Art visionary. Painter. A graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Krakow and Munich. Author of such works as: "Olszynka Grochowska Charge of the 5th Regiment of Zamoyski Lancers", "With a telegram" or "Rest of an Uhlan".


Co-creator of Panorama Racławicka - Wojciech Kossak, was born in Paris on New Year's Eve 1856.

After his godfather - Horace Vernet, the author of The Death of Prince Józef Poniatowski and the Battle of Somosierra, Wojciech received a second name, and perhaps this fact influenced his passion for painting and Paris, although life bound him forever with Krakow.


And that was where Wojciech Kossak's painting had its beginning, where society was hungry for pictures with historical content, glorification of the old Polish army, sustaining the spirit of independence and longing for a uniform.

”He was, like his father, a battle painter, the creator of panoramas and large-format compositions depicting war episodes not only from Polish history, but also from French or German history, avoiding subjects glorifying the army, especially the Prussian invader, and at the same time - Polish defeats. He created many portraits, most often representative images of European society or aristocracy. He willingly portrayed himself, but he did not look for knowledge about himself or personality traits by studying his face. He most often treated the self-portrait as an opportunity to present himself with dignity.

Wojciech Kossak painted every day, from his early teenage years, first under the watchful eye of his father - in Krakow, then during many years of education at the Munich Academy and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. It was not easy for a young, ambitious painter from Poland to become known in Paris. (…)

The entire article and other sources can be found in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (click)

Author: Iwona Strzelewicz-Ziemiańska

Entry updated: 19.01.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Wojciech Kossak died in Krakow on July 29, 1942, at the age of 86. He is buried at the Rakowicki Cemetery in Kraków (section XIIB-north-on the left).

Publications in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library:

Click on the links below to access related materials in the Polish Digital Equestrian Library (will open in a new tab):

"Wojciech Kossak in America" ​​(2022) - Katarzyna Łomnicka

"How the Polski Fiat advertising poster became a work of art" [link] (2021) - Article by the Legalna Kultura Foundation

"About two people like Racławice..." (2021) - I. Strzelewicz-Ziemiańska

"The Kossak Factory..." (2021) - S. Krzysztofowicz-Kozakowska

"Kossaks; The Kossaks” [PL+EN] (2016) – Collective work

"Kossakowie" [PL, EN] (2015) - S. Krzyształowicz-Kozakowska

"Kossakowie" (2005) - S. Krzyształowicz-Kozakowska

"Kossakowie" (2001) - S. Krzyształowicz-Kozakowska

"The Uncommon Kossak Family" (2000) - Editorial team

"Kossakowie" (1986) - Editorial team

"The Art of the Kossak Dynasty" (1986) - Stanisław Ledóchowski

"Wojciech Kossak" (1982) - Kazimierz Olszański

"Memories" (1918) - Wojciech Kossak

"Wojciech Kossak - the king of life" [link] - Beata Stragierowicz

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