks, etc.


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Author Marek Grzybowski

Entry updated: 03.08.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):


“Polish breeding of Arabian horses and its successes in the world” (2017) – Krystyna Chmiel

"They created beauty" (2007) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Two centuries of Polish breeding..." (1983) - Witold Pruski

"The Breeding of Purebred Arabian Horses in Poland" [EN](1989) - Roman Pankiewicz


"Top 10 Horses Sold at Auctions 1970-2023" (2023) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Dubious pride, forgotten prestige" (2023) - Marek Grzybowski

"Meanders of the Auction in Janów" (2019) - Marek Grzybowski

"Dąbrowski's Mazurka in the Desert" (2018) - Wiktor Ferfecki

"Another point of view - Arabian horses" (2018) - Jerzy Białobok, Marek Trela, Anna Stojanowska

"The evil of privatization" (2018) - Marek Grzybowski

"Results of the auction in Janów Podlaski" (2017) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Neophytes of capitalism" (2000) - Marek Grzybowski, Radosław Wiszniowski

"Talks about the market" (1996) - Marek Grzybowski

"Sale or sale" (1996) - Marek Grzybowski

"New Dynamics of the Ministry of Agriculture" (1996) - Marek Grzybowski

"Anti-conception" (1993) - Marek Grzybowski

"Keep Herds, Save Tradition" (1993) - Marek Grzybowski

"It's High Time" (1992) - Marek Grzybowski

"Simply Market" (1992) - Marek Grzybowski


"Arabians of the State Stud" [EN] (2000)

"Arabians of the State Stud" [EN] (1999)

"Arabians of the State Stud" [EN] (1998)

"Polish Prestige Auction - Janów 1996" (1996)

"Polish Prestige Catalog" [EN][DE][ES]


"Festival Newspaper" (2000)

"Arabs in Poland" (1999)

"Arabs in Poland" (1998)

"Arabs in Poland" (1996)


"Polish Arabian Summer Festival" (2000)

Related Legends:

Roman Pankiewicz

Siberian, miner, author of many books and publications about Arabian horses. Head of the Albigowa Stud, breeder of the legendary stallion Bask.

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Photos from the Polish Prestige archive /

The history of the first stage in the history of the Arabian horse auction in Janów Podlaski in the years 1970 - 1991 according to Marek Grzybowski.

Contemporary breeding of Arabian horses in Poland is the legacy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which politically and culturally bordered the Orient, and the enormous magnate fortunes enabled the import of the finest stallions and mares.

This thought was the guiding idea for me to promote both the breeding and the Janów auction, which I gave the title "Polish Prestige" at some point.

In order to invite people from the richest circles of this world to the gray and poor country behind the Iron Curtain, it was necessary to convince them that the product offered was second to none, and what's more - it could only be created in Poland thanks to the huge expenditures and uninterrupted work of many generations of Polish breeders .


The export of Arabian horses is a business in Poland almost as old as breeding. The first recorded transaction took place in 1800, when the Great Hetman of the Crown, Count Seweryn Rzewuski, sold the leading stallion of his breeding to the East Prussian Weedern herd. The proud magnate did not hesitate to give his horse his own name, which can be considered an excellent promotional move. A good name usually favors a horse's career, I dedicate this thought to the modern breeders of Relax, Fartów, Gryp and Floder. The stallion Rzewuski did not bring shame to his surname, his daughters were the backbone of the breeding in Weedern.

When today we are trying to win Middle Eastern markets for our breeding, let us remember that already in 1864 the Turkish sultan bought two stallions from the Branicki family in Biała Cerkiew: Inak and Jarzmo, and a group of 90 mares for his royal stud in Istanbul. The power of the Branicki breeding is evidenced by the fact that during 53 years (1818-1870) they sold 2009 horses and gave away 1231 horses as gifts, which was meticulously recorded in their studbooks. Could the contemporary Polish Arabian horse, valued everywhere in the world but almost unknown in its own country, not be an excellent Polish state gift, winning over crowned heads in Arab countries, opening contacts and exporting various Polish products?


Read more... (click to go to the Polish Digital Equestrian Library)

Author PLPJ editors based on the text by Marek Grzybowski - "The Horse and the Polish Matter" (Source: Koń Polski No. 4, 1994)

Entry updated: 02.08.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Top 10 Horses Sold at Auctions 1970-2023" (2023) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Meanders of the Auction in Janów" (2019) - Marek Grzybowski

"Results of the auction in Janów Podlaski" (2019) - Krystyna Chmiel

"Dąbrowski's Mazurka in the Desert" (2018) - Wiktor Ferfecki

“Polish breeding of Arabian horses and its successes in the world” (2017) – Krystyna Chmiel

"Unprecedented" (2017) - Jerzy Milczarek

"They created beauty" (2007) - Krystyna Chmiel

"The Horse and the Polish Case" (1994) - Marek Grzybowski

"Horse and the case of Poland part. II” (1994) – Marek Grzybowski

"Horse and the case of Poland part. III” (1994) – Marek Grzybowski

"It's High Time" (1992) - Marek Grzybowski

"Keep Herds, Save Tradition" (1993) - Marek Grzybowski

"Simply Market" (1992) - Marek Grzybowski

"Anti-conception" (1993) - Marek Grzybowski

"Polish Prestige" [PL][EN](1989)

"The Breeding of Purebred Arabian Horses in Poland" [EN](1989) - Roman Pankiewicz

"Ogier Bandos" (1988) - Andrzej Krzyształowicz

"Poland in America" ​​[EN](1986) - Editorial team

"Reflections after the Polish Ovation Auction" (1985) - Marek Grzybowski

"Polish Ovation" [EN](1985) - Editorial team

"The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

Related Legends:


og. Bandos s. 1964 (Negatiw – Bandola by Witraż), bred by SK Janów Podlaski, sire line Ibrahim db. imp. 1907 to Antonin, female family of Mlecha imp. 1845 to Jarczowce

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Honorary patron: Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland – Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska

Małgorzata Maria Kidawa-Błońska née Grabska – Polish politician and film producer, sociologist by education. Marshal of the Sejm of the 7th term, Marshal of the Senate of the 11th term. Member of the Sejm of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th terms, senator of the 11th term.

Honorary patron: Polish Horse Breeders Association

Polish Horse Breeders Association (PZHK) – is a voluntary and self-governing socio-professional organization representing and defending the rights and interests of horse breeders – members of organizations associated with PZHK, within its area of ​​operation []

Patron: Commune Office in Michałów

Michałów is home to one of the most important Arabian Horse Studs. The world-famous Stud was established in 1953, and the main reason for choosing Michałów as its seat was its characteristic location in a valley with a specific microclimate. The founder of the Stud was Jerzy Jaworowski. []

Guardians: The family of Urszula and Jerzy Białobok

Prominent breeders of Polish Arabian horses. Michałów Stud, during their work, received the Award of the President of the Republic of Poland - Aleksander Kwaśniewski (2001).


I was born on September 20, 1947 in Sieradz. Alina's mother, Helena née Wiśniowska, b. near Zbarazh. Father Ryszard Laufersweiler, a pre-war officer of the KOP, my father was a lecturer at the Officers' School of Signals in Zegrze (...)

Michałów (...). My brothers Krzysztof and Sławek Wiszniowski (my cousin) brought me here on a very frosty December day in 1969. We traveled by train to Kielce and then the road to Michałów. The boss welcomed us warmly (...)

Author: Urszula Białobok

Read Urszula Białobok's personal handwritten memories of her life and work at SK Michałów...

The entire article and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)


He was born on December 17, 1952 in Śrem, Poznań Province. Father Stefan. Mother Emilia née Grabowska. Sisters Hanna and Krystyna. Wife Urszula née Laufersweiler. Son of Emil. A graduate of the Agricultural University in Poznań - zootechnics.


It was 1977. The young breeder Jerzy Białobok was always interested in oriental horses. He was drawn to purebred horses. In order to get to know them, you had to get an internship at Arabian studs. There were only two - Janów Podlaski and Michałów. Engineer Białobok came to the Horse Racing Track in Służewiec. He spoke with directors Andrzej Krzyształowicz and Ignacy Jaworowski. There were enough trainees in Janów Podlaski, Jaworowski said that he could come to Michałów. It was August 15, 1977.


There was no relationship with horses in the Białobok family. Father Stefan was a geneticist. He was interested in forest trees. He graduated from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, and before 1939 he earned his doctorate at the University of Berlin. Grandfather Jan Kanty Białobok worked at the Scientific Institute in Puławy and dealt with trees and shrubs. There is a silver spruce, blue called Białobok, not exceeding two and a half meters in height.

My father, said Jerzy Białobok, worked in science and was a professor of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Institute in Kórnik. So there was some breeding tradition. Working horses in Kórnik were used to work in nurseries on the Kórnik farm. My mother graduated from a gardening school in Poznań and worked in Kórnik. Grandfather on the maternal side, Tadeusz Grabowski, was a professor at the Jagiellonian University, then in Poznań he headed the Department of Romance Studies and dealt with the literature of the Romantic period. I was obsessed with horses.

Author: Witold Duński

The entire article and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 19.02.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Urszula Białobok died on February 28, 2024, at the age of 77.

Anna Malecka

Doctor of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the University of Poznań. She abandoned her scientific career after a few years for horses, and especially for Cierń xx, with whom she came to the equestrian center in Zbrosławice, accompanied by an Olympian from Rome - Marek Roszczynialski. Here she began publishing books translated from German by Marek, such as "Gimnazjum ździeckie".

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Racing News, 1926-1991

The official authority for horse racing issued by the Society for the Encouragement of Horse Breeding in Poland, pursuant to the provisions of the "Racing Rules" established by the Minister of Agriculture.

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Michałów Horse Stud

It was founded in 1953. It took over the horses from the stud in Klemensów, near Zamość, which was liquidated at the same time. Together with the horses, a breeder, Mr. Ignacy Jaworowski, was transferred to Michałów, later its director for many years.

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Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):


"A photographic essay for the upcoming 70th anniversary of Michałów Stud" (2022) - Mariusz Wideryński

"KWESTURA - 'The Best'" (2020) - Urszula and Jerzy Białobokowie

"And the immortals must go" (2015) - Jerzy Białobok

"The Michałów State Stud 1953-2013, part II" (2014) - Urszula Białobok

"The Michałów State Stud 1953-2013, part I" (2013) - Urszula Białobok

"Ignacy Jaworowski" (2014) - Jerzy Białobok

"Distinguished Horse Breeders" (2014)

"My Way - A Conversation with Jerzy Białobok" (2013) - Anette Mattson

"Jerzy Białobok" (2012) - Witold Danish

"Persian eye pt. VI” (2011) – Jerzy Białobok

"Persian eye pt. V” (2009) – Jerzy Białobok

"Persian eye pt. IV” (2009) – Jerzy Białobok

"My way to horses" (2008) - Urszula Białobok

"Persian eye pt. III” (2007) – Jerzy Białobok

"Urszula and Jerzy Białobok in Tomasz Jurga's photography" (2007) - Tomasz Jurga

"Fawor 1981-2005" (2006) - Urszula Białobok

"Persian eye pt. II” (2006) – Jerzy Białobok

"Persian eye pt. I” (2006) – Jerzy Białobok

"The Great Breeder Has Gone" (2004) - Urszula Białobok, Jerzy Białobok

"Mike Nichols' travels to Michałów" (2002) - Anna Stojanowska

"Michael's Championship" (1994) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"Impressions from the Arabian horse farm and the auction in Tiersk" (1982) - Izabella Zawadzka, Jerzy Białobok

"The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

"Michael's Stallions" - Urszula Białobok

“Michałów Stud” – editorial team


"The company is the most important" [link] (2009) - Monika Luft

"The Power of success - Michałów Stud" [link][EN] - Urszula Leczycka

"The Power of success - Michałów Stud" [link][FR] - Urszula Leczycka


Remembrance of predecessors (2018) | MOVIE

source: Brochure Ponidzie - Municipality of Michałów

See related articles:

EKSTERN (Monogramm – Ernestyna)

This is one of the stallions that are said to be "epoch-making". Epoch-making was his father Monogramm and his ancestors, including Ofir and the progenitor of the family brought from the desert - Kuhailan Haifi Father of champions and champions, as well as distinguished mothers in breeding. His daughter Pepita was sold at an auction in Janów for one million four hundred thousand...

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A highly regarded, world-class authority in the field of Arabian horse breeding. Together with Alina Sobieszak, she created Araby Magazine.


Born in 1937 in Warsaw.

This is how Alina Sobieszak recalls Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzkie:

"6 years ago, on March 27, 2015, Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka died, but she has not left us - we remember her often, recall her statements and articles, we often publish photos of her with her beloved Arabian horses and friends, many of whom she had around the world world.

I had the honor and pleasure to work with Mrs. Iza during my work at Animex, and later, when her dream came true and led to the publication of a magazine devoted to Arabian horses - in 2006, the quarterly "Araby" appeared on the market (since 2012 under a new title "Arab Magazine").

My first memory: Mid 80s – my first Arabian horse auction in Janów Podlaski. It goes on fast, Marek Grzybowski, who is leading it, every now and then gives a higher, auctioned amount and .... when I think he's about to tap the hammer "Sold!" – silence falls and a warm voice begins the story about the presented mare – it is a story about beauty, pride, bravery…”


Read more... (click to go to the Polish Digital Equestrian Library)

Author: Alina Sobieszak

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library

Entry updated: 19.11.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka she died on March 27, 2015, at the age of 78.
She was buried at the Bródnowski Cemetery in Warsaw.

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Memories of Mrs. Iza" (2020) - Alina Sobieszak

"And the immortals must go" (2015) - Jerzy Białobok

"Conjured horses" (2013) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"Wreath of Fame, Servant of the Sign" (2012) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"Pianissima and the rest of the world" (2008) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

“Pianissima and the Rest of the World” (Araby Magazine) (2008) – Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"Pianissima and the rest of the world" [EN] (2008) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"Michael's Championship" (1994) - Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

"Impressions from the Arabian horse farm and the auction in Tiersk" (1982) - Izabella Zawadzka, Jerzy Białobok

“50th Jubilee Horse Auction in Książ” (1974) – Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka

ARABY MAGAZINE NO. – 2 – 2015 (10) – a special issue entirely devoted to Mrs. Izabella Pawelec Zawadzka

Related Legends:

Michałów Horse Stud

It was founded in 1953. It took over the horses from the stud in Klemensów, near Zamość, which was liquidated at the same time. Together with the horses, a breeder, Mr. Ignacy Jaworowski, was transferred to Michałów, later its director for many years.

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Mares Championship in Aachen (1999). In 2000 - European Championships, in Polish colors - World Championships 2007. Sold for 1 EUR

Kwestura (Monogramm – Kwesta/Pesennik) was born on February 10, 1995 and already as a small foal attracted attention. She was very pretty, exceptionally kind and trusting, clinging to people. In the stable, she greeted us with a low neigh, hoping for a treat, a sugar cube or a piece of apple.


The fame that Kwestura gained in Paris prompted us to put the mare on the Pride of Poland auction in 2008.

Kwestura was led to the ring by Mariusz Liśkiewicz - the mare looked great being at the top of her form. She gave a wonderful spectacle, danced floating above the ground and delighted everyone.

The auction was exciting and the happy buyer was Ajman Stud from the United Arab Emirates, paying a record amount of EUR 1 for the mare.

Only in 2015 this record was broken by Pepita, Ekstern's daughter. Kwestura provided the parent stud with a great training center - a spacious hall and two stables with a total of 60 stalls. We call it the “Kwestury Centre”.

Author of the entry: Urszula and Jerzy Białobokowie (read more - click)

photo: Stuart Vesty, from the collection of Urszula and Jerzy Białobok

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 22.08.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

“Top 10 Horses Sold at Auctions 1970” (2023) – Krystyna Chmiel

"Kwestura - 'The Best'" (2020) - Urszula and Jerzy Białobokowie

"Urszula and Jerzy Białobok in Tomasz Jurga's photography" (2007) - Tomasz Jurg

"The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

Related Legends:

Michałów Horse Stud

It was founded in 1953. It took over the horses from the stud in Klemensów, near Zamość, which was liquidated at the same time. Together with the horses, a breeder, Mr. Ignacy Jaworowski, was transferred to Michałów, later its director for many years.

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Winner of the European and World Championships in 1981. Director Andrzej Krzyształowicz burst into tears when he heard the Polish national anthem played in her honor in Paris. Bought by fashion designer Paulo Gucci - she left five daughters in Poland.

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og. Bandos s. 1964 (Negatiw – Bandola by Witraż), bred by SK Janów Podlaski, sire line Ibrahim db. imp. 1907 to Antonin, female family of Mlecha imp. 1845 to Jarczowce

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Perfinka (Esparto-Perfirka/Gazal Al Shaqab) with the American Golden Triple Crown. He is the third Polish horse to win this prestigious title. After Janów's Pogrom and Michałów's Wieża Mocy, the time has come for Perfinka z Białka.

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The first in Poland and Europe auction for Arabian horses was organized by the Breeding Association of Breeding Animals, the Animex Foreign Trade Center and the Association of Breeding Animals at the Janów Podlaski Stud on June 5, 1970.

43 horses bred at Janów Podlaski and Michałów studs were presented at the auction, including 18 stallions, 15 mares 3 years old and older, 7 mares 2 years old and 3 yearling fillies.

Stallions were shown in three categories. Five stallions (Espartero, Gazda, Ariel, Kumys, Cebion), prepared at PSO Kwidzyn by Eng. Andrzej Orłoś, was presented in the typically American Park Horse and English Pleasure competitions, and then in the Friday team, brilliantly led by their trainer himself.

The stallions Pentagon, Elfur, Złotnik, Dambor, Doman and Litawor, trained at the Race Track in Warsaw, were a group of horses prepared for flat races. (…)

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Author: editor of the magazine Koń Polski

Entry updated: 09.08.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Unprecedented" (2017) - Jerzy Milczarek

"First Arabian Horse Auction" (1970) - Editor's own article of the "Koń Polski" magazine

Related Legends:

Andrzej Orlos

Olympian. Polish Champion in Dressage, Jumping and Eventing. Breeder. Team coach
national in show jumping and Olympic in eventing. Mentor and first trainer (next to Wanda
Wąsowska) of the MP medalist in eventing Artur Bober.

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BASK (Stained Glass - Balalaika)

Born in 1956 in Albigowa, one of the most famous Polish purebred horses in the world. Sold in 1961 to the USA to Lasma Arabians Stud, he created "a new standard of the Arabian breed" in America. Today, 90% of purebred horses born in the USA have Bask blood in their pedigree.

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Five Arabian stallions led by their trainer - Eng. A. Orłoś; drawbars: left - Kumys (Negatiw - Cumparsita), right - Ariel (Sędziwój - Arfa), reins: left - Cebion, middle - Espertero, right - Gazda. Photo: Zofia Raczkowska
Og. Cebion (Negtiw – Celia) presented by Eng. Andrzej Orłoś, according to the accepted principles of showing horses in America. Photo: Zofia Raczkowska
Og. Bajdak (Comet – Bajdara) bred by Stadniny Koni in Janów Podlaski, purchased to the USA for PLN 30. dollars. Photo: Zofia Raczkowska

Permanently associated with the post-war history of rebuilding Arabian horse breeding in Poland and the successes of Michałów Stud.

Ignacy Jaworowski was born on January 14, 1924 in Wrońska in the district of Płońsk in Mazovia.


The person of Ignacy Jaworowski is permanently connected with the post-war history of rebuilding Arabian horse breeding in Poland and its wonderful development in the last 60 years. Jaworowski devoted almost his entire life to Arabian horses. He died at the age of 80, of which he worked 49 years in breeding. Half a century is a long time, especially since he lived in very difficult times, which were many times better for horses than for people managing their breeding.

Ignacy Jaworowski was born into a landowning family. His father, grandfather and uncle bred horses in the Anglo-Arabian type and they were the first to teach him horse breeding.

Currently, in the family estate of the Jaworowskis, i.e. in Wrońska, there is an Arabian Horse Stud - Polska AKF sp. z o. o. Wrońska now belongs to Sheikh Khaled Bin Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz from Saudi Arabia. There are about 20 mares in the stable, and there is a commemorative plaque on the building, informing that Ignacy Jaworowski, the founder of the Michałów Stud, was born in Wrońska.


Read more... (click to go to the Polish Digital Equestrian Library)

Author: Jerzy Białobok

Below you will find links to related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library.

Entry updated: 05.06.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Ignacy Jaworowski died in Michałów on September 18, 2004, aged 80.

He was buried in the Parish Cemetery in Michałów (a characteristic grave at the end of the cemetery, made of the same stone as the Michałów stables).

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"A photographic essay for the upcoming 70th anniversary of Michałów Stud" (2022) - Mariusz Wideryński

"Memories from Michałów" [link] (2020) - Marek Grzybowski

"Mr. Jaworowski" [link] (2016) - Marek Grzybowski

"Ignacy Jaworowski" (2014) - Jerzy Białobok

"The Great Breeder Has Gone" (2004) - Urszula Białobok, Jerzy Białobok

"The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

"Michałów Horse Stud" [EN]

“Michałów Stud” – editorial team

Polish Horse Breeders Association

The purpose of PZHK is, among others: representing the interests and protecting the rights of horse breeders, supervision and control over organizational and substantive matters of the Associations and Sections, and improving horse breeding and breeding.

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EKSTERN (Monogramm – Ernestyna)

This is one of the stallions that are said to be "epoch-making". Epoch-making was his father Monogramm and his ancestors, including Ofir and the progenitor of the family brought from the desert - Kuhailan Haifi Father of champions and champions, as well as distinguished mothers in breeding. His daughter Pepita was sold at an auction in Janów for one million four hundred thousand...

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Roman Pankiewicz

Siberian, miner, author of many books and publications about Arabian horses. Head of the Albigowa Stud, breeder of the legendary stallion Bask.

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This is one of the stallions that are said to be "epoch-making". Epoch-making was his father Monogramm and his ancestors, including Ofir and the progenitor of the family brought from the desert - Kuhailan Haifi Father of champions and champions, as well as distinguished mothers in breeding. His daughter Pepita was sold at an auction in Janów for one million four hundred thousand euros.

EKSTERN (oo) gray stallion (Monogramm – Ernestyna/Piechur), born 1994, bred by Michałów Stud
Male line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. 1923, bred by Khalef el Aouad, imp. 1931 Gumniska (PL)
Dam line: Milordka ~1810, bred by Sławuta (PL)


Winner of the most serious domestic and foreign shows. Three-crowned Champion of: Europe, Nations Cup and World. His offspring enjoy unflagging success at shows.

2000 | World Championship – Senior Champion Stallion;
2000 | European Championships – Stallion Champion;
2008 | WAHO Award;

The year 2015 – the sale of Pepita – daughter of Ekstern, will be considered one of the highest in the history of this breed (EUR 1.450.000).

Ekstern is one of the stallions that are said to be "epoch-making". Epoch-making was his father Monogramm and his ancestors, including Ofir and the progenitor of the family brought from the desert - Kuhailan Haifi Father of champions and champions, as well as distinguished mothers in breeding. His daughter Pepita was sold at an auction in Janów for one million four hundred thousand euros.

Author: Jerzy Dudała

Entry updated: 22.08.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

Ekstern - a short story of an unusual horse (2020) - Jerzy Dudała

"An attempt to list the most famous stallions..." (2019) – A. Albera-Łojek...

"The first championship of pure-bred Arabian horses and the 1979th auction in Janów Podlaski" (XNUMX) – Antoni Święcki

"The most important victories of Michałów's purebred horses" [link]

Related Legends:

Michałów Horse Stud

It was founded in 1953. It took over the horses from the stud in Klemensów, near Zamość, which was liquidated at the same time. Together with the horses, a breeder, Mr. Ignacy Jaworowski, was transferred to Michałów, later its director for many years.

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